King's Business - 1947-02

FromDarknesstoLight A gripping, thought-provoking personal testimony M Y MOTHER and father were writers, my father also being a newspaper reporter and columnist. When I was an in­ fant, they traveled throughout the Orient, taking me with them. Up until her marriage, my mother had been a member and regular at­ tendant of a fashionable Protestant church. From the little I have been able to learn of our lives during this time, I am sure my parents never went to church. My mother returned to the States, and we never saw my father again. I was sent to live with my mother’s sister. She and her husband taught in various schools throughout the state. They had several college de­ grees, and were well-known educa­ tors. My uncle served a term in the state legislature, and they were both very prominent and active in com­ munity life, belonging to various lodges and honorary clubs. Their life was beyond reproach as far as the world was concerned. We attended a church; I have two of my Sunday school notebooks filled with the leaf­ lets we colored with crayons. But the Lord Jesus is not mentioned in one, and very casually in the other. My uncle gave me a book of Bible stories which I read along with other books from his well-stocked library, includ­ ing Shakespeare, writings of a high­ ly adult character for a tender age. We never spoke of the things of the Lord. Nothing in the home was ever referred to Him; I never saw anyone pray. During my high school years, I lived with my mother and stepfather. My mother had waited the seven years required by law for an absent marriage partner to be declared dead. This made things difficult for her in her former church because she had no actual proof of my fath­ er’s death. Hurt and bitter, she took up different “ religions” which were merely cults and isms, some of them of a mystic nature. I don’t know what belief my stepfather had. He is a brilliant chemist (now occupy­ ing the presidency of a national chemists’ organization), and speaks several languages, among them Greek which he writes and reads. He is a member of an old and promi­ nent Eastern family. My mother became quite well known as a so­ cialite, entertaining extensively. We gave up going to church altogether. (Continued on next page} FEBRUARY, 1947

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For the word of God. and for the testimony of Jesus Christ

j&tabtr&hxp The great touchstone of Christian truth is its tendency to promote holiness o f life. So F aith Theological Seminary places constant emphasis upon evan­ gelism, missionary interest, the separated life, prayer, and dependence upon God. These interests pervade the class room, the prayer meetings and chapel services, and the practical Christian work which the students carry on under faculty direction. The Seminary is endorsed by the Bible Presbyterian Church, and seeks to train men who shall serve the Lord wherever He shall call them to labor. Graduates already prepared at F aith are active in many fields of usefulness in this country and abroad, including missionary ministry in four continents. Fourteen have entered the chaplaincy, one having given his life on the field o f battle. For further details o f the work o f the Seminary, please correspond direct with The Registrar, 1303-K Delaware Avenue, Wilmington 19, Delaware. K 247

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