King's Business - 1947-02

March 16, 1947 WITNESS FOR CHRIST BY CHRISTIAN SERVICE R om . 1:1; J ames 2:20, 24, 26.

Send for your free copy of this remarkable testi- money of hatred turned to love. A JEW AND THE NAME of JESUS ’WW* y D & ? :" im mrp u t d n Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Oar Gad, Jehovah is One l HP m r T

servants is helpful. Supplying the financial needs of God’s people when necessary is worth while. Let us watch for opportunities and be quick to take advantage of them. S erving the W orld . Rom. 1:14. Christians are the salt of the earth. Their presence should bring a holy atmosphere among the ungodly, re­ strain those who are bent on sin, and encourage those who desire to live for God. We serve the world by bringing the Gospel to the lost, by rendering Christian service in time of need, and by providing com­ forts in the name of the Lord. We serve others by being a present help when the blow of sorrow falls, hopes are wrecked, and ambitions crushed. We may also serve the lost by re­ proving and rebuking them when sinful practices are forced upon us, and by refusing to participate in any activity which would dishonor God or injure His cause. Thus we hinder the rise and progress of Satan’s pro­ gram, and promote the growth of every work of grace. S erving the N eedy . Gal. 2:10. Real judgment is needed in dis­ pensing help to the poor. Many peo­ ple are poor by choice. They seem to revel in dirt and need. Giving to such persons seems only to ag­ gravate the condition instead of bringing relief. Giving to others promotes a dependent spirit until they feel that the world owes them support. Genuine Christian giving should be helpful. It should pro­ mote good ambitions and desires in the hearts of those who receive the benefits. It should also have a holy influence in turning their hearts to the Lord and to His Word. Every effort should be made to remove from the hearts of the needy any thought of justifiable dependence, and to create a desire for their be­ ing self-supporting. The Lord said. “The poor always ye have with you.” Let us seek to relieve their physical suffering and promote a spirit of ambition and godly desire in their hearts. DON ’T FORGET Our Free Subscription Fund for missionaries and servicemen still overseas. For two dollars you can give a lot of happiness to some­ one far away from home.

Christian service must be some­ thing more than social service. Feed­ ing the hungry, clothing the naked, and relieving physical distress are not necessarily connected with Christ at all. The wicked do this and so do the Uh-churched. The work which is a witness for Christ must be defin­ itely connected with the Word of God, the Gospel, and the personal presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ for the heart and soul. Many people receive help through Christian chan­ nels who never hear the name of Jesus and who receive no spiritual help from the donors of the relief. Let us be sure to present a real wit­ ness for the Person and work of the Saviour so that those to whom we minister temporal blessings may re­ ceive eternal benefits as well. The Gospel is a spoken message concern­ ing the value and virtue of Christ; we must include it with our gifts of food, fuel, and clothing. S erving O ne A nother . Gal. 5:13. Christians should be foremost in caring for the needs of one another. In the Scripture we are considering, it is presupposed that we love one another so tenderly and fully that we provide gladly for one another’s comforts of life. God’s people be­ long to God’s church, and God’s church belongs to God. It should never be necessary for Christians to call on the ungodly to do that which the godly have neglected. It is a great ministry to carry the love of God and His precious promises into the homes of believers while minister­ ing to them the physical help neces­ sary. Paul was foremost in this joy­ ous ministry. Let us be quick to bear the burdens of the people of God. S erving the C hurch . Rom. 16:1. We are not told what works Phebe accomplished for the church. Evi­ dently this splendid Christian wom­ an fitted in wherever there was a need. The reference is not to the church building. She was not serv­ ing the edifice; she was serving the people of God. Visitation is essen­ tial in bringing encouragement to the hearts of God’s people. Assisting in the care of children so that mothers may hear •the minister’s message is a profitable service. Furnishing transportation to the poor, the sick, and the infirm to the church ser­ vices is a delightful ministry. Of­ fering stenographic service to God’s

Daniel Rose, Director Trustee Bible institute of Los Angeles, Elder, Church of the Open Door

The Bible Institute, of Los Angeles maintains a Jewish Department, whose ministry deals with the preaching of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this of­ fice go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to in­ terest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish peo­ ple and inviting them to the meet­ ings. Teams of students hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can be secured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower audi­ torium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meeting is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish De­ partment, and to support this min­ istry by your prayers and gifts.

Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles S58 So. Hope Si., Lot Angele, 13,

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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