King's Business - 1947-02

For the Children J esus W ants U s T o H elp (J ohn 13:3-5, 17)

MARCH 16, 1947 INTIMATE FELLOWSHIP WITH CHRIST J ohn 14:1-6, 12-18; 15:1-6.

M emory V erse : “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do It with thy might’’ (Eccl. 9:10). When guests arrive in our homes today, we sometimes ask them if they would not enjoy washing their faces and hands to refresh them­ selves before eating. In the land where the Saviour lived, guests removed their sandals when they entered a home. Often the servant brought a basin of water with which to wash their hot, tired feet. Just before the Lord Jesus died upon the cross of Calvary, He ate with His disciples. After the meal was ended, the Lord arose from the table, took off His o u t e r cloak, poured water into a basin, and be­ gan to wash and wipe the feet of the disciples. At first, Peter refused to let Jesus wash his feet, but the Saviour said that He must wash Peter’s feet also. When Jesus had finished and was again seated at the table, He said, “ Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an ex­ ample, that ye should do as I have done to you . . . If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” The Lord did not mean that to show their humility, Christians actu­ ally have to wash one another’s feet. >He wanted them always to be ready and willing to serve each other joyfully, without complaining. Remember God’s commandment: “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.”

Outline and Exposition F ellowship of P lace (14:1-6)

Points and Problems “Let not your heart be troubled” (14:1). How brightly shines the grace of the Lord Jesus through these words! Jesus’ conversation with Peter about his forthcoming denial of his Lord preceded this statement. Although Jesus knew in advance that Peter would sin so grievously, He had no intention of casting off His servant. He knew that deep with­ in Peter’s heart was sincere love for Himself. He was not going to allow one sin, however heinous, to inter­ fere with His permanent relationship to His child. This word to His weak servant is an encouragement to all failing Christians throughout the years: “Let not your heart be trou­ bled.” • • • “I go to prepare a place for you” ( 14 : 2 ). The Lord did not say that He was going to create a place for His followers. The place Was al­ ready in existence. It was the Father’s House—where His presence was particularly localized. How marvelous it must be—in size, beauty, variety! Jesus was about to fit up some apartments, some eternal abiding places, in His Heavenly pal­ ace, for His own. The Bridegroom would soon be on His way to make provision for His bride. • * * “How can we know the way t ” (14:5). Ignorant men have suggested many ways of knowing God and of getting to Heaven, but the only sat­ isfactory answer to this question is supplied by verse 6 of this chapter: “I am the way.” It is by knowing a particular Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the exclusive way, the way easy of access to all classes of men. No one ever lost His way following Him. • • • “Greater works than these shall he do” (14:12). These words have pre­ sented a real problem to some: how could anyone do greater works than those of Jesus? It is solved by the latter part of .this verse: “Because I go unto my Father.” With the com­ ing of the Holy Spirit, the church was born, and Spirit-filled, and the disciples went everywhere preaching the Word. As a result of a three and one-half years’ ministry, Christ left behind Him only a few hundred dis­ ciples, but on the day of Pentecost alone, 3,000 souls were added to the church.

While waiting to occupy the place prepared in the Father’s House, no disciple need have a troubled heart; he is only required to have an un­ swerving trust in Jesus, as in the Father. Thomas asked the way to the Father and was told that Jesus Himself was that way, not merely a way shower; the truth, not merely a truth teller; and the life, not merely a giver of life. F ellowship of P rayer (14:12-18) Jesus continues to work, but now He works through disciples.. This verse might read: "The works that I am doing shall ye do.” The work is done by using the name of Jesus in prayer, that is, asking as He Him­ self prays for us (vs. 12-14). The director of prayer is the Holy Spirit who constantly indwells the believer. He directs the mind to the need and directs the prayer covering the need (vs. 15-18). Hence the power for fel­ lowship in prayer is our ascended Lord; the extent, “whatsoever” ; the purpose, the Father’s glory; and the exercise, “ in my name.” The purpose is fruit-bearing. The pathway to it is the cleansing by the Word, the purging by the Lord, and the abiding by the disciples. There can be no fruit without cleansing, and no increase of fruit without purging. Absence of fruit indicates that the purpose of the branch is not fulfilled and that it is cast forth as being useless for its purpose. The direction, power, and purpose of all fruit-bearing rise in our Lord, without whom nothing can be done. He waits for our surrender in order that His power may flow through us. With­ out His strength we can do nothing, and without our surrender He can do nothing; His strength, plus our sur­ render, makes it possible to do all things (Phil. 4:13). THE POOR have the Gospel preached unto them in the mountains or Arkansas. Missionary needs g rayer and support, also donations of Ibles, colportage books, etc. Clothing for the needy will be gratefully received. “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it." — John 2:5 REV. E. McLAIN, Volunteer Worker BIBLE EVANGELIS TIC CRUSADE Dardanelle Arkansas F ellow sh ip of P urpose (15:1-6)

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