King's Business - 1947-02

Send for free literature and an up-to-the- minute report on Europe b y ' Peter Deyne- ka, our Direc­ tor, who has so recently re­ turned f r o m this devastat­ ed part of the world. EUROPE IS CALLING FOR //ß fr / During: his recent missionary visit to war tom Europe Peter Deyneka wrote: “ I have visited Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Belgium and other countries. My heart is greatly moved for the people who are suf­ fering much and are hungry, but ready to receive the Gospel. We must open a POLISH BIBLE INSTITUTE i N WARSAW in 1947 to train native evangelists and mis- ionaries; also to help the Slavic people with relief. I find great need for Bibles, New Testaments and tracts here. Will you pray and help us give Europe the Gospel now?” Send your gift to the R U S S I A N G O S P E L A S S O C I A T I O N 64 W. Randolph St., Dept. K .Chicago I, III. EASY TO LOAN A LL our books are easy to loan, but don’t take ‘‘STOPPING T H E STORK” to the Sewing Circle if you expect to get work done. We have a letter from a prominent leader say­ ing, "It’s a humdinger.” If you don’t like it you can get twenty cents worth of disagreement out of it. OTHER 20c BOOKS “ M ISTAKES GOD DID NOT MAKE,” " T H E HARNESS MAKER,” “ DUST AND D E ITY ,” "JOCKO-HOMO H EAV - ENBOUND,” "PUDD LE TO PARADISE,” "TOADSTOOL AMONG T H E TOMBS,” “ ALIBI, LU LLAB Y , BY -B Y,” “ G EE -H AW OF T H E MODERN JE H U ,” and “ EAGLE WINGS.” 25c BOOKS - “ RASTUS AGUSTUS EXPLAINS EVO LUTION ” offers you many laughs wrapped up with sound philosophy. “ SP IR IT­ ISM” recites many experiences with alleged wonder-workers, as mediums and fortunetellers. “ SEVEN THUNDER S OF M ILLENN IA L DAWN” is most unpopular with the “ Jehovah’s Witnesses” cult. Give one to the next "Watch Tower” witness and observe results. “ PUZZLES OF GENESIS” offers an an­ If you are eager to help those who are being led into the spiritual darkness of false religious cults, do not fail to read on page 13 the account of a newly organized service designed to.assist you. swer to many seeming difficulties. ,, _ We could use a page to tell you about these books; why not see for yourself. New editions must be higher in price, but we will send you any five- books for $1. All 14 for $2.80. If you wish to give them to a Sunday school class or to neighbors, write for very low prices. Ail books sent postpaid. HOMO PUB. CO., 5609 Washington Ave., Ashtabula, Ohio , _ , , .

% inch space write the word “HEAV­ EN,” beginning near the top and printing toward the bottom. Open the flaps, and using the individual let­ ters in the word “HEAVEN,” com­ plete the following words: “HOME, BROKEN, HEARTACHE, LEAVING, LOVED, ONES.” Close the flaps (Sec­ tions 1 and 3) and fold half of each loose front flap (Sections 4 and 5) toward the center, leaving % inch be­ tween them. On these folded flaps, using the word “HEAVEN,” complete the words “HOME, ETERNAL, HAP­ PINESS, LOVED, ONES, UNITED.” At the beginning of the lesson have all flaps folded back.) Lesson: On this piece of paper you find a common idea of death. We read, “Home broken, heartache, leav­ ing loved ones.” The Christian, by faith, sees death differently. We will fold these two red panels, which speak of Christ’s redeeming blood, over the sad words and see what happensi. They are changed from sad words to a glad word, "HEAVEN.” We now see yellow panels suggesting the golden streets of Heaven. A person’s being a Christian makes the difference be­ tween sadness and gladness. But this is not all. If we fold the top panel again, we find these words, “HOME ETERNAL , HAPPINESS, LOVED ONES UNITED." Death is but the door into a better life for those who are Christians. The disciples of Christ were sad when they knew He was soon to leave them, but He said, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1,2). We should never forget that death, for the Christian, is only a door which turns sadness to gladness. March 23, 1947 A “ P” and a P rayer


jNIVERSAL proudly presents these, 36 pages of beautiful Gospel songs for women’s voices. Skillfully scored by top-flight ar­ rangers with years of radio and church choir experience, this book meets a long felt need. Optional piano accompaniment. Ideally suited for •revival meet­ ings, it is equally effective in music services. This Is music you cannot afford to be without. Bound In boautllul cover. Price per copy, 50c postpaid. Sand money order

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Object: A capital “P.” (Make the "P” by using a piece of white paper 8H x 11 inches. Fold in the middle, making the size 8% x 5 )i inches, and cut out the “P,” which will be double. Cut down the fold, making two sep­ arate “P’s.” Cut the curved portion from the upright, on one, and you have the letters “U” and “I.” Hide FEBRUARY, 1947

4403 Shorldan Hoad Chicago 40, III. I enclose $___ ________ for which please send...................copies of UNIVERSAL'S RADIO GOSPEL SONGS to Name ............................................... ........... Street ____________________________ City_____ _____________ State—.................. 43

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