Institut za boje „Panton“ za 2025. bira nijansu moka mus, poznatu, udobnu, onu koja greje, ali i prožima bogatstvom ONA ĆE NAS UTEŠITI DIV- NIM MISLIMA O ČOKOLADI i kafi, ispunjavajući našu želju za udobnošću, kaže „Panton“. Pod- staknuta potrebom za svakodnev- nim zadovoljstvima, boja koja je izabrana za 2025.godinu odražava svojevrsno promišljeno uživanje. – Moka mus je sofisticiran i bu- jan, ali u isto vreme nepretencio- zan klasik, proširuje percepciju o smeđem, od skromnosti i uteme- ljenosti do prihvatanja luksuznog – objašnjava Leatris Ejseman, iz- vršna direktorka Instituta za bo- je „Panton“. Sofisticiranom, zemljanom ele- gancijom, moka mus može da stoji samostalno ili da služi kao svestra- na podloga, poboljšavajući širok spektar paleta – od minimalistič- kog do izuzetno detaljnog dizajna. Uz suptilnu eleganciju i čulno bo- gatstvo, ova boja daje snagu da kre- irate trenutke luksuza koji mogu biti intimni po obimu, ali pružaju oseć aj uživanja tokom celog dana. Što se Instituta „Panton“ tiče, oni svake godine odgovaraju na pi- tanje – kada bi naredna godina bila boja, koja bi bila? Birajući tu boju, oni se trude da to bude ona koja odražava globalni duh vremena – opšte raspoloženje i stav, izražava- juć i kolektivne težnje u vidu jedne, tačno određene nijanse.
The Pantone Color Institute has selected mocha mousse as its colour of the year for 2025, representing a well-known, comforting hue that’s warming and imbued with richness NURTURING US WITH THE SUGGESTION OF THE DELECTA- BLE QUALITIES OF CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE , this colour responds to our desire for comfort, says Pan- tene. Underpinned by our desire for every day pleasures, the colour se- lected for 2025 expresses a level of thoughtful indulgence. “Mocha mousse is sophisticated
and lush, yet at the same time an un- pretentious classic… it extends our perceptions of the browns from be- ing humble and grounded to embrace aspirational and luxe,” explains Pan- tone Color Institute Executive Direc- tor Leatrice Eiseman. With a sophisticated, earthy el- egance, Mocha Mousse can stand alone or serve as a versatile founda- tion, enhancing a wide range of pal- ettes – from minimalist to ornately detailed designs. With subtle elegance and sensual richness, this shade pro- vides the strength to create moments of luxury that may be intimate in scope, but that provide a sense of en- joyment throughout the day. When it comes to the Pantone Institute itself, it each year tries to answer the question of what the year ahead would be if it was a colour. In selecting a specific colour, Pantone endeavours to choose one that re- flects the global zeitgeist – express- ing the general mood and attitude, reflecting the collective desire in the form of a single, distinct hue.
Tekst / Words: Vanja Filipović Fotografije / Photography:
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