St George's Weybridge Bursary Fund Information



A Georgian Future

In 2019, the 150th year since its founding, St George’s launched its first ever Bursary Appeal to raise funds to enable more students to access a Georgian education. The appeal, ‘A Georgian Future,’ is ongoing and aims to fund 20 additional places by 2025. From September 2022, SGW will be supporting 63 bursaries, 52 of which will be Transformational Bursaries (100% funded + extras). The full cost of a place is £22,680 per year from September 2022, or £160,000 to fund one student through the College). Four Transformational Bursaries have been funded by donations and pledge commitments made in the first part of the appeal. This will take our overall bursary spending to over £1m per annum, something of which we can all rightly be proud, as very tangible evidence of St George’s, as a charity, acting for the Public Benefit. In the medium and long-term, it is the school’s aim to start an endowment fund which, over time, will grow to a level where places can be funded in perpetuity. We very much hope that the newly launched ‘Tradition and Transformation’ Legacy Appeal will help to play a key role in building this fund, alongside school investments. However, demand for bursaries at St George’s continues to grow, and to meet our immediate target of 20 new places, St George’s Weybridge must receive funds or pledges totalling £3.6m.

As of September 2022, SGW will be supporting 63 bursaries in total,

52 of which will be fully funded Transformational Places (100%)

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