THEHEWS lowship, of which Mr. and Mrs. War ren A. Ranney are the directors, shows a remarkable permanency in this important work among the chil dren of this area. Although this work is conducted almost wholly on a voluntary basis, there are nearly one thousand different classes held each week, with a total enrollment of thirty thousand children. The most wonderful thing about it is that more than ten thousand decisions, for Christ have been reported. We con sider child conversions important, for it has been demonstrated over and over again that, for the most part, they are lasting. More than that, figures are available which prove conclusively that a goodly per cent of outstanding Christian leaders in the world today are those who re ceived Christ as their Saviour at a very early age. The Child Evange lism movement is one of the encour aging signs of the hand of God at work in the world today. Madam Blavatsky J* Time describes her: “A massive mountain of a woman, with crinkly brown hair, wide eyes, and billowing chins. She lumbered among her dis ciples in a dirty wrapper, fumbling endlessly in the tobacco pouch from which she rolled her cigarets. Again and again she was caught red- handed in chicaneries that would have made a carnival grifter blush.” The reference, of course, is to Elena Petrovna Hahn Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, and source of inspiration for various other oc cult and semi-religious groups. Time was reviewing a recent biography which apparently had told the truth fearlessly. That this woman was in the front ranks of religious racketeers there is not the slightest doubt. In great contrast with such revelations of man or woman-made religions is the fourfold Gospel account of the spotless life, deeds and words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the true Church He brought into being. The question may again be .asked: “Which of you convinceth me of sin?” The Sinless Son of God was the only One who ever lived on earth worthy and capable of founding a religion.
Growing J t The latest population estimate for Southern California is 5,243,000, a gain of more than 31 per cent over the 1940 census. There is no question but that there has been a phenom enal increase in the Sunny South land, but along with it is a deplor able lack of adequate church and Sunday school facilities for the in coming thousands. A side light on this very problem is the report from the Practical Work Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to the effect that two calls to one for teach ers have to be turned down because there are not enough Bible students to go around. Revival The truth that “Nothing is im possible with God” is again demon strated by a thrilling city-wide re vival in Montreal, Canada. Sixty-four pastors of that city joined in an evangelistic movement, which is said to be the most aggressive Gospel effort since the days of D. L. Moody. In spite of great opposition, there has been a mighty awakening, with about one thousand souls’ finding the Lord in the meetings. The revival is “catching fire” across the land; even the Protestant minority in Que bec is engaging in regular prayer for a revival there. Needed J* There is no doubt but that, relig iously speaking, this is a day of con fusion. Many false cults dress in what appear to be the garments of righteousness, making it very diffi cult for the Scripturally unlearned to differentiate between the false and the true. Recently there has come to our desk a folder describing a spe cialized ministry: to assist in distin guishing the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error. This service will be available to anyone desiring infor mation regarding any religion. This is greatly needed today, particularly in the matter of supplying suitable literature. Disgrace «¿8 The contrast between the annual expenditure of thirteen billion dol lars for beauty and barber shops,
tobacco and alcoholic beverages in America, and the two billion dollars expended upon our elementary and secondary schools, is held to be a national disgrace by Chari Ormond Williams of the National Education Association. The contrast is further emphasized when the difference is shown between funds spent on pleas ure and selfish interests and those invested for good and for God. There is no question about the destiny of any nation that continues in this course. Live for self, and the national existence is shortened ; liv e for others, and the nation endures. The Word of God has expressed it per fectly: “Righteousness exalteth a na tion: but sin is a reproach to any people." Questionnaire & The National Association of Evangelicals prepared and sent to every radio station in the country a questionnaire, in which an evalua tion of eight common complaints against religious broadcasts was re quested. The results were as follows: Poor programming................. 73.5% Poor music______ _________ .66i3 Competition with other religious groups ................. 48.5 Suspicion and racketeering....46.-5 Failure to appear...................45.5 Ranting against other religious groups...... ............45.0 Unhelpful message ............... 37.1 Poor co-operation with station ..... ......... ................. 32.1 Too long there has been a lack of understanding between religious broadcasters and the radio stations, for which both sides have been to blame. Religious broadcasters could expend profitably some time and energy in paving the way for better dealings with radio stations. Radio is here to stay, and it presents the best means of reaching the largest number with the Gospel. Always there will be problems, but for many of them there are solutions, if one takes the trouble to seek them. Efficient A recent report from the South ern California Child Evangelism Fel
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