cross. Leave folded to begin the les son.) Lesson: I brought this red cross with me today to remind us of the death of Christ on the cross, and the blood that was shed to save lost sinners. At the close of the time on the cross, we are told that Christ said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). This cross re minds us of the finished work of Christ for our salvation. All that needs to be done is for the sinner to accept the salvation which Christ finished. This cross is unusual, because it opens, and as it opens, it is changed from a cross into a golden “H,” re minding us of Heaven, and the streets that are made of gold. This “H” gives us the reason for the death of Christ on the cross. It was in order that all those who ac cept His finished work on the cross might go to Heaven, and live with Him forever. The book of Revelation gives us a picture of those who have accepted the finished work of Christ and are in Heaven. We read, “They sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” (Rev. 5:9). All nations join in sing ing His praise, and those who are now listening can be among those who sing His praises forever in Heav en if they will accept His finished work on the cross.
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Euiopean Hebrew Christians Plead! A courageous Hebrew Christian Missionary from Jugoslavia writes: “ Please accept our sincerest thanks for the food and cloth ing packages. I myself and most of the remaining believers have suffered irreparable losses. Not only did we lose our homes, clothing and furniture, but all of us lost also our rela tives, Including husbands, brothers and children. Most of us now remain all alone. If we did not have the consolation of our Messiah, the Lord Jesus, we could not bear the weight of this life. Nearly all of us went through concentration camps and prisons from which we came back with bodily injuries. This Is why we beg you brothers and sisters in America to help us
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The Rev. Jacob Peltz
build again, for the poverty and deprivations of the war years sapped most of our strength. Anxiety for the daily needs takes most of my time, and if I were not so burdened with food worries I could much better attend to the mission work." Distress of Hebrew Christians in Germany
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A veteran Hebrew Christian Missionary in Germany writes; I have gathered some of the surviving Hebrew Christians. Many of the men per ished in concentration camps, but some of the wives and children survived. They are homeless and without anyone to care for them. We ourselves have lost everything. Please have pity upon us. Do not let us starve.” Almost daily we receive similar heart rending pleas from surviving Hebrew Christians in all parts of Europe. Never have we had such opportunities to feed the
starving, clothe the naked, console the de spairing in the Name of Christ. We earnestly plead for your prayers and help on behalf of suffering Israel. $5.00 will pay for a nutritious food packet. $10,00 per month will support a child whose parents were exterminated. $50.00 per month will support an Hebrew Christian Missionary. Send for a free copy of “ A Christian’s At titude Toward the Jews” and “ The Mirac ulous Survival of the Jews.” Please address inquiries and gifts to: ..
THE INTERNATIONAL HEBREW CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary Dept. B, 4919 N. Albany Avenue, Chicago 25, Illinois Canada: 91 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, Canada
Give, and Pray. FEBRUARY, 1947
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