King's Business - 1924-09

September 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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GRACE AND GLORY “ The Gospel of Grace” (Acts 20:24). “ The Gospel of Glory” (2 Cor. 4 :4 ). (See Psa. 84 :11 ).

REFLECTIONS ON THE UNPROFITABLE SERVANT Matt. 25:14-30 Introductory Parable— earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Man— bestows goods— departs. Christ— Psalms 68:18; John 14:2-3. Then— -loyal, faithful service— hundred fold fruit— same commendation. But— excuse— he went—-digged— hid.

— The Christian.


1. To save (Heb. 7 :25 ). 2. Build you up (Acts 20 :32 ). 3. Make you stand (Rom. 1 4 :4 ). 4. Keep from falling (Jude 24). 5. To succour (Heb. 2 :1 8 ). 6. Perform all the promises (Rom. 4 :2 1 ). 7. “ Exceeding above” (Eph. 3 :20 ).

I. The Slothful Servant Pictures the Unsaved 1. He did not know his Lord John 10:14 vs. John 10:26, 27.

— Selected.

2 Tim. 1 :12 ; James 2:17. (If he had believed, he must have obeyed.)

THE REPEATED NAME “ Saul, Saul”— the call to conviction (Acts 9 :4 ). “ Samuel, Samuel”-— to service (1 Sam. 3 :1 0 ). “Moses, Moses”—-to reverence (Exod. 3 :4 ). “ Abraham, Abraham”ip-for deliverance (Gen. 22:11). “ Simon, Simon”— of warning (Luke 22:31). “ Martha, Martha”— of reproof (Luke 10:41). “ Jacob, Jacob”-—for blessing (Gen. 4 6 :2 ). “ Jerusalem, Jerusalem”— compassionate reproach (Matt. 23 :37 ). — Selected. SEVEN “I WILLS” OF JEHOVAH (Exod. 6:6-8.)

2. He magnified his difficulties.

Prov. 26:15; Numbers 13:27-28, 33.

3. He slandered his Lord.

(a ) ;; “ Thou art a hard man” Matt. 9 :3 6 ; 14:14; 11:28-30; Mark 1 :4 1 ; 6:34. (b) “ Thou reapest where thou hadst not sown.” Jesus gave His life on cross; sowed free sal­ vation by giving life and blood on cross. (c) “Gathered where thou didst not straw.” John 1 :14 ; Duke 13:26; Matt. 9:35.

n . When the Slothful Servant Hid the Talent:— 1. He put a King’s gift in a place of curse (All unbe­ lievers squander heaven-given time, strength, money and talents in pleasure and sin) Isa. 55:2 — Money spent for that which is not bread. Romans 1:20-23; Romans 1 2 :1 ; Matt. 5:14-16. 2. He scorned the gift and the giver; turned his back and went his own way Is. 53:6. 3. He scorned the good example of the faithful servants. (Anyone living in land of churches and Bibles is responsible). 1. Thess. 5 :2 1 ; 1 Peter 3:5 (unsaved should chal­ lenge believers and thus hear the Gospel). 4. He scorned safety of that entrusted to him. (a) Hidden treasure may be stolen. (b) Hidden treasure may be forgotten and lost. (c) Hidden treasure loses value through deteri­ oration. (d) Thorns may grow oyer buried treasure; cares and riches of this world choke out good impulses and influences. ..(e ) Hidden treasure vs. Matt. 6:19-20. Conclusion Lazy Christians should be warned by this likeness of sloth to unbelief and exhorted in the light of John 15:5, 6; Matt. 25:30; Luke 12:46.— R. W . G.

“ I will bring you out” (v. 6.)§§-Promise. " I will rid you out” (v. 6).-—-Performance. “ I will redeem you” (v. 6 ) ___Propitiation. “ I will take you to Me” (v. 7).— People. “ I will be to you a God” (v. 7) H-Protection. “ I will bring you in” (v. 8) .^Prospect. “ I will give it you” (v. 8).— Provision.

SEVEN WALKS (In the Epistle to the Ephesians.)

l. W a lk -- past (Eph. 2 :2 ). 2.

in good works (Eph. 2 :10 ).

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

worthily (Eph. 4 :1 ). humbly (Eph. 4 :1 7 ). in love (Eph. 5 :2 ).

as children of light (Eph. 5:8) circumspectly (Eph. 5 :1 5 ).

— The Christian.

THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT (Gal. 5:22, 23, R. V.)

LOVE:— Source of obedience. JOY:— The repose of faith. PEACE:— The outcome of trust. LONGSUFFERING:^-Patience in action. KINDNESS:— Grace in action. GOODNESS: t —Love, with faith, and hope. FAITHFULNESS:— Sincerity at all cost. MEEKNESS:— Faith with humility. SELF-CONTROL:— Faith with courage.

HELPFUL ILLUSTRATIONS OF Soul-Winning, from Real Exeprience will be Found on Page 5 6 0

— The Christian.

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