King's Business - 1924-09

September 1924


K I N G ’ S



PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (Continued from page 551)

‘ Viola Best Books”

very general way, I have been able to classify as follows— Exactly one half, that is 22, were influenced by former stu­ dents, i The'other;i22;: were influenced by The King’s Busi­ ness, Advice of; Friends, .Climate (on account of health), Influence of Moody Bible Institute, a Friend of Mr. Foster; and one: could not, but come on the invitation of Professor Trowbridge. Unaccustomed Surroundings and Ddties Our' stay at the Institute has been to the most of us one of the most intense experiences of our lives. Many of us had been out of school for long enough to find studying a very difficult task, especially that which exercised the mem­ ory. Most of us were not accustomed to city life— espec­ ially to dormitory life with its necessary rules and regula­ tions, and you can readily understand that this meant a strain, under which we have studied, gone to assignments, and tried to do personal work; many of us also finding our­ selves obliged to secure secular employment to enable us to finish oui; course here. One morning I awoke at 4:00 A. M. and saw the reflection through my window of a light in a room across the court. When I looked I saw the shadow of a fellow student, a member of this class, as he walked back and forth holding a paper in his hand. I had seen him doing the same thing at 11:00 the night before for there was a Doctrine “ Exam.” that morning and this man had been converted when he could neither read nor write, and could hardly speak English. By God’s grace he was striv­ ing to be well-pleasing in that examination. I have seen some of these men get on the platform at our Main Street Mission-—Biola Hall— men who had never spoken in public ;even to a sympathetic group, and their struggle to gain the attention and win the soul of some one with their testimony, only to come away crushed with a sense of discouragement and failure, that would seem to overwhelm. But God has never forgotten us and often on our knees by our bed-side, the Heavenly Father has strengthened and encouraged us. And then there have been those wonderful occasions when, following a season of prayer, we have met some soul whose need we understood and whose thirst we could quench with the Living Water, and someone through our testimony has accepted the Lord, — occasions when we felt that we would not trade our own position for that of any other living person. A Glimpse of the Daily Round And in these months there have been many days when the necessity of doing secular work has meant a rush from Doctrine Class, an early hasty dinner, a rush to one’s room, a change of clothes to overalls and khaki shirt— then a long ride in crowded street cars in the heat of the day to mow a lawn, scrub a window, clean a car, dig a garden; then, taking the 50c per hour, again the long ride back in the cars which clanked and banged incessantly, a hurry to our rooms, a wash and a clean up and then down to a late Supper. Can you wonder that some of us thought of the days when ' we worked no harder, drew real pay and lived among per­ sonal friends? But I feel that I must mention right here, that the kind sympathetic consideration of these late-com- ers by the dining room staff, has often been the means of encouragement and consolation. I once remarked that I did not suppose there ever was another group of people quite so kind. To Him belongs the praise and glory! But (Continued on next page)

“ The Wrong Side of the Bed ' 9 It seems that beds have a “wrong side” and a “ right side”— and so it is with people. “How Jesus Christ always found the ‘right side* of others!— Peter, Thomas— John— Martha— Nico- demus— Saul of Tarsus! The Spirit of Christ dwelling in us will lead us into this most salutary truth-—that everyone has a loveable side.” If you are looking for a refreshing breath of practical thought for practical everyday living read this new. book The Romance of Right Living Amos R. Wells Fresh, stimulating, healthy Christian idealism characterizes his work throughout. Cloth $1.50

STUDY-TIME The “workman that needeth not to be ashamed“ spends long, quiet hours in the com­ pany of God’s Word. With your Bible on your lap you will enjoy these good study books.

A Syllabus (or Old Testament Study

John R. Sampey

Cloth $2.00

A Syllabus for New Testament Study

A. T. Robertson

Cloth $2.00

From Genesis to Revelation

Mildred Berry

Cloth $2.00

The Outlined Bible

Robert Lee Designed to show a t' a glance the structure and contents of each book of the Bible. Teach- ears and students will find it helpful. Paper $1.00, Cloth $1.50

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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