King's Business - 1947-02

be a Bible student, a Bible teacher, or a soul winner. Those who hear about the church should be im­ pressed not only with the godliness and usefulness of the preacher, but also with the fruit-bearing ministry of the members. Let each member of the church know the Lord so well and be so familiar with the Bible that he can be a personal witness for Christ. W itnessing T hrough the I ndividual . 1 Tim. 4:16. Each Christian has the privilege of being a soul Winner and a testi­ mony for his Lord. The church is greatly helped'and the minister en­ couraged as individuals in the mem­ bership develop a knowledge of the Scripture that is usable. This will be an advantage for the young people as well as the adults. Each member of God’s true church is to be both a witness and a teacher of the truth. Each one may have all of the Word of God for himself, and should strive to develop every talent and gift that will make him a useful and profitable servant of the Lord. This does not necessitate one’s leav­ ing his daily work; it requires heart affection for Christ, devotion to the Word of God, and love for the serv­ ice of God. M Y I N T H E C O N V E N T • A BOOK OF FACTS! A detailed description of black nunnery in Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Margaret Shepherd, escaped nun. de­ scribes in detail the terrible experi­ ences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded. • OYER 6,000.000 COPIES PRINTED! The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print. Read this frightful, heart-breaking story and learn the truth concerning convent life. 258 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.35. The edition is limited—so order at once. GOSPEL AR T SHOPPE Dept. KB Rowan, Iowa WHERE PRAYER PREVAILS Train for needed Christian service at this growing Bible School-—“ built with prayer.*' The good climate and mountain scenery of the famed Columbia River are an added inspira­ tion. Accredited courses. FKKK tuition, 'strong faculty, devoted student body. Ask for catalog. Interestimj Monthlu Sent Free for a Year to Alt Inquirers AAULTNOMAH l i l School of the B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich. Th.D., Pres. II. B. Sutcliffe. D.D.. John G. Mitchell. P.D.. Chairman of Trustee Board Vice- 1 ’resident 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Ore. 31 L I F E Please pray daily for The King's Business

March 9. 1947 WITNESS FOR CHRIST THROUGH THE CHURCH M att . 28:19, 20.

conducted always with the thought of spiritual values uppermost: the salvation of souls, the teaching of Christians, making known the truth of God, all performed by the officers as members of the body of Christ seeking His honor and learning to know the precious Word of God themselves. yAVAVA«F»VAVAVAVAVAVAV*V*VAVAVgg IT S AN IDEA Bev. Carlton C. Buck

In the Scriptures, the church is rep­ resented In two aspects. The general term includes all of God’s people saved by grace, washed in the blood of the Lamb, redeemed and forgiven, wherever and whoever they are. All the Christians in all the world form the church. The other aspect refers to the local body: any group out of the body of Christ which meets in fellowship. It does not include un­ saved people, religious or otherwise. There are no children of Satan in the real church, no one who is dead in sin, unclean, unsaved. The world has joined the so-called church and made a very bad mixture. The great religious world knows practically nothing of the true church, de­ scribed in the book of Ephesians. W itnessing T hrough the P reacher . Heb. 13:7. The shepherd of the flock should be a channel through which wit­ nessing can be best accomplished. As he stands in the pulpit, he is talking to people who have come to hear the Word of God through his lips, and the call of God from his heart. If he presents a clear gospel revealing the glory of God, his listeners will be stirred in heart; they will respond and the Lord Jesus will be exalted. For that reason the minister should be Spirit-filled; his soul should be aflame with Heaven­ ly truths; his ministry should be warm and radiant with the love of God; he personally should be known as God’s servant, living a Heavenly life, and serving the risen Saviour. Those who come to church should hear Christ exalted by the shepherd of the flock. W itnessing T hrough the O fficers . Heb. 13:17. Each officer of the church is re­ sponsible for making known the greatness, the power, and the suf­ ficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ. The organist, the director of music, the treasurer, the secretary, the deacons, the elders, the ushers, and any other officer connected with the great and holy work o f God should make known the glories of the Saviour. The members of the church should respect each officer, and they will if he is a true representative of God. Let us remember that the church of God is not a business institution, though there is much business to be transacted. The business should be

Idea I. Have three of the consecrated young people of your group testify as to the joy of witnessing for Christ in daily living. Testimonies should be based on personal experiences. Read John 8:29 and Colossians 3:17. Idea 2. The witness for Christ through the church must be a steadfast one (Acts 2:42). Our regular at­ tendance, loyalty, devotion and consecration all serve to prove to the world that we love Christ and His church. Idea 3. As a glass must be backed by quicksilver in or­ der to reflect perfectly, the verbal testimony of the Christian must be supported by Christian service if Christ is to be reflected in his life. Unbelievers are quick to de­ tect the hypocrite (Jas. 2:20). Idea. 4. Let’s make our community Christian by win­ ning others to Christ! Spon­ sor a week of Youth Evan­ gelism. Encourage young people to win their young friends to Christ. The cam­ paign could be in the form of personal calls or mass meetings (Matt.. 5:16).

A A A f f l f f l A A A A A A A A A A [AÌ W itnessing T hrough the M embers . 1 Tim. 4:12. The church will suffer irreparable damage unless each member realizes his own responsibility for a spiritual ministry. The members should not consider that the minister is hired to do all the soul winning, and to give all the Bible teaching that the church needs. He is the shepherd of the flock, but the flock should be producing the wool the Master needs. Each Christian in the church should


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