T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September 1924
ending and that the wars, pestilences,* earthquakes, and distresses of every kind are just the first rumblings of the storm which is about to break. For God has said that He will “ once more shake the Heavens and the earth, and those things which cannot be shaken will remain.” How about the nations? When Jesus comes back with His own, there will be a great and terrible war in progress which He will extinguish by the very brightness of His presence (2 Thess. 2: 8). Then what? Let us turn to the Scriptures and read two passages from Isaiah. In Isaiah 9:6 we read: “ For unto us a child is horn; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Coun sellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” (Notice that “His government” and “peace” go together, but “human government” and “war” go together.) In Isaiah 2:2 we read: “ It shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be estab lished in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.” God’s Peace Policy So the Peace Palace at the Hague and the arrangements at Geneva will be superseded, for the center of world gov ernment will be in Jerusalem. So often we hear people speaking of “beating swords into plowshares" and they seem to think that somehow they will be able to bring that desirable state of affairs to pass by their own efforts. But in the last war, it was really the other way around, for in
England many of the factories which had been manufac turing agricultural implements were turned into munition factories. Isaiah goes on to say (2: 4) “Neither shall they learn war any more.” I like that. The United States is not behind in learning war, and we shall all go on learning war as nations until the Lord comes and ends it all. Just think of the time when the nations will not even know how to fight! That will be a peace policy for you. I would not give anything for a policy which did not have a man behind it to put it into effect. Well, we have a Man coming who will make His peace policy effective. If the church wants to bring about peace, let all her people get to work and herald the coming of the King-^the Prince of Peace. There are two reasons why I want Jesus to come. First: I see the terrible condition of the world, the crisis which we are approaching. I am faced with the awful facts. Even if I had never read a word of prophecy, I could not close my eyes to the calamities toward which we are rushing,—^ the discord between the East and West,— everywhere there the “splitting and the cracking. Without the promise of the Lord’s return the condition of this world would be utterly hopeless; Second: I do love my Lord and inasmuch as I love Him and because I love Him, I cannot bear this belittling of Him, this denial of Him. I am longing for the day when every knee shall bow to Him, the day of His complete vin dication, the day of His final glorification, as He is today glorified in the presence of God and the angels. Oh, that we might get all believers to be of the same mind, and that there might be a mighty volume of prayer and appeal going up to Him to come! I think that is what He is waiting for above all else. Surely, there was enough indifference and rejection when He came the first time! Do let us give Him a warm welcome this time. Do let Him come to hearts that are full and overflowing with love and longing for Himself. Oh, that it might be tonight! YOUNG MEN and YOUNG WOMEN who are thinking o f further preparation for Christian service will be interested in the picture o f the June Graduating Class on Page 5 5 0 , and also in the Address by the Speaker for the Men (Page 5 5 1 ). US’ US’
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