these letters behind the “P” In their original positions and thumbtack to the blackboard. The stem of the thumbtack should be by the side and not through the paper, thus allowing the pieces underneath to be pulled out.) Lesson: Guess what this capital “P” represents. Perhaps I had better tell you that It stands for a very impor tant subject in the Bible. “Prayer.” Yes, Esther, you are correct. In John 17 we find one of the most im portant prayers in the Bible. It is spoken of as the intercessory prayer of Christ- As we study the prayer, we see that there are many things in it. You will be interested to know that you and I are in Christ’s prayer, for we read, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word” (John 17:20). Let’s examine the capital "P” and see whether it contains anything else. See, “U” and “I” are in it. The prayer contains something more. In John 17:18 we read: “As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” “U” and '"I” are sent ones. In John 8:12 it is stated: “Then spake Jesus again unto them, say ing, I am the light of the world.” In Matthew 5:14, we hear Him speaking to His disciples saying, “Ye are the light of the world.” Jesus has sent His disciples into the dark world to shine for Him. He expects each of us to be faithful in shining. As I fasten the “U” and "I” on the board, they make a candlestick, showing how “U” and "I,” mentioned in the prayer of Christ, should let our light shine for Him in this sad and sinful world. (Place the “I” up the middle of the “U," making a candle stick with three prongs.) March 30, 1947 S eeing H im and S eeing H eaven
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Object: A capital “H.” (Make the “H” by using a piece of white paper 8Vi x 11 inches. Make the crossbar and uprights 1 inch wide. Make the cross bar 7% inches from the bottom and 2Vi inches from the top. Color the front yellow and the back red. Fold each side toward the center 2-3/8 inches from the edge, making a red T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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