King's Business - 1924-09


September 1924

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

FIRST FRUITS FROM GOS­ PEL SEED-SOWING As stated in editorial in this issue, “ Giving the Gospel to a Great City” (Page 539), we have had many blessed testimonies from the workers who par­ ticipated in this glorious privilege, a few of which we are giving herewith, that others may catch the inspiration which came to the hundreds of happy people— young and old-Swho made the enterprise possible of accomplish­ ment. Most of these were given at the Wednesday evening Prayer Meet­ ing of the Church of the Open Door following the distribution. A Family Saved “ In the district in which I worked, a man and his wife and two little boys made a confession of Christ.” Three Children Reached “As a result of my work, three chil­ dren have been added to my Home Bible Class, and have since come to my home every morning asking for Gospels to deliver on their way to school." Many Souls Saved “ Each worker praised the Lord for the privilege of giving out the Gospel. We held a meeting after we were through with the distribution and many souls were saved.” Free as Salvation “One person was very much sur­ prised to know that the little book was free, and also to know that salvation was just as free. ‘God will bless you if you will read it,’ said the worker, and passed on,” ; •■ Memories of the Old Home “A woman came to the door, fol­ lowed by two or three children. When she saw what the little book was a smile broke out on her face and she said, ‘It reminds me of home when mother used to gather us around her and read out of the Gospel of John.’ ” Rejoicing in Persecution “One of our workers was kicked down stairs, but that didn’t deter him from finishing up his assignment and coming out in the afternoon to help the others finish theirs. There was a very sweet spirit of cooperation among the eight people who worked in our district.” A Source of Bodily Strength “ I am a good walker on a level, but thought I was a cliff dweller before finishing my assignment. But there is something about working for the Lord that strengthens one. If any­ body had told me that I could have covered so much ‘up-and-down’ work in two afternoons, I wouldn’t have believed it.” Passed It On “ Some refused, but only about one per cent of the people visited. Nearly all of the others were pleased to get their copy. Some asked for another copy for a friend, either in the home or to send away, others gave back their copy stating they were Chris­ tian workers. The work was a great joy, and we know that great blessing will result from it.” (Continued on next page)

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