T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September 1924
Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 -Octave Double Reed In order to introduce our Latest Model Liberty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs leatherette covered, or oak case. We will accept limited time orders at each (list price $70.00.) A . L. WHITE M FG . CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.
1500 Gospels were distributed, and many excellent prospects secured which we will follow up. We met one middle-aged Jew and his wife who were keeping the Sab bath, with a real love and zeal for God, though without knowledge. We sat down and had a fine time with them, out of which I believe will come a precious soul. We were also able to help one young girl into the full assurance of salvation.” A Church Revived One pastor, when asked if he would cooperate, was greatly interested but said he had but lately come to the church and did not think he could count much on his people taking part, as the church was in a very low spirit ual condition,.— but the plan appealed to him as the very thing to start a re vival, and he would gladly distribute the Gospels in his district, even if he and his family had to do it themselves. Later he reported enthusiastically that although he could get only a very few of his members to help, he and the other members of his family had gone over the district thoroughly, (being obliged, of course, to take several days for it), and as a result he had received twenty-six new members into his church, the greater part of whom, he was sure, were reached as a direct result of the distribution. ENTHUSIASTIC Rev. Herman C. Beers., Jack- son Summit, Pa.— “ I am well pleased with your service and my people are enthusiastic about our parish paper. I praise the Lord for our paper. I don’t know how I would get along without it.“ DOING A GREAT WORK Rev. John T. Munton, Koo tenai, Idaho— “Your work is excellent. Our paper is well re ceived. I wish I had known of your system years ago. You are doing a great work for the King dom. I am glad to pass the good news on to my brethren.“ A GREAT SUCCESS Rev. Wallace Hartsell, Brevard, N. C.— “At first I was afraid to try a parish paper, but now I find it a great success. Compliments come from every side.“ It makes no difference whether your church is small or large, city or rural, you can have a parish paper at no cost to you or the church if you use our service. Not only this but you can make money for the church. Mail the coupon. Without obligat ing you in any way, free samples and par ticulars will be sent by return mail.
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Into this new novel with its charm ing love story and vivid glimpse of modern social life, the author intro duces a vital issue— the problem of the ministry during the present re ligious crisis.
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Rev. Geo. L. Cooper, Durham, N. C.— “ Our parish paper gets better every month. It is accom plishing much for the church. Your work and courtesies are entirely satisfactory.“ AN AMAZING WELCOME Rev. Charles W. Taylor, Ro chester, N. Y.— “ Our parish paper has received a most amaz ing welcome on the part of the people. You give us splendid service.“ $100 PROFIT IN SEVEN MONTHS Rev. W. A. Humphries, Ben- ham, Ky.— “ For the past seven months our parish paper has paid all expenses and there is over $100 in treasury as profit. Your service is splendid and efficient.“
The W orld’s Greatest Need T. E. H. Jones Just the book to put into the hands of intellectual unbelievers. Cloth $2.00
Confronting Young Men W ith the Living Christ John R. Mott
A vital message for the day in which we live. Cloth $1.50
A Translation of Luke’s Gospel
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How to Live the Victorious Life
Your Church is just what you make it.
by An Unknown Christian
Cloth 75c
The National Religious Press, Grand Rapids, Mich. 3end me full particulars and samples of your Parish Paper proposition, without obligating me in any way. Nam'e ...............................................................— ¿................... Street ........________________________..............i................. City............_________ .................i......... State...!.............. K. B. (Write plain)
If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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