TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September 1924
FIRST FRUITS (Continued from page 590) Twenty-five Precious Souls
MessengersScrutine TEXTCALENDARS
“Biola Best Books”
“ Each worker in our district had a definite purpose to lead as many souls as possible to Christ. I myself led twenty-five to the Lord during the afternoon. I had them read John 1:12, convincing them that they were sin ners and not sons of God, but that the gift of God was eternal life. One said, ‘I am so happy to have this Gospel.’ ’’ Prosperous— But— ? “ Five of us in our car (four stu dents). We gave out 750 Gospels but could not possibly cover our district. Mr. Morgan told us afterwards he gave us the hardest district in the city -— all hills. Only two women and one man refused to take it. The people all seemed very prosperous, and many of them looked at me with a sort of pity in their expression as much as to say, ‘Poor simp! what is he doing out here in this hot sun?’ ” A Glorious Day “We had wonderful workers. Every time they came back after fresh sup plies their faces were just radiant with joy. Said they were not tired, and ‘so happy’ ! At 6:30 we ran out of Gospels and phoned for more, hut It was too late to get them that night, so we finished up Sunday afternoon. We didn’t feel a bit tired and had never had such a glorious day. Two souls were won— one on Saturday and one on Sunday. We came in touch with a number whom we expect to follow up in various ways.” Law and Gospel “My district was composed mostly of boarding houses, flats and bunga lows. There were three of us, and we had the time of our lives. Gave out 600 Gospels. Only one refused. Most of those who came to the door received them gladly. At one place no one was home, but I saw a ‘B’nai B’rith Mess enger’ in the mail box, so thought It would be a good plan to combine ‘Law and Gospel,’ slipped the Gospel inside the paper and left It.” The True Riches • “My district was in the ‘seats of the mighty.’ In these houses they have very noisy dogs which seem to make a special business of driving everybody away. But I didn’t miss a single house in spite of the dogs. Many of the front doors had little windows in them, barred, and the Gospel would have to be put through this little win dow without even seeing the face of the person receiving it. By 2:00 P. M. ; I was absolutely played out and had to lie down under a tree to rest awhile, for it is tiresome work to one .unaccustomed to it to climb up and down such long flights of steps as usually lead to these fine residences. But the Lord gave me strength to go on working four hours longer, when I had thought I was ‘done gone’ at 2 :0 0 .” On The Jewish Sabbath “Our district was a Jewish one, very orthodox. It being the Jewish Sab bath we found most of the people at home, so that our reception was at times warm, and might almost be termed ‘hot.’ We were able, how ever, to witness to whole families. (Continued on next page)
Here dwelt the Son o f G od !
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