King's Business - 1947-02

Conference workers. The author is former dean of the Moody Bible Insti­ tute, and writes out of valuable per­ sonal experience. 115 pages. Moody Press, Chicago. Cloth. Price $1.25. POTS OF GOLD , by Edith Marie Beyerle. This is interesting fiction, appar­ ently based upon the author’s ex­ periences in China. The good de­ scriptions and the love interest will make this book appealing to young people. 218 pages. Loizeaux Broth­ ers, New York. Cloth. Price $2.00. THE LORD STOOD B Y M E , edited by Ivan Allbut. A series of experiences related by missionaries of the China Inland Mission, this book will inspire mis­ sionary service and giving. The won­ derful keeping power of the Lord is graphically illustrated. 91 pages. China Inland Mission, Philadelphia, Pa. Paper. No price given. H O W TO H AVE A REVIVAL , by Robert J. Wells and John R. Rice. In the summer of 1945, an impor­ tant conference on evangelism was held at Winona Lake, Indiana. Many of the nation’s foremost evangelistic leaders were present and participated in the discussions. This volume is almost a verbatim report of the mes­ sages delivered at that time, and is being published as a handbook on evangelistic effort. There are twenty- five vital, thought-provoking, practi­ cal messages, which should have a wide distribution among the people of God who pray for a revival in America. 400 pages. Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, 111. Cloth. Price $3.00. TH ROUGH BOW EN MUSEUM W I T H BIBLE IN HAND , by Barbara M . Bowen. With the commendable purpose of making the Bible a living Book, the author has compiled a vast amount of vital and interesting information about Bible lands and customs. Fol­ lowing a system of main headings, such as "agriculture,” “tombs,” “ charms," etc., and with a plentiful sprinkling of illustrations, the book is a readable dictionary-encyclope­ dia on Biblical knowledge. 185 pages. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rap­ ids. Cloth. Price $2.00.

E V A N G E L I S M I N S E R M O N AND SONG, by E. O. Sellers. This readable book furnishes glimpses of some of the world’s greatest evangelists and singers. There are fourteen chapters, seven dealing with evangelists, and seven with evangelistic singers, all of whom were personally known to the author. 95 pages. Moody Press, Chi­ cago. Cloth. Price $1.25. TABERNACLE ALPHABET , by Charles E. Pont. The author of this excellent vol­ ume is a well-known designer of books, illustrator, painter and crafts­ man, as well as a minister, now en­ gaged in evangelism. Starting with the letter A, Mr. Pont leads his read­ ers through the tabernacle in the wilderness, pointing out the rich spiritual truths symbolized by its structure, furniture and fixtures. Not the least of the book’s attractions are its beautiful, full color plates. This book should be helpful to Chris­ tian workers. 100 .pages. Loizeaux Brothers, New York. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . THE REVIVAL W E NEED , by Os­ wald J. Smith. Here is another fine contribution to the Christian’s reading by the busy pastor of the Peoples Church, Toron­ to. As the title suggests, the eleven chapters constitute an eloquent ap­ peal for revival. The book first ap­ peared in 1940, and this is its third printing. 120 pages. Peoples Press, Toronto. Cloth. Price $1.00. GREAT IS TH Y FA ITHFUL r NESS, by Kathryn Rader Haw­ thorne. This is an account of the life and missionary service of the daughter of Daniel L. Rader and sister of Paul Rader, dealing with experiences in Sumatra and the period of intern­ ment by the Japanese. God’s faith­ ful care for His own is emphasized throughout the volume. 185 pages. Light and Hope Publications, Berne, Ind. Cloth. Price $2.00. LEADERSH IP FOR CHRIST, by Harold L. Lundquist. This is a handbook of excellent material for one who aspires to Christian leadership. It should be particularly valuable for Sunday school, Young People’s and Summer FEBRUARY, 1947

8Y WILLIAM W. 088, V. V.

KATHER INE NEEL DALE , by James G. Dale. This is the biography of a famous missionary to Mexico as told by her husband; actually, it is the story of this couple, who spent thirty-one years in Mexico, opening up new fields among the Aztec Indians. Re­ lating the tremendous hardships and victories of this labor of love for the Lord, well-written and interesting, this book is another challenge to young people. 216 pages. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids. Cloth. Price $1.50. A T S U N S E T O R A F T E R E IGH TY , by W . B. Riley. A series of sermons from the gifted pen of the president of the North­ western Theological Seminary on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, this volurfie reveals the wisdom of practical experience and ripe reflec­ tion of many years of service under the banner of Christ. 160 pages. Higley Press, Butler, Ind. Cloth. No price given. THE COR IN TH IAN LETTERS OF PAUL , by G. Campbell M or­ gan. Another valuable volume from the pen of the late prince of Bible ex­ positors, this book will be warmly welcomed by the loyal friends of Dr. Morgan. Clear, uncompromising, illuminating and inspiring, this book will be a real addition to the library of any Bible student. 275 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $3.00. N EW TESTAM ENT HEROES — a new Bible Visualized book. Reverent, Scriptural, fascinating, covering the Book of Acts from the day of Pentecost through Paul’s first missionary journey. The heroes, Pe­ ter, John, Stephen, Philip, Paul and Barnabas, are presented in an ani­ mated form which makes them very real. Like other books in this series, this volume contains 225 full-color, continuous Bible pictures in 48 pages. Standard Pub. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paper. Price 35c each; $3.50 a dozen. 41

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