King's Business - 1924-09

September 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


=BOOK LOVERS'“ * M inisters, M issionaries, Students, W ork ers, Everybody LOOK AT THESE Special Combination Offers H ere is your opportunity to obtain som e of the BEST B O O K S published, at greatly reduced prices FOR ONLY $1.50 Y ou can have any of the follow ing combinations, or you can change the combination to suit yourself, just so it does not run over $ 1 .9 5 King’s Business one year...^,;*.............. ..........v........................ .........$1.25 Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth— Wm. Evans.............................60 $1.85 King’s Business one year..................................... .................................$1.25 Exposition of Genesis— Wm. Evans....... /...........................................25 Truth for You— J. H. Sammis..................................„ ..... ............... .25 $1.75 King’s Business one year......................... ............................................$1.25 The Two Genealogies of Jesus— J. C. Stillion...... ......................... 25 God’s Dispensations— C. McKay Smock.............................................25 $1.75 King’s Business one year...................................... ........... .................. $1.25 The Return of the Lord Jesus— R. A. Torrey........... ......................50 $1.75 King’s Business one year.".....................................................................$1.25 Matthews Gospel Self Interpreted— Keith L. B.rooks............. .50 $1.75 King’s Business one year......................................................................$1.25 The Mysteries of the Kingdom— W . C. Steven................................35 The Triumphs of the Cross— W . C. Stevens.................... ................. 35 $1.95 King’s Business one year............ $1.25 The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel— Dr. G. A. Briegleb............50 FOR ONLY $2.00 You can have any of the following combinations King’s Business one year............ .............................. ...........................$1.25 In The Twinkling of an Eye— Sydney D. Watson..................... 1.25 $2.50 King’s Business one year............ .......................................... ...............$1.25 The Mark of the Beast— Sydney D. Watson.............................. 1.25 $2.50 King’s Business one year............ .........................................................$1.25 The Conflict— Elizabeth Knauss........................................................ 1.25 $1.50 King’s Business one year.......................................................................$1.25 Sermon Illustrations of the Bible— Keith L. Brooks!.....;....... 1.00 The World and Its God— Philip Mauro................................... . .35 $2.60 King’s Business one year...... .............................................................$1.25 Perplexing Passages in the four Gospels— Keith L. Brooks.. 1.50 $2.75 King's Business one year......................................................................$1.25 Personal and Practical Christian Work— T. C. Horton._.... 1.50 $2.75 King’s Business one year....... ..............................................„...........$1.25 The Patmos Vision— George W . Davis.......................................... 1.75 v '/ . $3.00 King's Business one year..................................................................... $1.25 The Summarized Bible, Cloth— Keith L. Brooks....................... 1.75 $3.00 FOR ONLY $2.50 You can have any of the following combinations King's Business one year ....................................¿.................$1.25 Knowing the Scriptures— Dr. A. T. Pierson................................. 2.00 $3.25 King’s Business one year....................................... ...............................$1.25 God's Best Secrets— Andrew Murray.............................................. 2.00 $3.25 King’s Business one year....................................................... ...............$1.25 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord— Torrey 2.00 $3.25 King’s Business one year...................................................................$1.25 The World’s Greatest Need— T. E. Jones..— — 2.00 $3.25 You can have the King’s Business sent to one address and the books to another if you desire. Tell your friends of these splendid offers also and get them to subscribe. D on 't F orget - - - D o n 't Put It O ff D O IT N O W ! ! ! THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 -538 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

A MILLION SOULS FOR CHRIST! Several years ago a university-bred Modernist, for whose reclamation much prayer had been offered, was brought to the Lord through the instrumentality of a leaflet. His Modernism disappeared “ over night,” and he has since been used of God to help point mul­ titudes of. others to Christ. Some one had prayed— for whom are YOU praying? A successful young business man (a nominal Christian) was powerfully converted. Last year (1923) he led some 3,000 souls (mostly in open air meetings), not to the signing of cards, but to a defi­ nite acceptance of Christ. Some one had prayed— are YOU praying? An Irishman was visiting in Chicago. Some one handed him a ticket of invitation to an evangelistic service. That man today is giving a strong testimony in Western Canada. Prayer was hack of that t ic k e t - are YOU praying? The present department head of one of America’s great metropolitan stores was brought years ago face to face with the question: “What will you do with Jesus?” Today that man is one of the greatest per­ sonal soul-winners on the American continent. Godly parents had prayed— -are YOU praying? There are some 25,000,000 professing Protestant Christians in America; are there 1,000,000 praying Protestant Christians? Are YOU? Is it because some one else prayed? For whom are YOU praying? There are probably 50,000,000 comparatively un­ evangelized people on this same continent, at least one-fifth of whom might accept Christ if 1,000,000 “praying Christians” would pray! Will YOU? But if only one in fifty came to Him, it would still be ONE MILLION! A million precious, priceless souls, for whom Christ died! A puny, paltry million in America out of earth’s seventeen hundred millions! And every one of the seventeen hundred millions facing the same direction — TOWARDS ETERNITY! A Ohristless eternity for the unsaved— a rewardless eternity for many of the saved— FOR YOU? “ Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4 :3 5 ). The harvest will soon be past; will your quota of the sheaves be gathered? Or must their bitter, eternal wail be: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are NOT SAVED!” “ Sad, sad, that bitter wail: ‘Almost— but lost’ !” Pray for the revival of America’s “million praying Christians.” Pray for the evangelization of the 50,- 000,000 unevangelized. Pray for “a million souls for Christ.” PRAY FOR REVIVAL! lost because they commit certain kinds of sin, but they are lost because they were born in sin and have a sinful nature. You are inviting them to become members of the family of God. Make your appeal upon the basis of God’s love, as manifested in the suffering of His Son on the cross, and impress upon them the fundamental fact that He never would have died for men if there had been any other way to save them. God had no other way, but He has made a simple law by which the new nature may be obtained: Accept Christ as Saviour and the gift of eternal life follows. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” —»John 1:12. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. * * * ♦ For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.”—Rom. 10:9-11. PRACTICAL METHODS OF CHRISTIAN WORK (Continued from page 565)

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