T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September 1924
and picture her with a lip stick and a cigaret. One is no worse than the other. We know w e are living in a pretty fast age, but we haven’t neglected to build a few insane asy lums as we went along. It might be a splendid plan to fill the vacancies in the insane asylums before these “ ex tremely progressive” fellows become too numerous.” PRAYER-MEETING The Korean pastor of the Pyeng Yang Church, a church that has had a prayer-meeting, with an average at tendance of over a thousand for the past three years, felt that his church was growing cold and indifferent. So each morning he went to the church to pray till six. One Sunday morning the pastor told his people what he was doing, and invited any who wish ed to join him. On the Monday morn ing, to the pastor’s encouragement, over a hundred were present, and by Saturday morning s i x hundred. Among them were many busineses men spending the time from four to six in prayer, getting right with each other and with God. The next month more than three thousand souls were added to the Pyeng Yang churches.— The Christian Herald (London). $10 « to $200Weekly Every Week in the Year Christian Men and Womenthis is your opportunityto make big money. Our representatives are earning moremoney than ever before, many as high as$ 200.00 weekly selling the New Indexed Bible. Endorsedand recommended byministers, editors and Biblestudents everywhere. Thousands declare it the best Bible published. ONE THOUSAND AT A
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