March 30, 1947 WHAT DOES GOOD FRIDAY MEAN TO ME? H eb . 9:24-28
“We AreHap ierHere Than in America”
In the providence of God, THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISSION ARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY has been privileged to send the first missionary from America to work among the remnant of the Jews in Post-War Poland. Rev. A. L. Ser- gent, formerly of Canada, living amidst the ruins and miseries of devastated Warsaw, writes: “We are much happier here than in America because we can see the great opportunities of service and the tremendous responsibilities we have toward those in whom we are so vitally interested, our Jewish brethren. "We have some 300 families who are being helped, both materially and spiritually, and their numbers are increasing all the time. “Many of our Hebrew Christian brethren are in utter distress. When they go to the Jews for help they are told they now belong to the Gentiles; when they go to the Gentiles they are referred to the Jews. "One family—mother, son and daughter—live in one room. The father was murdered by the Nazi. The mother is bedridden and the boy suffers with advanced tuber culosis. TTie girl, 13 years of age, came alone all the way from Lodz, a distance of some 80 miles, ask ing for help. This is only one of the families we have to deal with and there are thousands like them. How gladly we undertake to help where others shook off the re sponsibility.” This is the joy and happiness of our missionaries—to be God’s mes sengers of mercy—ambassadors of Christ to His brethren. Our work in Poland is only one phase of our world-wide ministry among Israel. Similar work is car ried on in Belgium, France, Ger many, Austria, Hungary, N. Afri ca, Shanghai, China, Palestine, and in many other places. Will you help us keep God’s servants happy by enabling them to serve the stricken remnant of Israel, and to witness to them by loving ministrations in the hour of their supreme need? Your prayerful fellowship and help urgently needed. Please send your gifts to THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL M ISS IO NARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC. 72S-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. Joseph M. Steele, President Rev. Victor Buksbazen General Secretary Dr. Joseph T. Britan, Treasurer Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson. M.A.. D.D. Principal, A im s uotiege St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Our quarterly bulletin, Israel My Glory, sent to all contributors and also on request
Perhaps it would be better to speak of “black” Friday instead of “good” Friday. We will not discuss the question as to whether Christ was crucified on Friday or some other day. We desire rather to con sider seriously what is revealed to us personally by the death of the Saviour at the hands of wicked men. The observance of the event proves that it really happened. It is an unanswerable argument to the truth of the Scripture. The day itself has no value whatever. The event that happened is of supreme importance. On that day, man’s heart was re vealed in all its dark, wicked, evil, hateful designs. On that day, God’s love was revealed in that He “spared not his own Son” that we might be saved. Jesus in His death is the im portant message with which we are to be concerned. M y H eart I s R evealed . Acts 2:23. On the crucifixion day man re vealed the true condition of his heart. The religious, the military, the edu cated, the merchants, the teachers and scholars, the powerful, the rich, the impotent, the poor all joined together to get rid of Jesus. The perfect Man was rejected and cruci fied by His fellow men. The “best” men of earth rejected the Saviour whom God had sent to them. They wanted their re lig ion , not the Saviour. They wanted earthly power, not the Heavenly Lord. On that day all the so-called good, as well as the bad, united in their rejection of the lovely Saviour. Thus, we see that the human heart is a rebel against God even though it be religious, benevolent, and kind toward other human beings. G od ’ s H eart I s R evealed . 1 John 3:16. On that dark day when the earth was clothed in shades of dense night, God manifested His great eternal love for man. He clothed His Son with darkness that we might dwell in the light. He hid His face from Jesus that in the ages to come we might look upon His face. "He . . . made him to be sin for us . . . that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Cor. 5:21). He placed the sin of the world on the Saviour so that we might be made clean and white, fit for His presence. God let Christ go through the oven of His wrath that we might have the “bread of life.”
M y N eed I s R evealed . Phil. 3:8. There was no one on earth that day who was good enough for Heav en or who deserved the favor of God. There was no one who was rich enough spiritually to _buy his way into the glory, or to pay for the salva tion of another. There was no pro gram nor plan on earth that day whereby man could obtain the essen tial gift of eternal life. There was no method on earth that day whereby man could secure a robe of righteous ness. Jesus must accomplish it all. He must die that we might live. He must lay down His life that day that we might come in our helplessness and need and take His life for our selves. Receive Him gladly, with your whole heart. G od ’ s P rovision I s R evealed . Heb. 9:27, 28. Had it not been for that black day when Heaven and earth were clothed with mourning, we would now be helpless and hopeless. Because Jesus died, He is to us the Lamb of God on whom we feed, and under whose blood we rest. As the Sacrifice on that momentous day, He made it possible for us to have peace with God. By His death, we are saved from the wrath of the righteous God. Because He suffered, we who trust in Him need never suffer. Because He paid the debt for sin, all who trust Him are out of debt. He wove a robe of righteousness that day which is for all and upon all them that be lieve. His death opened the way through the heavens for us believers, that we may approach God without question or delay. THE NAVAJO BIBLE SCHOOL - AND MISSION Ahms to evangelize and train Navajo Indians
50,000 Navajos— only 40 per cent of children in school; only 5 per cent of Nav ajos knowChrist. Funds and pray er needed. Liter ature sent on re quest. Address the Rev. Howard A. Clark. Window Rock, Arizona
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