King's Business - 1947-02

March 23, 1947 LET’S MAKE OUR COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN A cts 13:44, 49 ; 2 C or . 5:20.

Gluvudt RulletUtl Scriptural—Artistically designed Large assortment — Self Selection Lithographed—Special Days— General Use Be sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL A R T PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. MAGIC-CLIMAXGOSPELOBJECTLESSONS Objects already prepared. Chemicals, paper tearing, word plays, with a surprise climax. Simple, scriptural, forceful. Free sample. Arnold Carl Westphai, Michigan City, lnd.

We would have a great country If communities could be made Chris­ tian. Christians are those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, be­ lieved the Word of God, and have re­ ceived the Holy Spirit as the Lord of their lives. A community made up of these people is very hard to find, and can be formed only by earnest Christians, going from house to house, and sitting quietly with the family over the Word of God. In order to be Christians, people must know what God says about His Gospel, His sal­ vation, His Son, and His church. Per­ sonal help is needed. If each evan­ gelical church would send out visi­ tors with their Bibles and thus pre­ sent the precious truth in the homes, much blessing would follow. Pastors could well afford to train such work­ ers in an effort to make communi­ ties Christian. T he V isiting M ethod . Matt. 25:35. There is something very helpful about the personal contact between Christians and their unsaved friends. To make this, tact and wisdom are necessary, and there must be a heart interest as well. The conversation may be opened by some wise refer­ ence to a matter that is of mutual interest. The point of contact must be studied carefully, for the first impression is usually the lasting one. The topic of conversation might be about children, and how blessed it is to be called a child of God. It might be about a dog, and how the Scrip­ ture says that dogs are left outside of Heaven. It might be about a cat concerning which nothing is said in the Scriptures; it is omitted complete­ ly. You may hope that the friend will not be omitted from God’s regis­ ter. A wise approach with gracious conversation following will greatly help to win the lost soul for Christ. T he T ract M ethod . Hab. 2:2. There are many kinds of tracts available which are very useful. A selection should be made for use in house-to-house visitation, so that the message given in each home may be an appropriate one. There are tracts for the indifferent and careless per­ sons, for those who have had wrong teaching, for Christians to show them their need of being devoted to Christ and to His service in the church. There are tracts on godly living and these are needed in many homes. There should be tracts with simple FEBRUARY, 1947

messages and good illustrations for children. Then there should be some messages for those who really pon­ der the Word of God and are pro­ foundly theological. By the wise use of the printed page, many hearts will be reached.

T he C ottage M eeting M ethod . Acts 10:33.

Here at Last!

Probably this method is one of the best. The procedure: Secure the com­ modious home o f a Christian in which to hold the meeting one eve­ ning a week. Obtain the services of an enterprising, spiritual teacher. Invite the neighbors and friends of those who open their home to attend “An Evening of Pleasure and Profit.” Open the meeting by singing lively choruses, particularly those of well- known and favorite hymns. Someone who feels at home in the meeting should be asked to pray briefly and to the point. Then the Bible lesson should be given and should contain food for the Christians, warning for the careless, and the Gospel for those who are lost. The message should be of such a character that anyone present will be blessed by some part of it. This is the most profitable way of reaching the neighborhood for Christ. T he C hildren ’ s M eeting M ethod . Matt. 19:14. Many parents have been reached for the Lord through the testimony and life of a child. Try to select homes about four blocks apart all over the district and organize neigh­ borhood classes for boys and girls. If there is a range in the children’s ages, the program must be varied in order to interest each one. All of the ministry should be Christ-cen­ tered and filled with Bible truths. There are many Bible games which may be played, and excellent Gospel choruses for children which may be sung. The Bible lesson and the Gos­ pel should be presented simply and plainly. The ch ild ren should be given an opportunity to accept the Saviour. By this program, the par­ ents as well as the children are helped.

Footsteps of Faith .Bible course for boys and wgirls covering the Old Testa* ment In two years. Beautiful­ ly colored, large feltograph figures Included.

Volumes 1 and 2, covering the Pentateuch, 75c each, 14 sheets of figures - - - $2.50 Volumes 3 and 4, covering Joshua through Malacht, 75c each, 18 sheets of figures $3.75 Tokens for each course, a set - - $ .05 Please add 5% for postage. Order at once. BIBLE CLUB MOVEMENT 1505 Race Street Philadelphia 2, Pa.


Editors: Keith L. Brooks and Howard W. Kellogg Handbook of World Events In the light of God’s Word; also digest of the most dependable prophetic thought. News and views gathered by Research Staff of American Prophetic League, Inc. S u b s c r i b e T O D A Y Trusted and appreciated for many years by Bible teachers over the world because of Its dynamic information, sane presen­ tation and conviction-laden articles. Only $1, 1-yr. sub. You’ll wonder why you didn't have It before. Sample free. Write . . . P R O P H E C Y Box BB, Eagle Rock St.., Los Angeles 41 |%IDI CC C E L L O P H A N E KIDLCO GO S P E L B O M B S — rolled ready for distribution. $2 per 100 pays for -11 booklets & Testaments mailed to response. C EL­ LOPHANE, 3\6 M , solid or asstd. colors, pkg. of 1000 sheets $1.50. Cut to order any sice, color desired. Cellophane, return cards, proven tracts, illustrated Instructions, for 1000 bombs. $7.50, postage extra. BIBLES. Christian books, literature and supplies. Free catalog and information on request. BIBLE BOOK STORE • Carlcton E. Null, Inc. 526 Fifteenth St* Oakland 12, California UNION LESSON HELPS o n the International Uniform Lessons ^ ^ safe N. are based \ TIME- ^ squarely on the Bible Union Lesson Helps stand (or and emphasize the foundation truths held in common by oil evangelical Christians. Undenominational and uncontroversial, they can be used with safety in any Sunday school Write for free specimens A M E R IC A N S U N D A Y -S C H O O L U N IO N 1816 Chestnut Street PhilodelplVio, Pa 33

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