King's Business - 1924-09

T he K ing ’ s B usiness M otto: “ I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day," Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES T. C. HORTON, Editor-in-Chief R. H. RICHARDS, Business Manager CONTRIBUTORS DR. R. A. TORREY DR. LEANDER S. KEYSER DR. JOHN MacINNIS WM. JENNINGS BRYAN DR. A. C. DIXON_______________ DR. J. FRANK NORRIS__________ DR. L. W . MUNHALL__________DR. F. W . FARR____________ DR. CHARLES R. ROADS THIS MAGAZINE stands for the Infallible Word of God, and for its great, fundamental doctrines. ITS PURPOSE is to strengthen the faith of all believers, in all the world; to stir their hearts to engage in definite Christian work; to acquaint them with the varied work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and to work in harmony and fellowship with them in magnifying the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus hasten His coming. Volume X V September, 1924 Number 9 T able o f Contents Editorials Page

A Deserved Tribute to Dr. Torrey.................... ............................._................. 539 Giving the Gospel to a Great City............... ...................................... .............. 539 The Plea of the Pacifists............................................ '.............. ....... .....................540 Correcting an Unfounded Rumor........................................................................540 A Change of Label but not of Liquid.......................................... ....................541 The Glorious Gospel of the Son of God ..........................................................541 Epochal Ecclesiastical Events....................................... 542 Griffith Thomas— the Gifted Teacher................................................................ 542 Contributed Articles Was the General Assembly Conservative? — Rev. A . Gordon MacLennan............... .......................... ....... ...........543 Mr. Bryan’ s Nominating Speech....................................................... :.544 Reflections on the 1924 General Conference — Dr. G . W . Ridout........................ ................................. .....;.............. ....545 The Northern Baptist Convention at Milwaukee — Dr. Frederic W . Farr......................... ........................................... ........ 545 Sixth World’s Fundamental Convention at Minneapolis..........................546 Grasshopper Men— Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis....................................... 549 Men of the June Graduating Class of 1924 — Manford George Gutzke........ :.................................................— ___ ..551 Christ Unique— Dr. James H. Brookes................................................... .........552 Peace or W a r?— Christabel Pankhurst............................................................. 553 Athenian Culture and Christianity— Rev. I. M. Haldeman.................... 554 Not Yours, but You— Hugh R. Monro.............................................................555 The Empty Seat— Dr. John Roach Straton.....................................................55 7 Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province (China).....................................................558 Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul-Winning Stories from Real Experience)............. ...... ........... ............................ ..............560 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps)................................. 563 The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession).......................................564 Practical Methods of Christian Work (For “Defenders of the Faith” ) .......565 Comments on the Christian Endeavor Topics...........................................................566 The Children’s Garden..................... 567 International S. S. Lesson Helps......................................................................................568 The Whole Bible (Fundamental) S. S. Lesson Helps..........................................575 First Fruits from Gospel Seed-Sowing.......................... 590 Current Comment..................... 593


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