King's Business - 1924-09

September 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Darwin Is Assailed “He assailed Darwin, ‘the man whose birthday is cele­ brated in some schools where they won’t celebrate the birth­ day of Jesus Christ,’ as having the attributes of the atheist who, in declaring that the beginning of all things is a mys­ tery, disputes the Bible and offers no reasonable alternative. “ ‘You wouldn’t allow' the teachers in your schools to teach against our form of government,’ he said, ‘but you pay them in tax money which says “In God We Trust” and they teach that there is no Go$l. It’s done because the peo­ ple aren’t informed.’ ” Modernism in Foreign Missions Dr. Hugh W. White of China, Presbyterian missionary, opened the evening service in the First Baptist auditorium. He said in part: “We have seen God’s miracles in China. Thirteen years ago we entered a field of 2,000,000 who had never heard the Gospel, and now have more than a thousand converts and five churches. We have faced demons. One woman was so possessed with them that she barked like a dog and jumped at me. I commanded them to come out of her in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and she became quiet. “Modernism in China has reached for the crown in the organization of the National Christian Council. The need for fundamentalism in China has become most evident in the educational work. Only four out of the 13 theological seminaries can be depended upon to uphold the evangelical fgith.” Munhall Shells Infidels Sunday morning it was my privilege to introduce Dr. L. W. Munhall to a thousand people in Jackson Hall. Eigh­ teen years ago I worked in meetings with him. He was 81 years of age June, 7th, but spoke with his old-time fire. Munhall ought to be an inspiration to every young preacher in America. He is the ¡“Grand Old War Horse” in the battle for the Bible. Young Preachers Bossed "Big wealthy churches want young preachers because they can boss them,” Dr. Munhall said. “A man does not know enough before he is 60 to be a good preacher. At 30, people idolize the preacher; at 40, they criticize him; mar­ tyrize him at 50; ostracize him at 60 and canonize him at 70.” , President Smith Leads Devotions President Sidney T. Smith led the devotional services the first four mornings of the convention and what hours of inspiration they were! The very sound of Smith’s voice carries conviction over any audience. He is sincerity per­ sonified. He is a man who is the president of a great cor­ poration in Winnipeg, which owns nearly 140 grain eleva­ tors throughout Canada, one of the largest exporters of grain in the world. Yet he finds his greatest joy in the religion of Jesus Christ and in fighting for the whole Bible. An Honest Professor Prof. Leander S. Keyser of Wittenberg College was the Monday night speaker and his subject was “ The Beauty and Reasonableness of the Christian Faith.” (This address will be found in the August King’s Business. Ed.) Pro­ fessor Keyser is nothing like his name sounds. In some respects he reminds of Sam Jones,-^diminutive in stature, but a giant in brains. Everybody fell in love with him. A Typical Scotchman Tuesday morning brought a new speaker on the World’s Fundamental platform in the person of Dr. John Gibson Inkster, pastor Knox Presbyterian Church of Toronto, who spoke on “Does it Matter What a Man Believes?” Inkster is a typical Scotch clergyman in dress, manners and devo­

tion to the Word of God. His address left no doubt in the minds of his hearers, and Dr. Riley was right when he said that while this was ,his first appearance it certainly would not be the last. Wanamaker’s Pastor There was plenty of big artillery all day Tuesday. Pre­ destined by the program makers it could not be otherwise that John Inkster should be followed by another Presby­ terian “heavyweight” from the good old U. S. A., one that is red-headed and all that— Dr. A. Gordon MacLennan, pas­ tor Bethany Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia (Wan­ amaker’s church) who delivered an address on “What» Is Our Final Authority?” “The Modernist who denies such fundamental doctrines as the virgin birth, the vicarious atonement and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is not of the church, although in the visible church,” Dr. MacLennan said. “Therefore his attacks upon these doctrines is not a war or* split in the church itself, but rather a campaign waged against {he church from the inside. “ The situation as it has developed in the present contro­ versy is not a surprise to those who have studied the_ Word of God, for the Holy Spirit expressly indicates that ‘in the last days perilous times shall come.’ ” Gaebelein Slays Dr. A. C. Gaebelein of New York, editor of “ Our Hope,” was the Tuesday evening speaker, his subject being “ The Gospel of Christ the Power of God,” taken from Romans 1:16. President Smith introduced the veteran Bible teacher and he fully sustained his reputation for pouring hot shot into the Modernists. Famous Pastor Speaks Dr. A. C. Dixon, of Baltimore, is one of the great preach­ ers of the world and on top of all that, he crossed the ocean a few weeks ago and married Mrs. Charles M. Alex­ ander (Helen Cadbury) and the two were on their honey­ moon at the convention, Mrs. Dixon appearing on the pro­ gram in the interest of the Pocket Testament League, which was one of the major interests of her late husband and world-famous singer, Charles M. Alexander. His subject was “ The Battle Between Christianity and Modernism” and among other things he said: “Modern liberalism is not Christianity. The battle is between naturalism on the one side and supernaturalism on the other. “ In Genesis we'learn that God made the mature product first and that everything was created perfect. Seven hun­ dred years before Christ there were at least ten different schools of evolution. “ If there is anything worse than atheistic evolution it is theistic evolution, which makes God responsible for that infernal method of doing things. “ If man came up from the jungles then he must get his ten commandments from the jungles. The newspapers are proving that Chicago University, which gets its ethics from the jungles, is turning out beasts of the jungle.” “T. N. T.” Shields Dr. T. T. Shields, pastor Jarvis Street Baptist Church of Toronto, president of the Baptist Bible Union, followed Dr. Dixon on the Wednesday evening program and before he was through speaking I found why Dr. Frank Norris always refers to him as “ T. N. T.” Shields. All the while he was speaking I was thinking of Alexander MacLaren of Man­ chester, and his matchless sermons. Shields has everything and then some. Blanchard’s Masterpiece Dr. C. A. Blanchard, president of Wheaton College, deliv­ ered a masterpiece on “Who wrote the Bible?” Never before

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