King's Business - 1947-02

Jesus did not try to escape from them, for He had come to earth to give His life for men. He quickly told the men that It was He whom they were seeking. The soldiers bound Jesus and led Him away to have a trial. We would think that Jesus’ dis­ ciples would stay with Him a,nd be loyal to Him. One of the disciples stayed with the Lord, but Peter fol­ lowed Him afar off. Three times when Peter was asked if he knew Jesus, or if he was one of Jesus’-fol­ lowers he lied, and said he was not. Afterward when Peter realized what a terrible sin he had committed in denying his Lord, he went out and wept bitterly. The Saviour gave His disciples a chance to "make good” again. After He arose from the dead, He said to Peter, “Lovest thou me?” Peter answered, “Yea [Yes] Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.” Peter failed his Lord, but his Lord for­ gave him and helped him, and so he became one of the greatest Chris­ tians in the New Testament church. Today the Saviour is ready to for­ give Christians when they grieve Him. Confess your sins to Him, for “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” R e a d . • . THE INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST Keyed to active evangelism In America, this timely plctoral- Ized monthly tabloid brings you the best In vital world-wide evangelistic news, soul-stirring sermons and enlightening commentary of the world’s fore­ most evangelists. The INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST, of which Dr. Hyman J. Appelman is editor, is the official organ of the INTERNATIONAL EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION. SUBSCRIBERS’ SPECIAL * * 15% DISCOUNT on each purchase made (either in person or by mail) at the Inter­ national Book and Bible House, 409 West 8th Street, Los Angeles 14, Calif. SAVE on your purchases of Bibles, books, stationery and other supplies by subscribing today to the INTERNATIONAL EVANGEL­ IST—12 issue—12 pages—for only $1.00. INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST 126-K West Los Feliz Blvd., Glendale 4, Calif.

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(J ohn 18:15, 17, 18; 25-27; 21:15) M emory V erse : “Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive” (Psa. 86:5). One of Jesus’ disciples, Judas, did not truly love the Lord Jesus. For thirty pieces of silver he promised to deliver Jesus to His enemies. After the Supper about which we read last week, Jesus and His dis­ ciples went out of doors into a garden. With a group of soldiers, Judas entered the garden that night, knowing that Jesus often went there.

not only come to know the reason for my hope, but into a personal fellowship with Him who is my hope. Then too I have seen the desperate need of those without Christ and my responsibility to them before God. *‘\ow, I believe the Lord is calling . me to Indian work in the Amazon Valley in Bra­ zil, South America. In His providence, and under His leadership and direction, I hope to go there soon telling those who are in heathen darkness of Him who is the light of the world.9*

SI'RELY am grateful to the Lord for / the' priceless privilege of studying IMs JL Word here at Biota for the past few years. “ When / came to the Bible Institute / was totally ignorant of the Word of God apart from familiar passages such as the Twenty- third Psalm and the Lord's Pruyer. All I knew was that Christ was my Saviour an/t that I had received Him as such. “ However, through my study here, / have

Eugene is one of more than 800 earnest young people who are studying the Word of God preparatory to a life of Christian service. The Bible Institute of Los An­ geles gladly offers this training without cost for tuition and looks to God and to His people for the supply of needed funds. The cost of training one student for one year is $125. W e are asking God for 800 friends who will stand behind our students under the Sponsorship Plan. If you would like further information regarding this Plan, please fill out the coupon and mail to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

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Los Angeles 13, Calif.

Gentlemen: Please send me the folder on “ personal sponsorship” of students.

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