September 1924
T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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Interesting Stories from Real Experience << 1 ’ As told by Bible Institute Workers------- 4----1:
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E v a n g e l i s t i c
l - v e p a r t m e n t
would have' heard him say, “Revèrend, I can never thank you enough, for talking to me today, and I hope to meet you again, here; but if not, Ï will up there.” If the trip had only resulted in but this one conversion it would have been worth while! But we could tell you of a numbër, just as interesting, on the streets, some in the trains, some in the jails, and in thé Shops’, that came and accepted Christ through the min istry of the Word. Is it any wonder wè ask you to pray that we might be faithful? Next month, we will tell you of the man who had been hunting Christ off and on for twenty years, and who found Him on Water Street in Milwaukee. If this department can help you get a meeting started in your town, among factory workers, let us know! si» a » SEAMEN’S WORK Claude Pearson, Supt.— Our Workers board all vessels in the port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature.,, H T is our privilege to visit many, many foreign ves sels every month but this month we had an excep tional one, for one day we noticed a new flag which, upon examination, proved to be Spanish. We visit quite a number of Mexican vessels but this was the very, first one from Spain. We were very happy, for we knew that we would have a splendid opportunity for giving out the Gospel, as few of these men would have Gospels or a Bible. Calling early in the morning we found the captain and his officers at the breakfast table.1 We gave the captain a Testament and each officer a Gospel, and told of our busi ness and every man’s need of the Lord Jesus. After our talk with the officers, we sought the sailors and firemen and received a hearty welcome from them. In fact the men were so hungry for the Word of Life that special effort was made to have Mr. Bender, Superintendent of our Bible Institute Mexican work visit them. Mr. Bender called with us in the evening. His long expe rience in dealing with Mexican and Spanish people while living in Roman Catholic lands, combined with his great love for souls, won its way to the hearts of the men. How they listened and argued as he talked to them! Little by little the Spirit burned His own truth home, silencing those who were critical and blasphemous. How we wished that some of our King’s Business readers and intercessors might have been with us to notice how God’s Word reached hun gry, superstitious souls. As we left, each man received more literature adapted to his particular need and we had the consciousness that some day some one would gather fruit from the seed sown on this our first Spanish vessel. Another odd experience we had was to reach a vessel, a pleasure yacht, that was changing its charter. Information on board was scarce as to what flag she was going to fly on her business. She was too large for a mere pleasure boat and too small for a cargo carrier. However we reached almost every man from captain to cabin boy with a Gospel and a direct personal message. As we were leaving a man
WORK AMONG THE j£W S James A. V aus, Supt.— Bible classes and Personal Work, Street Meet ings and Semi-monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles;. the close of one of our recent Jewish meetings he writer was approached by a Jewess, who asked E we remembered her. She was readily recognized as a Jewess who some five years previous had made profession of conversion. At that time, although she claimed to be converted, the evi dence of her life was not such as would inspire confidence in her sincerity. Imagine our surprise and pleasure in hearing her speak the “ language of heaven” as one who had grown in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Here was just another proof of the fact that “ God’s ways are not our ways.” She was bubbling over with joy, enthu siasm and confidence, and now in turn is anxious -for the salvation of others. Her husband has also been seriously considering the claims of Christianity, but as yet Certain natural Jewish difficulties and perplexities have to be cleared away. How ever, we feel that he is “ not far from the Kingdom,” and we earnestly request our readers to pray that he too may come to believe that Jesus of Nazareth is Israel’s Messiah. 11 ;HR I WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.— Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car- Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles HOSE interested in the work of the Shop Depart ment will be glad to know of a recent trip which the Superintendent made through the east in the interests of preaching the Gospel in the great railroad centers of the Country. Almost six weeks were consumed, meetings being held in a great many division points of the Union Pacific. It was also possible to hold a service in the largest shop on the Santa Fe System at Topeka, Kansas. Many notes of appreciation were received and not a few conversions were the results, aside from the sowing of the seed, by the use of some 9,000 tracts and Gospels. Three Pullman Conductors came out for Christ,— let me tell you of one of them. It was almost noon, as the train pulled into Topeka. Sitting in the Pullman, two men were engaged in earnest conversation. One an Ethiopian and the other one, a preacher of the Gospel. If you could have seen this (as you can’t I’ll give all the details) we are sure you would have been interested. Nearer and nearer the train came to the preacher’s destina tion. Evidently he was expecting a decision from his inter ested friend. The train entered the yard limit, and then with the tears of joy coursing down his friend’s face, the preacher heard him say, “ Yes, I will take Jesus to be my personal Saviour!” What a victory! The train stops, and we see the porter busy with the grips of his preacher friend, and brother now, (for we are all made brethren in Christ) and if you had been there you
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