September 1924
K I N G ’ S
T h e C h i l d r e n ' s G a r d e n Sophie Shaw Meader
THREE BIBLE STORIES As Told by Contestants in the Three Months’ Bible Course on “ The Life of Christ”
While He was speaking, a messen ger comes from Jairus’ house saying: “Do not bother the Master; thy daugh ter is dead.” But Jesus said, “ Pear not; only believe; and she shall be made whole.” So they went on to the house and Jesus took Peter, James and John and the mother of the girl, and told the friends not to weep. He then took her by the hand say ing, “ Maid, arise.” And she arose and He commanded them to give her some thing to eat. Jesus has almighty power today as He had in those days, and it is ours for the asking.
Chapter Nineteen teaches us that we must leave all the earthly things to follow Jesus. Only those that are .meek and lowly will enter the king dom of heaven. Jesus is coming soon and we must be ready and have the oil of the Holy Spirit. In Chapter Pour, of John, Jesus is teaching us that He is a well of living water; and if we drink of that waters we will never thirst again. I hope that Jesus will help me to drink of that living water. In Chapter Six, Jesus teaches its to have faith. When Jesus asked Philip where they would get bread for the
JESUS’ POWER TO HELP Irene Jocelyn (Age 9) Canada
One day when Jesus was teaching in Galilee, a ruler of one of the syna gogues, Jairus by name, came and fell at His feet and asked Him if He would come to his home as he had a little daughter who was very sick. As He was going, the people all crowd ing around Him, a woman who had
EXHIBIT o f b o o k s o x “THE LIFE .OF CHRIST” This photograph shows the eighty-one hand-made books on “The Life of Christ” which children f r o m tw enty-four States of the Union, as well as from Hawaii, China, South America and Prince Edward Island, Canada, completed in a Six Months’ Bible Study Course, conducted by the edi tor of “The Children’s Gar den.” On the farther table are shown the twenty P r i z e Books: the middle table con tains the o t h e r sixty-one books, while on the table in the foreground are the books which were made by some of the children In one o f the public schools in O a k l e y , Kansas,—Miss Theresa Cun ningham, instructor. T h e papers hanging from the line represent the May and June work given to the students of the course. All o f the posters, w ith one exception, were made by Miss Kathryn Smith of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. More than three hundred exceed ingly interested people in spected the books and were unanimous in their praise of the work done by the contes tants in this, the first Bible Study contest conducted by The Children’s Garden. The second Bible Study Con test covering a Three Months’ Period only, is now under way,— the subject being “The Coming of the K ing,” the third and closing lessons being given in this issue. (See July K. B. for rewards offered)..
been sick twelve years and had spent all her money on doctors, heard of Him being there, and believing in her heart that Jesus could heal her even if she only touched His clothes, came behind Him and touched Him and was immediately made well. But Jesus felt the power go from Himself and stopped and said, “Who touched me?” His disciples said: “Why, every one is touching you; what do you mean?” So Jesus explained that He had felt the touch of faith. Then the woman told before them all what the touch of Jesus had done for her. Then Jesus said, "B e of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace.”
multitude He did it just to see if Philip had faith, because He knew what to do. Many times when we ask Him for something, He does not give it to us just then, to see if we have faith or not. Also, He teaches us that He is the bread of life. He says “ I am the bread of life.” If we eat of that bread we will have everlasting life. Chapter Ten teaches us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and gave His life for lost sheep. I am glad I was a lost sheep and now I am a found one. Chapter Fifteen teaches us to bear fruit. We cannot do it In ourselves (Continued on page 595)
JESUS THE GREAT TEACHER Grace Randall (Age 12) South America In the Fifth Chapter of Matthew Jesus is teaching us that we are the light of the world and we must shine in dark places. That means that we must tell other people about Jesus and, if we can get children to listen to us, to tell them about Jesus. In Chapter Eleven Jesus is teaching us about Himself and tells us to learn of Him, because He is meek and lowly in heart. In Chapter Fourteen Jesus teaches us to have faith.
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