King's Business - 1924-09


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1924

ATHENIAN CULTURE AND CHRISTIANITY (Continued from page 554) the new religion. It is one of the chief accents in the pro­

It will deal wholly with the present, with the here instead of the there, with the life that now is, and not with that which is to come. It will not be taken up with the city above, but the city below, with the present and real world, and not with the future and uncertain world. This is the new religion! A religion that repudiates Christianity, denies the Christ of the New Testament and finds the Bible (at present the best “seller” in the world) too antiquated for a five-foot shelf and unequal to the demand of modern times. The Fallacies of the New Religion It is a fallacy to seek to build a religion without author­ ity. What is a religion without authority? Let me ask, what is a government without authority? Look yonder at Louis XVI. in the Hotel de Ville. See how the mob put the red cap on his head, slap him on the back as a good fellow and shout liberty, fraternity and equality. Dignity and authority trampled under foot. The day that king allowed the women of the market, the brazen viragoes of the gutter, to draw him from Versailles to Paris, authority was thrown into the ditch and the transi­ tion from the palace of kings and the line of a thousand years of rule to the guillotine where the king lost his head and legitimate government came to an end, was a simple sequence to the hour when authority was dethroned. Let me ask, what was the cause of the bloody war between the states? It was because the word “nation” was spelt with a little n and the individual state with a large S, the one state of Virginia being able to borrow money at a cheaper rate than the government of the United States. The source of that fearful war was the lack of govern­ mental authority. Not till the word “Nation” was written (Continued on next page)

fessed newness of its nomenclature. “The multiplication of infinities!”

It is said that when Whitefield repeated in sonorous accentuation the word, “Mesopotamia,” the vast audience thrilled under its vibration. With an immense apology to Whitefield I would repeat the sonority and cadenced gradation of this distinctively new and felicitous phrase, “ The multiplication of infinities.” I confess it is altogether beyond me and, so far as I "know, beyond any one else, even its inventor; for, it is to T>e remembered, this new religion claims to be monothe­ istic. Monotheism is the doctrine of a God who is one and infinite, But a God tvho is the multiplication of infinities must be the multiplication of an infinite God; and such a multiplication, mathematically, and on the basic line of simplest logic, must give us the multiplication of infinite Gods. But a multiplication of infinite Gods who after all are one infinite God, suggests a jig-saw puzzle by the side of which the ancient doctrine of one God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is as simple as a child’s first proposition in a, b, c. Such a religion so far from being monotheistic is, in the last analysis, polytheistic— and more so. The new religion will have no dogma, no creed or doctrine. There will be no definition, nothing distinct or certified which any one may be called to believe. It will be a free- for-all, a go-as-you-please, in a mental stadium where there is. no starting point and where there can be no winning goal. Finally, this new religion will be social and co-operative.

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