September 1924
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Can You Answer These Questions? What is grace? What is justification? Are miracles contrary to reason? Into how many “ages” or “ dispensa tions” does the Bible divide time? What are the great mysteries of the Bible? What is a Biblical “age” or “dispensa tion?” These, and many other vital questions that every Bible student should be. able to answer, are fully dealt with in the notes in the SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE The synopsis of each book of the Bible, chain- references, summaries of great Bible truths, and many other features found only in this edition, make it an essential aid to all Bible students. Helps at the Hard Places on the Pages Where Needed Packed W ith Reverent Scholarship “ Into a volume smaller than the ordinary sized Bible, printed in beautiful bold-faced type, are packed the concentrated results o f the world’s reverent Scholarship, and all of it athriU with spiritual power and with the presence of a living and coming Lord.”— Sunday School Times. Minion Type, 7%j % inches Specimen of Type / S And the light shineth in dark ness; and the darkness ^compre hended it not. M inistry o f John Baptist. (See vs. 29-34. Cf. Mt. 3. 1-17; Mk. . 1. i-n ; Lk. 3 . 1-23.) 6 There was a «man sent from God, whose name was John. 'No. 50 Fine Grain Cloth, round corners, kind. I i.e. He came unto his own things, and hisownpeo ple received him not. m Or, author - ity. itFaith. John 3.15,16,18,36. (Gen.3.20; red edges.........................................................$2.78 'No. 53 French M orocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges.. 5.50 Oxford India Paper Edition •No. 55x French M orocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges................. 8.00 iNo. 155x, as No. 55x, with Concordance... 9.50 Brevier Type, inches Specimen of Type 14 And the ¿Word was made flesh; and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (No. 70 Fine Grain Cloth, round corners, red edges...................................., ................ $ 3.25 N o. 73 French M orocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges.. 6.50 Oxford India Paper Edition -No. 75x French M orocco, divinity circuit, le a th e r lin e d to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. 10.00 No. 175x, as No. 75x, with Concordance.. 11.50 Send for circular showing 26 other styles A t AU Booksellers or the Publishers OXFORDUNIVERSITY PRESS American Branch 35 V. 32nd STREET, NEWjYORK Edited by Rev. C. I. Scofield, D.D. A s s is t e d by E m in e n t Scholars A Bible and Commentary Combined
THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN (Continued from page 567.) but in Jesus. If we are in Him, we can do all things. He has loved and died for me.
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JESÚS THE SON OF GOD Philip Malkerson (Age 13) South Dakota
In the First Chapter of John it is proved to us beyond the peradventure of a doubt that Jesus is God’s Son. We have our proof thereof in several places. In the first chapter, John speaks of Jesus as the Word that came into the world to give light. In the 14th verse He says “And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only I begotten of the Father.” Then in the ! 18th verse He tells us, “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begot ten Son which is in the bosom of the i Father, He hath declared Him ." John I the Baptist, when he first saw Jesus, I calls out (v. 2 9 ): “Behold the Lamb of | God which taketh away the sin of the world.” Also in the 41st verse An- I drew, finding his brother, says, “We have found the Messiah,, which is, I being interpreted, Christ.” In John 3:16, Jesus Himself testi fied to Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, that He is God’s Son. In John 6:69 Peter testifies that Jesus is God’s Son when he says: “And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the son of the living God.” In the 10th chapter, where the Jews I are about to stone Him, He asks if j He can be called a blasphemer for call ing Himself the Son of God, when | God hath sanctified Him. In the 11th chapter, where Mary | tells Jesus that Lazarus is sick, He | says:' “ This sickness is not unto death, ¡ but for the glory of God, that the Son I of God might be glorified thereby.” ; And in •the 27th verse Mary says: “ Yea, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.” Thus we see that Christ’s nearest i friends were always ready to proclaim Him as God’s Son. But in Pilate’s court the Jews said: “He ought to die for He has made Himself God’s Son.” The last testimony in John’s Gospel is John 20:31: “ This is written that i ye might believe that Jesus is the I Christ, the Son of God and that believ- ; ing ye might have life through His name.” Recite all memory work to instruc tor; write all Bible lessons on large i sheets of paper, fastening three month’s work together, using a cover of unruled paper. Decorate it if de- I sired, seal in large envelope and send j as first class matter on October 1st, to Mrs. Sophie Shaw Meader, Notice:— Every child not receiving one of the four special rewards will, i if he or she sends in good work, secure a splendid story-book. General Subject: “ The Coming of the King.” (Continued on next page) 225, W . 15th St., Long Beach, Calif. CLOSING BIBLE LESSONS In the Three Months’ Bible Contest Course Final Directions
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