Olive Mary Stewart
T HE WORLD is a beautiful place, even in wintertime. Joan and I went for an outing ordinary sidewalk doesn’t sound very interesting, does it? But Joan and I had the most exciting time. Joan is just six years old, you see. She’s mostly a pair of twinkling blue eyes and a curious little mind, so we
worked very hard and carefully, but our leaves were not a bit like the one Joan had found. “I guess only God can make leaf lace,” said Joan, as she threw down her work. We walked on together, or rather Joan tried to walk — it was really more of a hop, skip, and jump. “ I suppose,” said Joan, suddenly
“It’s just like lace,” cried Joan ex citedly. “ I didn’t know God could make lace.” “Let’s try to make one like that,” I said. We looked around a large poplar tree and discovered two big brown leaves. We poked out little pieces and pulled the tiny veins, and tried to make the brown leaves into lace. We
the other day along the sidewalk. An
were all set to f i nd s ome thing new. W e hadn’t walked more than a dozen steps when we discovered a beaut i f ul tiny leaf. I suppose any- o n e e l s e woul d have s t e p p e d on top of it and g o n e p a s t wi thout no ticing it. B u t n o t J o a n ! She had found a lovely wi t h ered poplar leaf. There wa s nothing left but the threa d- l i ke veins and the slender stem. It was so del icate that she had to put it in the palm of my hand or it woul d have broken to pieces.
l o o k i n g t h o u g h t ful, “ there are lots and lots of things that only God can make.” I looked at th e g r e a t trees around m e , t h e i r b r a n c h e s ready to burst into new life; at the green g r a s s still w e t w i t h pearl y rain drops; at the s u n l i g h t b r e a k i n g through the gray cl ouds a b o v e i n s h a f t s o f g o l d , and . then at the tiny, lacy leaf I carried in my hand, and I knew Joan w a s r i gh t . Wh a t Go d m a k e s i s real l y won derful!
HODeris iven a banner to them that fear [love] thee'
Photo by 11. Armstrong “Thou hast g
( Pia. 60:4).
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