St George's Weybridge Bursary Fund Information


Hear from Isobel , a current bursary recipient

My time at St George’s has had the most positive impact on my life than just about anything else. I can say with total sincerity that St George’s is responsible for the shape of my life as it is today. From the encouragement I received from the teachers to study abroad to the wonderful gro up of friends I made, there is not a day that goes by where I don’t see and appreciate the effect St. George’s has had on my life.

Listen to current students and Old Georgians talk about their Georgian experiences

Cillian (OG ’16)


I am so glad for the opportunity I was given at St George’s which was only made possible through the Bursary Fund. I have always been supported to do my best and will forever be thankful for the opportunity given to me by St George’s.

I donated to the Bursary Fund because we feel so fortunate to have found St Georges for our children and want other families to have the opportunity to be part of the St George’s Family. I feel a positive and caring education is the best possible start for a child to view the future as an exciting opportunity to make a positive mark in, and any contribution to helping more children benefit from this at St Georges is so worthwhile

Cydney (OG ’21)

Sarah Cole, Donor

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