King's Business - 1947-02

There is no substitute in the Chris­ tian life for prayer and Bible study. * i You cannot grow spiritually with­ out regular private devotions. Have you spoken to anyone about his need of Christ today? THE BIBLE Within this awful volume lies The mystery of mysteries. Happiest they of the human race To whom God has granted grace To read, to fear, to hope, to pray. To lift the latch and force the way. And better had they ne'er been bom Who read to doubt, or read to scorn. —Sir Walter Scott MSPEL SONGS, IIC • In 18, Mahrn», I. Y. introduces LOW VOICE MELODIES NO. 1 Compiled by NOWM CUUOK 35c

FROM D ARKN ESS TO LIGHT (Continued from previous page) thing of all that God has done is the way He has led and taught and strengthened me In prayer. I praise Him, indeed, for keeping His promise to those who love and trust and obey Him. Although I grieve over the wasted, sinful years of my life, I rejoice in the forgiving love of my Saviour Jesus Christ. I remember the woman mentioned in the Scriptures, a great sinner, who knelt and washed the feet of Jesus with her tears. Jesus said of her: "Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” I know that I was once spiritually dead, although I had everything the world desires. I was doomed to eter­ nal punishment, while the world was praising me and declaring that I was "going places.” Now, with the Lord’s help, I am growing in grace. My name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life, my life is full of peace and happi­ ness, and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever. MORBU S SABBAT ICUS Morbus Sabbaticm, Sunday sick­ ness, is a disease peculiar to church members. The attack comes on sud­ denly on Sundays; no symptoms are felt on Saturday night; the patient i sleeps well and wakes feeling well; eats a hearty breakfast, but about church time the attack comes on and continues until services are over for the morning. Then the patient feels easy and eats a hearty dinner. In the afternoon he feels much bet­ ter and is able to take a walk, auto­ mobile ride, go visiting, talk politics or read the papers; he eats a hearty supper, but about church time he has another attack and stays home. He retires early, sleeps well and awakes on Monday morning re­ freshed and able to go to work. He does not have a return of the attack until the next Sunday. Other features of the disease are: 1. The symptoms vary, but never « interfere with the appetite or sleep. 2. The attack never lasts more than twenty-four hours. 3. It generally strikes the head of the family, and spreads until every member is affected. 4. No physician is ever called. 5. In the end, it proves fatal to the soul. 6. No remedies are known for it except repentance and prayer. 7. Heartfelt salvation is the only antidote. 8. It is becoming an epidemic, sweeping thousands of people to de­ struction every year. —Selected, In The Christian Digest FEBRUARY, 1947

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for JEWISH EVANGELISM, Inc. A newtestimony toIsrael, operating in a field Of desperate need and prophetic timeliness, underanation­ wide Board and Advisory Council,

Many of your favorites printed for the first lino in thoso convenient keys. IOOKSTORE ORDERS TAKEN AtSO NORMAN CIA VTON’S W0I0 OF LIFE MELODIES M. WOIO OF LIFE WE100IES NO. ALL Bin mo * CHOU MELODIES OF LIFE


*} 35< Each Any 3 «1

Don’t mist the first article on the minor characters of the Bible by Vance Havner— Page 6.

America's Bible Family Magazine For over 35 years the King’s Business has been meeting the needs of the entire Christian family. Today more than ever before, every Christian home needs the instructive inspiration of this true-to- the-Bible magazine. Why not start having it come to your home? Subscription price $2.00 year, $1.00 6 months, *

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