$0--&$5*7*5 r$0..6/*5: WALK OF SORROW
Les participants à la Marche de la douleur du samedi 30 septembre descendent la rue Edwards, traversent la route 17 et se rendent au parc du Moulin. Le conseiller municipal Trevor Stewart (au centre, tenant le drapeau) s’est joint aux marcheurs pour souligner la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation. - photo Joseph Coppolino
JOSEPH COPPOLINO joseph.coppolino@eap.on.ca
Organized by the Indigenous Grassroots Circle the Walk of Sorrow, now in its second year, honoured those lost to Canada’s resi- dential school system and colonization, and celebrated the “resiliency of Indigenous people across Turtle Island, through sto- rytelling, education, music, dance, art and CONTINUED ON PAGE 3.
Dozens of participants from across Clarence-Rockland and Eastern Ontario marched from Laurier Street to Du Moulin Park for National Truth and Reconciliation Day, on Saturday, September 30.
The beat of the drums represents the beating of Mother Earth’s heart and the heartbeat of those lost to Canada’s residential school program and repressions of Indigenous people and culture. - photo Joseph Coppolino
Des dizaines de résidents et de représentants de la ville ont marché dans la rue Edwards, escortés par des policiers et des agents des règlements municipaux. - photo Joseph Coppolino
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