September 1924
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
CURRENT COMMENT ------------* --------- « ------------ THE ANTI-EVOLUTION LEAGUE OF AMERICA Evangelist T. T. Martin of Blue Mountain, Miss., and Professor I. R. Dean of Toronto, Canada, are arrang ing to begin August 1st their fall and winter “ Bible— Christ— and— Consti tution campaign against Evolution in Tax-supported schools.” They go to gether or separately. They have asso ciated with them, for State Campaigns, some strong men, such as the noted scientist, Professor George McCready Price, who has written more boohs on science than any other living scientist,, and' the noted Southern orator, preacher and editor, J. W . Porter of Kentucky. There has been organized “The Anti-Evolution League of America,”; with J. W . Porter, LL. D., as Presi dent, and Judge Matt O’Doherty of Louisville, Ky., as Vice-president. It has a strong Executive Board of prom inent men in the United States and Canada. Their purpose is to carry the fight against Evolution in tax-sup ported schools, to local Boards of Trustees and Legislatures, on the ground that it is a violation of the Constitution of the United States that guarantees religious liberty, to force a man to send his child to tax-sup ported schools, force him to pay his taxes and then with this money pay teachers to destroy the faith of his child in the Bible as God’s Word and in Jesus Christ as the Saviour. Evangelist T. T. Martin is the Field Secretary of this Anti-Evolution League of America. It is a tremen dous task these men are undertaking, but it can be accomplished if those who see the fearful danger and curse of Evolution will join these men in their battle. Arrange for City, County, or State Campaigns and write Mr. Martin, Blue Mountain, Miss., giving 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices as to dates. RE-WRITING THE BIBLE It is interesting, instructive and illu minating to get the views of some of the secular newspapers in regard to the attempts of the Modernists to bring the old-time religion and the old-time Bible “ up-to-date.” The Fairview Heights Gazette (Calif.), has the following pertinent comment on the present fad of “ Re-writing the Bible” : “Now the Bible is to be re-written. A number of large papers over the country are running daily installments of the Bible as it has been re-written by so-called scientists and learned scholars. To the average citizen with the old-fashioned mother this latest fad will not appeal. We believe they will tell you that “ the Bible my mother read and lived by is good enough for me.” But if the Bible is to be re-written why not illustrate it, too. Dress Moses in evening clothes, with his beard re moved and a monicle in his eye. Gown Deborah in knee skirts, bob her hair
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