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CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Hawkesbury’s hospital has requested a donation of $200k from the UCPR for a new mammography machine. The United Counties of Prescott and Rus- sell (UCPR) viewed a presentation during the regular meeting on September 27 from Erin Tabakman,executive director of the Hawkes- bury and District General Hospital Foun- dation (HGH). The presentation recounted the UCPR’s generous donations to the HGH Foundation in the past and requested more financial support in the years ahead. The hospital has to replace its ageing mammography machine before December 2023, a move that will cost around $830,000. The replacement breast tomosynthesis equipment uses low-dosage X-rays for a three-dimensional computer reconstruction, a less painful procedure than current equip- ment, that results in smaller tumours being detected and a significant improvement in early detection and diagnosis. According to the presentation, the hospital has raised $641,714 of that goal, approximately 77 per cent, and requires $188,286 more. The HGH Foundation therefore requested a donation of $200,000 over the next four years from the UCPR. Mayor Pierre Leroux of Russell Township asked if the hospital could provide statistics about how many residents travel to Hawkesbury rather than going to Winchester District Memorial Hospital, which is only 20 minutes away from Russell. Tabakman agreed and mentioned that HGH is planning on expanding operations into Casselman. “To be honest, Winchester Hospital is coming to our municipality and asking for funds as well,” Leroux said. “We see the hospital as a regional hospital, but the reality is in our case, I don’t think our residents are taking advantage of that. Obviously, we’re coming up to budget time not too far away, so I’m sure this will be a topic of discussion at the budget.” “I’d be happy to provide you with that information,” Tabakman said. “I believe that the director of the hospital has come and presented to you their plans to expand into your region in Casselman, so I do expect
L’Hôpital général de Hawkesbury et du district (HGH) a demandé un don de 200 000 $ pour remplacer un appareil de mammographie vieillissant, dont le coût s’élève à 830 000 $. L’HGH soutient que ses services sont sollicités dans toute la région, et pas seulement à Hawkesbury, - photo d’archives
that more of your residents will be served by your hospital in the years to come.” The HGH Foundation received a combined $200,000 from UCPR between 2010 and 2013, which the presentation showed has helped transform the hospital’s campus into a more modern facility that’s helped thousands of residents over the years. Emer- gency services at the hospital have tripled thanks to the new traumatology unit, the total number of beds has increased to 100, up from 69, and each area of the hospital has been redeveloped and expanded. Since 2007, the hospital has completed its redevelopment project, rolled out new mental health initiatives, and purchased a variety of new medical equipment to better serve patients. This includes a new CT scanner, surgical equipment, endoscopic and cardiological medical equipment, and the hospital’s first ever MRI. In the next two years, the hospital plans to purchase urology equipment and expand its ophthalmology department into phase two. Tabakman men- tioned macular degeneration injections as part of the expanded department’s goals. These injections are required every six weeks. Local residents with that specific vision problem must go to Ottawa or Cornwall
for treatment. “Thank you very much, Erin, for your presentation,” said Mayor Robert Lefebvre of Hawkesbury. “Yes, initially it was a local hospital, but it’s grown to a regional hospi- tal and the plans for expansion are going forward. The three pieces of equipment that you have identified, I think we can all relate to
somebody that’s had the need to go outside for this service. I know people that have had to travel to Cornwall for their eye injections. I’ve had people close to me wake me up in the wee hours in the morning with kidney stones, so I think we all know that having a hospital at home is a great advantage.”
est à la recherche de Conseillers ou conseillères en publicité La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette inc., éditeur des journaux Le Carillon et la Tribune-Express , de Hawkesbury (Ontario), Vision , de Rockland (Ontario), Reflet-News , d’Embrun (Ontario), et L’Argenteuil , de Lachute (Québec),
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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
and other causes, require future replacement or adjustments to some of the culverts lo- cated along County Road 15. Three consultant firms responded to a public tender call for the drain plan review contract. Lascelles Engineering and Associ- ates submitted the lowest bid for the work at $9,675 plus HST. Council approved the bylaw authorizing the contract. The township will pay the consultant firm its fee for the plan review work and then share the cost through future property tax billings among all the land- holders who have property in the municipal drainage area.
Rémunération : Salaire de base plus commissions
Some of the culverts may need replacing for one of Alfred-Plantagenet Township’s municipal drains. Township council approved a recommen- dation from Éric Leroux, drainage superin- tendent, to hire an engineering consultant to review and update the existing plan for the Louis Claude Municipal Drain. The last review of the municipal drain’s plan was in 1984 to deal with “major im- provements” to the drainage area at the time. Since then some changes to the mu- nicipal drain’s area profile, due to erosion
Date d’entrée en fonction : Le plus tôt possible Lieu de travail : À déterminer Envoyer votre curriculum vitae à : La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. a/s Yvan Joly, Directeur des ventes C.P. 1000, 1100 Aberdeen Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 ou par courriel: yvan.joly@eap.on.ca
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