King's Business - 1947-02

Dr. Walter L. Wilson

March 2, 1947 WITNESS FOR CHRIST IN DAILY LIVING J ohn 8:29; C ol . 3:17

It is the desire of our Lord that each of His children shall be a good advertisement for Him. Christians are witnesses by what they are and by what they say and do. The Lord told His disciples in Luke 24:48 that they were to be His witnesses wher­ ever they went. Simply living a good life is not a witness in the true sense of the word, for many atheists, ag­ nostics, and other unbelievers lead good lives although they reject Jesus Christ. The Christian witness must aL ways be associated with the Person of our blessed living Lord. Other­ wise it is not a witness to Him; it is a witness to religion. The call of our Lord is that we confess Him be­ fore men. It must be a confession of His value, His beauty, His loveli­ ness, His faithfulness, and what He means to us. W e C onfess by O ur W ords . 1 Cor. 2:2. On one occasion the Lord said, “By thy words thou shalt be justi­ fied, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (Matt. 12:37). There­ fore, it is very necessary that we watch our words and speak those of truth and soberness. The use of good language a n d the use of Scriptural language is always ad­ mired by those who listen. At an­ other time the Lord spoke to His servant by “good words and com­ fortable words.” The Scripture says that “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Our words convey our thoughts. Those who hear our words know the state of our mind. Therefore, we should be very careful to speak wise­ ly and profitably, for words spoken can never be recalled. Let us speak in such a way that others will know we have been with Jesus and learn­ ed of Him.

W e C onfess by O ur A ctions . Acts 9:2.

W e C onfess by A ssociation . Acts 4:14.

The nature of a person is clearly revealed by his actions. In the an­ imal kingdom, we expect each an­ imal to reveal its nature as it lives its own certain kind of life. This is

We observe that sheep like to be in the company of other sheep; horses associate with horses and cows with cows. Pigeons flock to­ gether. Potatoes are planted in fields by themselves and not with other vegetables. The same pr i nc i pl e exists in the spiritual realm. Those who love the Lord Jesus seek the company of other Christians. A per­ son’s character is revealed by the associations he seeks. Those who love to be among people who have no interest in God or the Bible probably are not Christians themselves. We confess what we are by the com­ pany we keep. There are certain characteristics which distinguish certain races. The Jew is known by his appearance; the Swede has special character-, istics; the Chinaman, the American Indian, and many others, may be known at once by their appearance. In social life this is true in many instances. Certain types of wicked men can be recognized by their per­ sonal appearance. The drunkard car­ ries the marks of his downfall in his face. The sport is known by his dress and manner. God wants the Christian to be known by his de­ meanor, his attitude, his godly life, and his integrity. He should be humble, gracious, kind, and helpful, and should handle holy things with reverence. He should be zealous for the honor of his Lord, and for the gospel of grace. He must be honest in his dealings and clean in his as­ sociations. Thus he advertises and confesses his Lord. THE KING’ S BUSINESS W e C onfess by O ur C haracter . John 12:11.

Dr. Walter L. Wilson true in the Christian sphere. There are many things which the world considers legitimate, but which are not legitimate for the Christian. The world believes in philanthropy and exercises it through charity drives, welfare agencies, benevolences, et cetera, but does so without any re­ gard to God or Christ or the Scripture or eternal values. It is only when these works are done in the Name of the Lord Jesus and in association with the Gospel that they have spiritual value. Let us always con­ nect our works of kindness with the precious words that reveal the truth of God.


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