King's Business - 1947-02

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 cents per word—minimum $1.00

Fpr Such a Time as This (Continued from Page 13)

Because certain men “set for the defense of the gospel” shared this vi­ sion and this burden, they felt im­ pelled, last July, to organize for the purpose of offering the following specialized services: Lecturers. The best available speak­ ers and Bible teachers booked and supplied for pulpit, conference, or campaign engagements. Writers. Manuscripts for books, p a m p h l e t s , tracts, or magazine articles, expertly criticized and pre­ pared for printing. Publishers. B o o k s , pamphlets, tracts, periodicals — planned, pro­ duced, advertised, and distributed. Booksellers. All forms of literature refuting the false systems within Christendom, stocked and distributed, wholesale and retail. Religion Analysis Service is not just another lecturers’ bureau, writ­ ers’ service, publishing concern or Gospel bookstore. It is a false cults expose service only. Religion Analysis Service is de­ nominationally unrelated, but evan­ gelical and orthodox. Its doctrinal statement is patterned after the sound statement of faith adopted by Christian Business Men’s Committee International. Its promoters are men of character and reputation. The Executive Director, Rev. E. B. Jones, was himself delivered from a danger­ ous cult—Seventh-day Adventism— after having been for years an Ad­ ventist missionary in India. Associ­ ated with Mr. Jones are two strong groups—the local Officers and Board of Directors, and the Advisory Coun- cil-at-large. The former group is made up of nine men who represent seven different evangelical groups in the Twin Cities area, and the latter of some of the most outstanding Christian leaders on the American continent. Religion Analysis Service, incorpo­ rated under the laws of Minnesota as a non-profit sharing corporation, is a faith work, in which the Lord’s peo­ ple may share the burdens and the rewards. We are going to need the help of this new Service in safe­ guarding many a flock against “grievous wolves.” Just now, the new Service needs us. Let us bear it up in believing prayer, and let us encourage its promoters with letters promising support. You are welcome to call personally, at 902 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Ad­ dress all mail to Religion Analysis Service, Inc., P. O. Box B, Traffic Station, Minneapolis 3, Minnesota.

CASH PAID FOR YOUR BOOKS. SEND a list or write for details. We reimburse shipping: cost. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. BIBLE FILMSTRIPS (600 PICTURES) $24. Also projectors, filmstrips. See our other advertisements on this page. Christian Ed­ ucation Company, Dept. K, Box 31, High­ land, 111. SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN E D I T O R , male, would like to work for Christian publisher of newspaper, magazine. Best references. Box 482, Bellflower, Calif. CHRISTIAN YOUNG WOMEN; P o s i­ tions in Bible Conference open all year. Office workers, Waitresses, Nurses, Musi­ cians, etc. Radio Broadcasts, Meetings and Numerous Activities. Salary with opportu­ nity for advancement. State all particu­ lars. Address: P. O. Box 75, Irvington 11, N. J. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN any quantity for distribution to the un­ saved: “ What Have YOU Done With CHRIST?" “ The Most Important Question of Today," “ Judge or Saviour,” “ The Res­ urrected'B ody," “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD'S HISTORY." Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kans. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New book, Poetic Me­ tre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond lden, (K.B.) Mount Vernon, Ohio. R O L L S DEVELOPED, EXTRA EN- larged prints, 8 exposures, 30c; 12 expo­ sures 40c; 16 exposures 50c. Reprints 10 or more, 4c each. 5x7 enlargements 25c. 8x10 40c. Write for souvenir. Mt. Horeb Photo Service, Box 583, Mt. Horeb, Wis. BEGINNERS AUTHORSHIP COURSE, 50c. Pacific School of Journalism, Bell­ flower, California. COLORED GOSPEL TRACTS. TIMELY, attractive. Send 10c for sample packet. Northwest Gospel Publishing House, 435 E. 72nd, Seattle 5, Wash. OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS FOUND; ESPE- cially Protestant Christian books. Henry Rising, 1054 Ingraham St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. TONGUES SHALL CEASE ANSWERS the Tongues delusion. 100, 50 cents. Help us distribute it. B. A. Booster, 2225 West 62nd, Seattle. WILL YOU HELP PREACH THE GOS- pel with Scripture tracts—500 assorted $1, 100 assorted 25c. All money received is used for the Lord’s work. Scripture Tracts, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. “ SONGS OF LOVE AND TRUST," AND “ Loving Songs," two books, containing 197 new hymns. Restful, lifting melodies. Seri­ ous, comforting W’ords. Each book 75c, both $1.25. Rev. Fred M. Waehlte, Mulino, Oregon. 48-BASS ACCORDION W I T H C A S E shipped anywhere for $100. In good shape. H. E. Wldmer, Beaver, Ore. THE WILSON INDEX SYSTEM OF FIL- ing and Indexing. Designed for needs of clergymen and other Bible students. Cir­ culars upon request. Wilson Index Com­ pany, East Haddam, Conn. STRENGTHEN CHRISTIAN HOMES BY introducing The Christian Parent, monthly parent magazine on Bible basis (includes daily devotions for children) $2.00 year. The Children's Hour, weekly paper with stories that help children love Jesus, 50 cents year, less in quantity. Same price Little Folks Story Time for children from 3 to 8. See our other advertisements this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 31, Highland, 111.



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