King's Business - 1924-09


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1924

When I .said this to the young men they had nothing more to say in defense of their religion, but remarked to us, “ Then if you have the truth why haven’t you come to Mexico long ago and told our fathers of it” ? Well, we were happy to tell them that we had been miss­ ionaries in Central America and taken the Word of God to the thousands in the Republic of Salvador for eighteen years; and that now for the last ten years it has been our privilege to carry the message to the Mexican camps and colonies in Southern California. When we left these young men we gave them a Gospel of John, and they said they would read it, and on our return would tell us what they thought of it. During these latter days we have found the men some­ what indifferent to our messages, and no doubt this is due to the spirit of the times in which we are living. And then we were somewhat discouraged because some of our converts, who had been faithful to the Bible classes, had moved away and had not advised us of their new location. Nevertheless, we took it to the Lord in prayer, and just recently received a letter from one of our young men who advises us that he is now returning to Los Angeles to con­ tinue the study of God’s Word. And then last Sunday at our Bible class six more of our believers again made their appearance, and they told us how they had been moved about from one place to another. The reason they had not come to the classes they said was because that on Sundays they were holding street meetings in the localities where they were living. So we praise God that some of our converts have received a vision, and are seeking to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their countrymen. So God in His own good time had again encouraged our hearts, and like Paul we thanked God and took courage. Will the kind friends continue to remember the Spanish Work of the Bible Institute. We need your constant prayers that God may bless His Word and give us souls for our hire. BIBLE WOMEN ’S WORK Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Supt.— Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to House Personal Work, Bible Classes and Soul Winning Clubs. The Cure for Crime HE country has been recently horrified by out­ breaks in several localities, of atrocious and beastly crime on the part of young people. The Bible has predicted that such conditions would arise because of apostasy and departure from sound doc­ trine. It is also interesting to note that secular organiza­ tions, such as the “ Better America Federation” whose aim is chiefly a patriotic one to save our country from disaster, are tracing the state of our young men and women to Com­ munist propaganda directed from Russia. They tell us that hidden under several plausible appeals they really have some very definite aims in mind for our yoqth such as enlisting them to put religion out of America, to abolish the marriage bond, and to break down a conception of moral standards. It is left for the average observer to decide how well this propaganda has succeeded so far with our young people. Some are standing splendidly true, while undoubtedly others are yielding. It is high time we shake off the fear of being called “ distributors of gloom,” and begin to face the situation frankly and sincerely. The quickest and most dynamic way to face matters as they stand is to reach every young man and woman with the gospel of the historic

church, the message of salvation and a new birth, a new creation in Christ Jesus. In a Sunday morning class recently the invitation was given to accept Christ, and four fine young men and women gave their hearts definitely to Christ. At the same class several weeks later a young woman waited after the class hour to ask a question which revealed her lack of knowl­ edge of the way of salvation. A few moments were spent with open Bible, showing the way simply, and then prayer was offered. Asked if she would tell the Lord then and there that she would accept Him as her Saviour, she replied, “ I would rather go home and do it alone.” On a follow­ ing Sunday she came back with a radiant face to say that she went right home and received Christ as her Saviour. Her reason for desiring to do it alone, she said, was that she was easily moved in her emotions by anyone who talked to her and she wanted to test this out. Many times her mind was found to be entirely changed upon a subject after getting away from the influence of the person pre­ senting the particular argument. “ But,” she added, “ it was different this time. I felt the SAME way after I reached home.” There is a verse in Ecclesiastes which says “Whoso break- eth an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.” We are living in days in which every protecting hedge is being broken down; and whether thè break is made from the outside or the inside, the result is the same. Our girls are being subject to persistent temptation; the only hedge that cannot be broken is salvation. Our Lyceum-Eteri Clubs are “ hedged-in places” where our girls are surrounded by spiritual forces keeping them in paths of rectitude and safety. Our aim is three-fold, first, conversion, for that only will keep them; then coun­ sel, for tbe girls need an older Christian friend to whom they can go for advice in their many problems. The Club also provides them with companionship of the right kind. The Pomona Club is living up to this aim and beside this it is a training school in Christian service. During the past two or three months on Sunday evenings they have gone to the churches and young people’s societies and done much good by their testimony, singing and witness for the Lord. The Club is also a kindergarten for the Bible Institute; it has only been started about two years, and during that time eight members have entered the Institute, six for the full course and two for musio. Two others have been accepted for the fall, and four more are planning to come as soon as they graduate from High School. After writing the above I picked up the daily paper and saw the following— “ In Orange County they questioned 2,646 High School girls to find out just what each wanted to do upon graduat­ ing. Among other things only eight chose religious work.” “He knoweth the Way I Take” A Bible Class was arranged for a group of High School students by their teacher, who, while most successful in her particular department as instructor, never lost sight of the spiritual need of the young people under her care. The class was announced to meet at the home of a Bible teacher for at least two evenings to study the first two verses of Genesis. These meetings were held, and for fif­ teen weeks thereafter the young people met to continue their study one evening each week. The Book of Romans was taken up after having had several lessons in Genesis. God’s revelation concerning sin; His grace in providing a Saviour; the way of receiving salvation and the wonderful (Continued on page 589) THE LYCEUM-ETERI CLUBS (For Young Business Women)

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