King's Business - 1924-09

September 1924


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

training. Greater courage and steadfastness have resulted. Like ships passing in the night they have met and touched lives which have been revolutionized, and the ages to come will bring glory to Christ, salvation to souls and great rewards “in that day.” :l, What could be more thrilling than, take for example, one, just one, of the many thrilling incidents which gladden us each day here at Biola Hall. A student starts out after a season of prayer to win a soul for Christ. He is led to two young men. They have climbed into an old truck “ to take a snooze,” after several days and nights tramping around in search of work. Discouraged, dejected, defeated, they are all down and out, hungry, tired and disgusted with themselves and everybody else. Our student greets them with a smile, a hand grip and an invitation to join him with a good “ chow” at the Fisher­ men Club. They simply tumble over themselves to get there. The evening is spent in song and stirring testi­ monies by young men who have spent a whole day dis­ tributing copies of the Gospel of John throughout the homes in Los Angeles. The meeting proves inspirational and when, finally, the invitation is given to those who have never yet made a public acceptance and confession of the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour, these young men are on their feet and step out for Christ. SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel Meetings and House to House Work among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?” Rom. 10:14. HIS text illustrates a case that came to our notice in one of our interviews with a group of Mexican young men. They first asked me what was the difference between our religion and theirs? They said: “ You have to believe in Christ, and we also believe in Christ.” Then we asked them if they were saved from sin, and they answered, “No;; but when in the act of taking the sacrament we believe we are cleansed from sin, but as soon as we go out into the world we again fall into sin.” We said to them, “ Let us tell you the difference between our religion and yours. You are made to believe that the ‘wafer God’ that you take has been converted into the flesh and blood and body and Divinity of Jesus Christ through the declaration of the priest; consequently you believe that the ‘wafer god’ is Christ in body, soul and spirit. This is a deception and a lie, and is void of power; therefore you are not saved from sin any of the time.” “Now, our religion believes in the Christ that was con­ ceived in the Virgin Mary by the Holy Ghost, which was a miracle, and then when Jesus entered into His public min­ istry He did many marvelous works, and we have the record of His work and power manifested while on earth, and the Good Book says He is just the same today and forever. Therefore, when we believe in Him we have the truth, or the reality, in Jesus Christ, and, therefore, there is power to save us from sin.” I do believe, I now believe That Jesus died for me; And that His blood, His precious blood, Was shed to set me free. Thus with a new courage, born of God, a new hope and a new life, they face the unknown future without fear, for­ getting the things which are behind and pressing forward till “ the day dawn and the shadows flee away.” (Only one of many incidents.) Much sowing, but the reaping will come in due time.

from the wharfs—who had tried to secure a job on her but had failed, went back to the city with us. He acknowledged the same mystery about the vessel that we had experienced, and offered a solution. Considering the quietness of her departure, together with her supposed destination, Panama, the silence as to what flag she was going to fly and the excellent wages they were to pay, he believed her to be a rum-runner. Well, it was only a surmise, but a very probable one. We praised God our shoulders were clear, for the men had received a straight message, together with copies of the Word of Life, and if they turned their backs upon the message greater would be their condemnation. “ This is the condemnation that light is come into the world but men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.” We have been able to visit some of our own Navy lads during their visit to our harbor, partly in answer to appeals from mothers, sweethearts and sisters throughout the United States; and we are glad to report some have been saved, some strengthened, others taught their responsibil­ ity to fellow shipmates, and still others encouraged in their places of persecution. No one understands these dear fel­ lows like one who has lived among them. There is no help for them except in Him Who died for our sins, who was buried and rose again that they might not only have life but victory under all circumstances. . jig BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City Mission for Men in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon day Prayer Meeting H E have been looking into the faces of many of the students who have been associated with us at Biola Hall for the past three years, in all prob­ ability for the last time till we are caught up to meet our blessed Lord in the air where, thank God, the separations will be forever ended. Then joy unmingled will be there, Earth’s tears and trials are forgot; So cheer thy heart, no more repine, His word is sure, “He’ll tarry not.” . This is graduating day at the Bible Institute and when the last hymn is sung tonight and the benediction falls upon our ears, then will come the parting of the ways. We therefore take this opportunity to ring out a note of grati­ tude and praise for all the blessed fellowship in His service these past years have brought us who still remain at Biola Hall, as well as to those who go forward in His all conquer­ ing campaign. We are sure the experience of the students while here on assignment will prove most beneficial in other fields, and meeting, as they have, all sorts and conditions of men, and grappling with all the cunning wiles of the devil and “ fifty-seven varieties” of religious, as the man on the street has hurled them at the heads of our boys, will prove just the school of practical experience required. Thank God for their testimony and personal work, for the hearts which have been warmed and stirred to new incentives, the souls reached and saved which we have been privileged to witness through their fresh and tender ministry of His Word. May all this blaze the way for “ greater land to possess” and an abundant entrance into His soon-coming manifestated kingdom. Many of our greatest encouragements have come through letters written from former students who have lived over again the blessing Biola Hall has proven to them and the invaluable lessons learned in a particularly hard school of

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