Los Angeles has sponsored a confer ence in this delightful vacation spot. We are determined that it shall be an unforgettable event. A tentative list of speakers includes Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Dr. Vernon McGee, Dr. Harry Rimmer, and Dr. William Evans.
ence division, which sent out thou sands of pieces of Christian literature all over that great land. This offi cer did not allow his war duties to prevent his continuing this Bible course. It had its effect upon his life as well, for all of his spare time was spent preaching the Gospel in the surrounding villages. Reports like this will be particu larly encouraging to the faithful group of God’s children who for many years have remembered in their prayers the Hunan Bible Insti tute and its ministry. This work is now facing its greatest challenge to do a great work for Christ in China. ☆ Third Highest T HE completed report of the serv ice rendered by chaplains during the war has been released. It ap pears that the majority of these men not only accomplished a very credit able piece of work, but exhibited great heroism in their service. Of some 81,000 padres, one out of every four won a decoration for valor or meritorious service; one out of every twenty received the Purple Heart; 84 were killed in action, and, in spite of regulations forbidding their accom panying air combat teams, ten won air medals. Furthermore, next to the Infantry and Air Corps, the Chap lains Corps had the highest casualty rate in the Army. We thank God for this record, which proves the inherent bravery and stability of these men of God. However, we would like a glimpse into the Heavenly records to find out how many servicemen were brought into personal knowledge of God’s Son through these “sky pilots.” We would like to know how many moth ers’ sons were influenced by their chaplains to resist tetnptation and to be strong for the right. We would like to see the statistics on the faith fulness in preaching the pure Word of God in public and in private by the men who wore the sign of the cross on their lapels. Some day these ad ditional figures will be known. it Vacation TT MAY seem early to be thinking of summer vacations, but it is a well-known fact that vacation plans which mature in the summer gener ally result from seed thoughts plant ed in the early spring. At any rate, we want to suggest to the readers of The King’s Business that they con sider the possibility of attending the Bible Institute Hour Conference at beautiful Mt. Hermon, California, the last week fn August of 1947. This is the first time the Bible Institute of
their wealth of ignorance. This has been amply demonstrated by the case in point. ☆ Still No Prayer fl/TOST of us have been surprised and a little irritated by the pau city of results from the meetings of the United Nations Organization. From press reports, there seems to have been plenty of wrangling over insignificant matters. The. settle ments which have been publicized seem of little or no moment when viewed in the light of the tremendous issues still unsolved. A news item in a recent edition of Time notes that “the United Nations’ General Assem bly meeting in New York last week was not opened with prayer. Offi cial reason: Too much diversity of faith.” It will be remembered that in no session of either the United Na tions Committee, or its larger body, the Assembly, has there been any official recognition of God, even though several South American coun tries earnestly petitioned that His name appear in the preamble to the constitution. Their suggestion was stricken from the records at the re quest of a committee member from the United States. Is it surprising that the United Nations Organization should be almost barren of any real accomplishment when the Maker of Heaven and earth (to say nothing of our Saviour Jesus Christ) is not even recognized in their sessions? How different the story will be when there will be established an other united nations organization, headed by Christ Himself, as Chair man! Strange as this may seem to the conceptions of the unconverted, this is exactly what will take place when God indicates to the nations of this earth that He has had enough of their attempts to rule themselves, and places the reins of government in the hands scarred with nailprints. i t Bread on the Waters A RECENT letter from J. Russell ^ Davis, a member of the faculty of the Human Bible Institute, the China branch of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, gives an unusual news item. Mr. Davis tells of his acquaintance with a very interesting person, a lieutenant commander in the Chinese Navy, who recently finished the Sco field Correspondence Course in Chi nese, which he had secured from the Hunan Bible Institute prior to the re cent conflict. Before the war, one of the large departments of this evangelical school located in the heart of China was its correspond- FEBRUARY, 1947
☆ First
T HE first General Conference of the Evangelical Methodist Church convened in Kansas City, Missouri, late last year. This movement is a protest against the rising tide of liberalism in the Methodist Church. Twelve states and two foreign coun tries were represented, and the out come of the meeting was a consti tution for the new church, making it congregational in its form of gov ernment, with but only enough su pervision from its officers to unify the group. The report from this Con ference indicates that great spiritual power characterized the sessions. i t It Can Be Done rPHE occasion was the morning service of a large city church. A family of missionaries was leaving to take up service on a foreign field, and they took their turns testifying to their faith in Christ and their de sire to be used of Him. Mother, father, older sister had spoken, when little brother, aged three, came to the platform. Instead Of giving his testimony, he repeated from memory the Christmas story from Luke’s Gospel. The writer has listened to many a sermon in his day, but rarely has he been as impressed as he was by this Christmas message preached out of the mouth of a babe. Stumbling a bit at the words he did not under stand, and in something of a hurry to get to the end of his long “piece,” the little fellow went on and on to the very end of the twenty verses, with almost no prompting. God spoke through the words, and the thousands seated in the auditorium, and doubtless thousands more over the air as well, could not restrain a hearty "Amen—God bless him!” This is not the end of the story. Stored away in the heart of this child, who will one day be a man, is the imperishable Word of the liv ing God. As he, God willing, follows in the footsteps of his missionary parents, he will have many an occa sion to quote from memory the ac count of the Babe of Bethlehem. His life will be enriched, and the lives of others benefitted, by the Scrip tures which have become a part of him. Let no one say that it cannot be done—Scripture memorization. 5
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