K I N G ’ S
September 1924
It has been the very intensity of the difficulties and this strain that has been the means of the greatest blessing received here. We are practically unanimous in our testi mony that the greatest blessing we received was in coming to know the Lord better and to trust Him more. Aspirations for the Future Of course there have been times when bur conduct did not measure up to our calling, but we ask you to consider that the many new experiences we were having would nat urally dim our vision and obscure our objective until such times as we could again view things with a normal per spective and adjust ourselves accordingly. As it is written, “ Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint,” so it has doubtless been in some instances. But now we come to the close of our Bible Institute experience— our course is finished and we lift our eyes from the details that have engrossed us, and we look again into the future. Now the big, eternal values are once more felt, the vision is again cleared and we are today filled with surging emotions as we contemplate that which lies before us. A world in need! souls perishing! heathen dying un- Teached by the Gospel! the flock of Christ torn by ravenous wolves in our own land! iniquity abounding and the love of many waxing cold! There are men in the Faculty who know it far better than I,—-but we feel it, and because we feel it, we are a serious group of men leaving this place, and this accounts for the increasing sobriety that has been manifested in us in the last few months. When asked to express ourselves as to our future work, 12 have stated that further study comes first; 12 have felt a definite call to the foreign field, six to the Ministry, four to general Christian work, one to Sunday School work, and nine are going out under sealed orders, even as Abraham, who departed, "Not knowing whither he went.” There may be uncertainty and a measure of indefiniteness in our plans for “ now we know in part”-—but if I am able to interpret the spirit of these men at all I can assure you all that there are strong clear-cut definite convictions, many of which we have received and which have grown in our two years here, which will determine and mark our courses in the future. And, by God’s grace, we trust that we shall be able to serve Him well wherever He may lead, and in our lives to render to you our greatest thanks and be your greatest reward, proving ourselves worthy fellow-soldiers of all who fight the fight of faith, holding fast the faithful Word and looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. sVi. ' S4S> MY STRENGTH In all my weakness, Lord, I rest in Thee And feel Thine arms of love encircling me; I never could have known such blessedness Apart from mine exceeding helplessness. So I will rest in Thee from day to day, , Thyself my strength each moment of the way; Drinking more deeply of Thy wondrous love; Till I shall rest with Thee in Heaven above. (Sent to the editor by an aged saint from her invalid’s room ). afe ate ate A R E Y O U S U R E The denominational school you are helping support is abso lutely sound in the faith? It may be a whited sepulchre! Read Mrs. Stead’s new booklet entitled “Modernism in Action,” issued by the Western Baptist Publishing Co., Price 25c. (Order from Biola Book Room, 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.)
“ Biola Best Books” God’s Time Clock
Do things just happen? Or is God moving toward a definite goal— unfold ing, revealing, achieving— a plan— a purpose which shall be consummated at the appointed time? Can we trust God's time clock? Think of the accuracy and orderliness of the universe! Order These books Today! God’s World Program God’s plan for men and the consumation Rev. Grant Strob Cloth $1.50 God’s Call to America Are we moving in unison with God— or are we the rusty wheels? George H. Truett Cloth $1.50 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.________ results of accepting Christ opened the eyes of many who were already professing Christians, making Christ a real and mighty Saviour, to them as He had never been before. Others received Him for the first time and confessed Him as Saviour and Lord. Among these latter •was one young man who at the beginning of the year had no thought of even attending school. Coming from a distant state to find employment in the oil fields and finding none, he was led by a series of circumstances and impressions which he himself did not understand, but which he now recognizes to have been the guiding hand of God, to enten High School for his senior year, to seek employment in the School Store presided over as Faculty Advisor by the consecrated teacher already refer red to, and, in order that God’s chief purpose for him might; be attained, to become a member of the Bible Class. Now he is going forth from High School to enter upon a course in University training and preparation for future life work, enriched, not so much by an added year of study in an excellent High School and the possession of its diploma, as by the possession of a new life in Christ Jesus and a love for and awakened understanding of the Word of God which has opened up to him the Fountain of all Wis dom and led him to drink from its very Source. As the feet of this young man were so definitely guided by divine power until he was led to Christ, will all who read this pray that he may now walk obediently in the new found way, “ the path of the just. . . . that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK (Continued from page 562)
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