Elevate January 2025 | Air Serbia

Ko je Mihailo „Skiboardcast“ je prvi i jedini regionalni ski-podkast, osmišljen sa željom da skijamo i vozimo bord čak i ka- da nema snega. Idejni tvorci cele priče su Mihailo Ilić, dugogodišnji skijaš, takmičar, trener, instruktor i ve- liki zaljubljenik u bele staze, i Nina Micić, prva srpska olimpijka u snoubordu. Uz podršku drugara i Skijaškog Saveza Srbije po- dkast je zaživeo 2023. godine, od kada je ugostio brojne šampione belog sporta, poznate glumce, pe- vače, sve one koji vole sneg i zdrav život. Na Jutjub kanalu „Skiboardcast“ gledaoci i slušaoci mogu da dobiju razne informacije, zabavne i edukativne pri- če, kao i sportske vesti koje priprema jedan od najve- ćih poznavalaca belih sportova na ovim prostorima, a ujedno i komentator skijanja i kros-kantrija na „Eu- rosportu“, Igor Jagličić.

dieval monasteries, but also trails that lead you to uncover all of this secret beauty. However, although I’ve chosen Tara and Mokra Gora, that doesn’t imply anything spe- cial - given that you can find ideal surroundings for an excellent hol- iday, in peace and tranquillity, on literally every Serbian mountain... Respect the mountain In conclusion, never forget what is perhaps the most impor- tant thing: to respect the moun- tain. Someone respected it before you and that’s why you’re able to enjoy it. Let your respect for na- ture ensure it remains for those who come after us. That’s the basic re- quirement, and on top of that come a lot of skiing and human rules. One of the most important is to use bins for your waste, and not a stream, fir tree or meadow... It is

important that you never embark on “exploratory” hikes through the mountains on your own, and that your nearest and dearest know ex- actly where you are and your plans. Those wanting to learn and find out more will see clearly marked notic- es in every ski centre on the rules of conduct and safety on the slopes and on the mountains in general. If you stick to them, you will keep yourself and everyone around you safe. Never overestimate yourself in nature, because she is always strong- er and crueller. You are a guest, so respect her. P.S. It would be a sin not to empha- sise the tissue that connects all of these destinations that we’ve dis- cussed and fantasised about a lit- tle. And that is the gastronomy, or paradise for the tastebuds. The food in every place in Serbia is special and delicious. You are sure to enjoy yourself - just allow yourself to be guided by local recommendations. Let food motivate you to hike even longer and faster, so you don’t have to count the calories.

WHO IS MIHAILO? Skiboardcast is the region’s first and only ski podcast, created through a desire to ski and board even when there’s no snow. The concept creators of the whole sto- ry are Mihailo Ilić, an experienced ski competitor, coach, instructor and great lover of white slopes, and Nina Micić, Serbia’s first Olympic snowboarder. With the support of friends, but also the Ski Associa- tion of Serbia, this podcast came to life in 2023 and has since hosted numerous winter sports champi- ons, but also famous actors and singers who love snow and healthy lifestyles. The Skiboardcast YouTube chan- nel provides viewers and listeners with all sorts of infor- mation, as well as entertaining and educational stories, and even sports news prepared by Igor Jagličić, one of the region’s top winter sports connoisseurs and a sports journalist and Eurosport TV Alpine skiing commentator.

Neka vaše poštovanje prirode učini da ona ostane netaknuta onima koji dolaze posle vas May your respect for nature ensure it remains pristine for those who come after you

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