tional income was concerned. From that time to the present, and through the prosperous years of the war, church giving has been decreasing. This is a significant object lesson in two respects. First, it appears that God’s program thrives best dur ing years of adversity. Apparently, the Lord is delighted to show His power to do things when man’s abil ity is at the lowest ebb. How won derfully the Lord Jesus Christ dem onstrated this principle when He fed the multitude with a small boy’s lunch, and turned the world upside down with a dozen poor and un learned men! God’s program does not depend upon financial success. In the second place, we are im pressed from these statistics that when God’s blessings are abundant, man forgets Him as the Giver of the good gifts. Invariably, in the good times men think about their own pleasure, and disregard God. It seems logical, then, that since God would have mankind look to Him, He is forced to send trouble for the good of their souls. While we do not ask that such trials should come upon our nation, the innermost urge of our hearts is that our land should turn to God. To this end we long that a great enterprise should be launched by all of God’s people, in which hands and hearts should be joined, not to bring in the Kingdom which only God’s Son can do, but to carry to all men on earth the story of the crucified and risen Saviour. Thus only shall we escape the cer tain judgment of our faithful God. Under Water for Months A NEWS item which apparently originated in the Chicago Tribune gives the rather astonishing informa tion that the atomic age submarine will be able to travel under water at the speed of forty-five knots, and to remain submerged for months at a time. It will not be necessary for this underwater craft to come to the surface except to replenish its sup plies. It is general knowledge that these “tin fish” can accommodate as many as one hundred men. It has always been a mystery to the writer to meet people who be ☆
lieve without question such news items, and at the same time profess inability to believe the Biblical story of the prophet Jonah. Such folks are not all inclined to doubt the ability of men to construct a submarine ca pable of swallowing one hundred men, keeping them enclosed for months, and then disgorging them without ill effects, but they are un willing to credit God with the skill and intelligence to create a subma rine of flesh in order to teach His faithless prophet a lesson. We have no doubt but that the basic fault lies in the failure of men to estimate ade quately the awesome power of our great God. AS WE go to press, there is being widely discussed the recent broad cast in San Francisco, on which an avowed atheist was given free time to air his convictions. The story in brief is that for a number of years a certain Robert Harold Scott of Palo Alto, California, has been requesting free time over local radio stations in order that he might present his athe istic views. All stations refused, so Mr. Scott petitioned the Federal Communications Commission to re ject their licenses. The decision of the Commission was merely that sta tions must allow both sides of any question to be broadcast. Consequent ly, KQW of San Francisco permitted Mr. Scott a half-hour on Sunday morning, November 17. The result was an avalanche of letters. When these were segregated and counted, they were found to be four to one opposing Mr. Scott’s right to broad cast disbelief in God. Some of those in the minority twenty per cent were only in favor of the radio station's allowing the broadcast, not believers in his atheistic doctrines. The statis tics of the case are being forwarded to the Federal Communications Com mission. We are not now discussing the matter of such disbelief. How any one with intelligence can behold the millions of environmental miracles, and still be an atheist, is beyond our comprehension. But we do maintain that the quickest and best way to deal with folks like Mr. Scott is to give them opportunity to broadcast T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ☆ Four to One
A Continuing Ministry W ITHOUT fanfare, and without great publicity, week after week, a real work of God among the Lord’s ancient people Israel goes on in Los Angeles. We refer to the Jewish de partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles which, under the direc tion of Mr. Daniel Rose, a godly, con secrated Hebrew Christian, continues to reach, out lovingly to the thou sands of Jews, not only in this great City, but all over our land. Incidents like the following occur again and again: A Jewish man about forty years of age came into the office of the Jew ish department. He was so upset that for several minutes after he sat down he wept with uncontrolled emo tion. His life had been strangely gripped by the demon of gambling. He had actually shipped his family off to some relatives and sold his home and automobile, in order to prosecute this terrible sin. Now, when he was broke, and utterly hope less, he came to us, because someone had told him that friends at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles would take an interest in him. After prayer for wisdom, the kind worker told him the old story of God’s love through His Son for the whole world, and particularly for a man in trouble like himself. The result of this interview was that another of God’s ancient people acknowledged Jesus Christ as his Messiah-Saviour, and passed out of death into life. It is true that Jewry is not turning in great numbers to Jesus of Naza reth, but, thank God, here and there five, ten, or a score, are being led out of darkness into light by means of personal visitation, tract distribu tion, public meetings, and prayer. Most blessed are those who thus have a part in the evangelization of God’s chosen people. ☆ Paradoxical, but Shameful "TiROM 1933 to 1946, contributions to P the churches in the United States fell off more than a billion dollars. Strange as it may seem, the high peak in financial receipts was the year 1932, which was the worst year of the depression so far as the na
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