YOGA. Yoga provides relaxing physical activity all year long and can easily be done in your bedroom, living room or just about anywhere in the house. You can even use yoga first thing in the morning to wake up slowly and get your body warmed up for the day. RUNNING ALTERNATIVES. Ifyou lovecardio,youprobablydon’t want to give up that runner’s high, but you might not want to venture out into frosty conditions either. Get your heart pumping indoors with cardio exercises you can do at home, such as:
• Climbing stairs • Jumping jacks • Mountain climbers • Burpees
• Jump rope • High knees
You can keep exercising while social distancing. It might take you a few tries to find an indoor workout you love, but don’t give up; you and your family might just find your new favorite activity. Indoor exercises are also a great way to keep kids active if they are home from school.
1. Get quality sleep. Qualitysleep isvital toourbodies’ recoveryprocesses and will help boost immunity if you get into REM state several times a night. 2. Limit screen time before bed. Shut off yourTV, tablet, computer, and/ or smartphone at least 30 minutes before bedtime. This allows your brain and nervous system to begin the process to prepare for sleep. The less blue light exposure you get, the easier it will be to fall asleep and get quality sleep. It will also reduce anxiety if you’re not glued to news feeds and social media updates right before bed. 3. Meditate. Many people believe meditating requires years of practice, but that’s really not true. Meditating can be as simple as closing your eyes and counting your inhales and exhales. Even doing this 10 times can help calm your nervous system and re-focus your mind.Try to also recognize the good things that are going on in your life and think about them as you breathe in. 4. Exercise. It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise. Walk, ride a bike, do an at-home workout. Anything that gets your heart rate up for at least a few minutes a day can be helpful. This has been shown countless times to reduce stress and boost immunity and overall health. 5. Eat more plants. Adiet rich inplantshasbeenshown toboost immunity in multiple research studies as well. Try to put as many different colors on your plate as possible. Replace processed foods and desserts with fruit or nuts. 6. Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water or electrolyte-fortified beverages withoutaddedsugars.Thiswillalsohelpwith immunityandoverallhealth.
7. Talk to friends and family over the phone or face-time. Keeping in contact with loved ones will help you to talk through things and remind you that you have a support system, even if you can’t physically be with one another for a few weeks. 8. Wash your hands and wipe down surfaces that you or anyone in your household come into regular contact with. Getting into these habits and making them part of your routine should help reduce the anxiety you may be feeling about germs spreading.
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