September 1924
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
eth me shall not walk in darkness, hut shall have the light of life.”— -John 8:12. Pray for Your Pastor.- SUNDAY, 28 “Sorrow, with L i g h t Streaming Through it.” “ For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our conso lation also aboundeth by Christ.”ji-2 Cor. 1:5. Pray for American Chris tian Relief Mission. MONDAY, 29 Faith Not Righteousness Christ Dooks For. “ I tell you that he will
FRIDAY, 26 Our Inheritance. “Therefore let no man glory in men: for all things are yours; Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.”— 1 Cor. 3:21-23. Pray for the Printed Word. SATURDAY, 27 Why Give in the Dark? “ Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that follow-
avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”— Luke 18:8. Pray for The Christian Fundamentals Association. TUESDAY, 30 Forever with the Lord. “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.’’— 1 Thess. 4:17. Pray for His Coming.
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WHAT ONE “DEFENDER OF THE FAITH” IS DOING A letter came recently to the editor’s desk which set the joy bells ringing in his own heart, and he is passing it on to the other “Defenders of the Faith,” that they, too, may catch something of the inspiration for service which has come to this dear man through The King’s Business, and which—-as is always the case— is flowing out in ever widen ing streams of blessing to the unsaved, put read it for yourselves, and then, if you, too, have had a like blessing, write and tell us about it. “I want ; to report to you that- The K in g’s Business has given me a zeal for doing things that w ill win people to the Lord Jesus Christ. I am in charge o f a mission which has no pastor. Over a year ago I took it with about thirty scholars in Sunday School, and a prayer meeting of NONE at times, and hardly a hand ful to listen to a Sunday night service.’ I had one consum ing idea and that was to get some good woman, who knew the Lord Jesus Christ, to visit in the neighborhood, hold Bible readings and prayer meetings in the homes, and in that way build up the church. 1Maybe I didn’t pray hard enough, but the Lord put off sending the Bible woman until just recently when He released from the penitentiary a woman who had been sent up from here. She was a drug addict and a crim inal and stopped not at forgin g prescriptions to get the drug, n’or at forgin g checks to pay for it. The officers gave her up as a hopeless case. But a devoted w orker found her in jail and acquainted her with the Lord. She went to the penitentiary. While there at least two women were converted to the Lord through her work. When she got home the first person she tried to convert was her girl chum with whom she ran in her w ild days. She plead with her fo r the sake of "your boy of 16 to whom you ■have not been a mother, any more than I have been a mother to my 14 year old boy.” But the chum would not listen. Sadly she went away saying that she would pray for her form er pal. In a few days— the day before Easter— the pal called her on the phone. She was frantic. “May, come over; the boy is dead. Mangled to death by a truck. Oh, had I listened to you !” May went. Thè mother accepted Christ, but, oh, the bitterness of the thought that the boy had died, unsaved! I got one o f the churches here to interest itself in paying this woman a salary as the Bible woman so much needed for the mission, and never has that church paid out its money for a work that has been more prolific of great good. I prepared a form fo r the Biblé Woman to use so as to get a line on the conditions in every home. The name, age, church membership, S. S. membership, etc., of every person in registered. Then they are asked if they have a Bible. If so, it is brought out and then and there our Bible Woman shows her Bible and there is a Bible Reading in which more than one takes part. Then there is prayer. Sometimes the people are so glad to have the meetings that they send out for their neighbors. Tracts are left, and copies o f the little red Gospel of John published by Biola Book Room. A promise is secured from all that they w ill attend Sunday School, Church and prayer meeting. Praise God, within less than twenty-five calls, as many as seven people have given their hearts to Christ. Several men who have heard of the w ork have said, “Let me give some money toward it.” W e don’t call for the charity authorities, and are depending on God to move His people to provide the means, and they do it. A year ago boys and girls that couldn’t say the Lord’s prayer are now taking part in Christian Endeavor and in many ways show ing their know ledge o f the Bible. One such yester day recited the books of the Bible, the 23rd Psalm, the first and last verse o f the Bible, John 3:16 and the Lord’s prayer, and then happily hugged to her bosom a new Bible. We have them bring their Bibles and have caused more homes to dig up Bibles and get them out to be read than can be imagined.
The Lord has w onderfully blessed the work, and I am glad that The K in g’s Business has made it so patent to me that if people w on't come to church, the Gospel should be carried to the people. Just to think! That one woman (to whom, by the way I had you send a K in g’s Business while she was in prison and whom you helped to organize a splendid Bible class there), — a convict and an outcast, has already been the means of bringing at least ten people, to a saving know ledge of the Lord. Some of us who have been Christians all our lives haven’t done as much in a lifetim e as she has done since the Lord said “ Go and sin no more” just a few months since. God bless her w ork and keep her at the foot of the cross with the rest o f the weeping and grateful Marys. I felt that I wanted you to know about this great w ork that has come through The K ing’s Business, which gave me my zeal and love for the cause in a stronger way than I ever had it before.”
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LESSON FOUR We have seen from the three lessons which have already been given that it is the believer’s business to do personal work, and that there are no exceptions, though, not all can work in the same way, or use the same methods of approach. The Holy Spirit will guide in this. The method and manner of approaching the unsaved is as varied as are the people themselves. Circumstances and conditions will suggest the point of contact but, remember, God never commands us to do a thing which cannot be done. “His biddings are always His enablings.” The time, the place, the manner will all be suggested when the heart is in fellowship with His heart. The FIRST STEP is prayer, as it is, of course, for all service. Praise for the privilege-—prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the prosecution of the work. We represent Him. We are His servants. We are seeking to glorify Him. We are longing that others may have the joy we have. The APPROACH often means everything. Never assume an attitude of “ I am holier than thou.” This was never seen in our Lord’s approach to a soul, nor in that of the apostles. Go with a smile upon your countenance, for you have something that makes you happy. You have a story to tell of the wonderful grace of God. You were a sinner, under God’s condemnation. Now you are God’s free child! You are to spend eternity with Him! Your soul is bubbling over with joy! Suppose you say: “ I have a wonderful little story to tell you. Could you spare a moment?” Do not tell a long story, mind,— just a few words to open the way. If people are averse to hearing, be polite, hand them a tract or Gos pel and beg their pardon for intruding. Never hammer people. You are to be a soul winner and you are to keep a winning attitude. Do not be led into a harangue on smoking, drinking, card-playing, theater-going, etc. Unsaved people are* strangers to God. They are not (Continued on page 601)
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