T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September 1924
THINGS THAT SHAY THE SOUL Many things slay the soul! The world will often do it. There are men who will read these words I write whose souls have thus been slain. Lost by money, choked by its deceitful ness for it failed to satisfy and so the man pursued his will o’ the wisp till in swamp of worldliness he lost home,' heart, honor, honesty, aspirations, ideals, serenity, strength, soul, heaven and God. Many things slay the soul! Lust of envy as Cain; of selfishness as L«t; of sensuality as Samson. And it may be that the name Samson best illustrates how lust slays the soul, until strong thought, clean purity, capacity to ab sorbingly adore, are destroyed and the man dies. Many things slay the soul! In a bereavement I once saw a strong man die. The old father never smiled after I buried his son; but walked about the house in his pitifully seeking way, till
he literally faded away and the body in which his soul had died was buried. Many things slay the soul! In the sudden downtearing of a great affec tion; when the house of hope has been reared in which faith felt secure, but it fell— And the soul was as a boat without chart or compass while the great gale hurried it to its ruin. Many things slay the soul! In the mad quest of pleasure, in the choke- damp of inane and insane excitement, in selfish disregard of the mind and heart and high things of eternity, spir ituality and God the soul succumbs. Many things slay the soul! But O the tragedy of a slain soul! A harp- string broken, ne’er to be replaced, the chord lost for aye. The existence of the body may continue, the round of life’s duties observed, the pilgrim age of life its battle still mechanically resumed; but the zest gone, the divine urge dead, the soul turned prema turely gray. — W . B. Hinson.
Methodist Teacher Likes the K. B. “Enclosed, please find check for $75.00 for the support of a native col porteur in Hunan Province in China. I see Dr. Keller is doing a great work out therA May God richly bless him, also yourself in your defence of the faith. I know what it means to stand for the truth, for I am the teacher of the Men’s Bible Class here in the Methodist church. The District Super intendent came around some time ago and said that “ premillennialism must be stamped out” but I am still teach ing it and, what is more, my class like it, and when I suggested we take up the Fundamental Lesson Course, every one of them voted for it. They have repeatedly said that these are the best lessons they ever studied. So you see we are having a good iime in spite of the preacher and the church officials. God bless The King’s Business. It is surely doing a great work for the .Master.’y- -‘A. M., Illinois.
B E S T BOOK S FREEH Here is your chance to get those books you’ve been wanting absolutely free. We Offer You the following books as Premiums for New Subscriptions to the King’s Business (Subscriptions $1.25 in U. S.
$1.50 for Canada and Foreign) The Return o f the Lord Jesus— Dr. R. A. Torrey..$ .75 Why I Reject the Helping Hand of Millennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens.............. .40 $1.15 FOR 4 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of the following:—- The Conflict— Elizabeth Knauss ................. ............. ......... $ 1 .25 In The Twinkling of an Eye— Sydney Watson..................... 1.25 The Mark of the Beast— Sydney Watson...................... 1.25 Scarlet and Purple— Sydney Watson.........._______ _______ 1.25 The Patmos Vision— George W . Davis...._....................... 1.25 Jamison’s Comprehensive Bible Chart,_________ __ 1.25 FOR 5 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— In Christ Jesus; The Sphere of the Believer’s Life— A. T. Pierson............. extra cloth $1.50 The Passing of “ The Word”— Helen Henshaw...... . 1.50 Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels— Keith L. Brooks..;...... ........cloth 1.50 Personal and Practical Christian Work I—T. C. Horton................ ..............................- ..............cloth 1.50 Divine Unity of the Scriptures— Adolph Saphir...... cloth 1.50 Gospel Solos and Duets— Herbert G. Tovey.................... 1.25 FOR 6 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of the following:— Knowing the Scriptures— Dr. A. T. Pierson..........;............ $2.00 The Bible and Spiritual Life— Dr. A. T. Pierson_________ _ 2.00 The Peerless Poems of David the King— Jane Copley__, 1.75 Things New and Old— Dr. C. 1. Scofield.................................. 2.00 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord— R. A. Torrey................ ...... ............................... 2.00 The Summarized Bible— Keith L. Brooks.............................. 2.00 God’s Best Secrets— Andrew Murray................................ ..... 2.00 The Patmos Vision— Geo. W . Davis.......................... ............. 1.75 The World’s Greatest Need— T. E. H. Jones............_____ _ 2.00 The Revival at Broad Lane— Kate Drew. .... 1.75 Or if you send in two or more you can make up any com bination you want just so the com bination price does not exceed 65c for 2. $1.15 for 3, $1.40 for 4, $1.65 for 5. $2.00 for 6, $2.40 for 7, $2.65 for 8, $3.15 for 9, $3.40 for 10.’ $3.65 for 11, or $4.00 for 12. This is both delightful and profitable work and is sure to bring blessing from our Lord both in your life and those who subscribe. This offer is only for a limited time so “ get busy” and see what you can do during this Summer Vacation. W E W ILL FURNISH A LL THE SAMPLES YOU W A N T - ASK FOR THEM. BUSINESS L o s Angeles, California
FOR 1 NEW SUBSCRIPTION any one o f the follow ing:—— Death Defeated and Defied— R. A. Torrey._.......¿.1—._....$ .25 Christian Science and the Word— Frank Huling...................... 25 Truth for You— J. H. Sammis......................... ______ ________ .25 Chalk Talks— Frank Miller.........;........... .....;........................ .2 5 Diary of a Doctor’s Son— Keith L. Brooks.....................1.-.. .25 The Growing Church— Cleland Boyd Mc.Afee...........................25 The Hidden Life— Adolph Saphir...................................................25 Exposition of Genesis— William Evans.........._.............. ‘..... .25 Higher Criticises— Dr. R. A. Torrey......__:___ l..;:......-..... .25 Is Salvation Safe— Keith L. Brooks................. ....................... .25 Key Words to the King’s Treasury combined with Watch Words for the King’s Servants— C. E. Paxon......... .25 The Shepherd Psalm— Dr. R. A. Torrey— ... ____ 25 The Lord from Heaven— Sir Robert Anderson................. .25 Jesus, Prophet, Priest and King— Dr. R. A. Torrey........... .35 Mysteries of the Kingdom— W . C. Stevens..................... . .35 Triumphs of the Cross— W . C. Stevens........................................35 The Prophet Jonah— Dr. A. C. Dixon............................................. 25 Ransacking the Scriptures— Keith L. Brooks................. .... .25 What Saith the Scriptures— Keith L. Brooks_____ __....... .25 Why I Reject the Helping Hand of Millennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens......40 Satan— Lewis Sperry Chafer...— ........____ ...;................ l..'.. .25 Simple Lessons in Bible Marking— Keith L. Brooks...............25 Strongholds of Truth— W . H. Griffith Thomas........................ 25 The Time of the End— W . E. Caperton.......................................25 These Premillenialists, Who Are They— T. C. Horton............ 25 The Two Genealogies— J. C. Stillion...................i..................... .25 FOR 2 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of the following:— The Gospel of the Grace of God— John T. C o p l e y . . .50 The Laymen’s Hand Book of Daniel— G. A. Briegleb...... .50 Jesus Prophet Priest and King— Dr. R. A. Torrey..Cloth .50 Matthews Gospel Self Interpreted-—Keith L. Brooks...............50 The Son of God— Keith L. Brooks...........:........... .50 The Son of Man— Keith L. Brooks.................. ...........................50 Suggestive Lessons on the Tabernacle— Mrs. A. L. Dennis_.............................. 50 Why I Am A Christian— Dr. A. C. Dixon_.50 FOR 3 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of the following:— Sermon^ Illustrations from the Bible— K. L. Brooks......... 1.00 Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels— K. L. Brooks 1.00 The Virgin Birth— Wm. Evans_____________ __________Cloth 1.00 The Divine Unity of The Scriptures— A. Saphir___ __..... 1.00 The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel— G. A. Briegleb cloth 1.00 Old Testament Types— W . B. Riley..............................$ .40 . Prophet Priest and King— Dr. R. A. Torrey............ .65 $1.05 THE KING’S 5 3 6 -5 5 8 South H ope S treet
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