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Poland Offers the World Consecrated Young Christians—Not Blatant Young Atheists! A n O pportun ity fo r Am e r ican Christians
Here is the start of a Sunday School. A cold stable, with rough log walls and straw for a floor and the lowing o f the cattle interrupting the teaching of the lesson is their meeting place. This one photograph tells the story of many other groups of children. When the missionary brings together the nucleus of a church in a town or village, the poverty of the whole group frequently prevents the erection of a place of wor ship. W ill you help us build modest little places fit to be used for guiding these little children to their Saviour? Polish Orphans Need Help Too
500 members of the Y oung People’ s Circles and Christian Endeavor Societies o f th e Churches of Christ in Poland, gathered in National Convention, have issued this chal lenge to the Christians of the world: — “ Without additional leadership, an enlarged supply of Scriptures and Christian literature, and the immediate support of our workers in the field, we are absolutely unable to face effectively the odds of God's enemies in Poland, who are breaking family ties, taking away our Youth and making of them an increasing world menace!” They are no different from the youth of other lands in mentality and zeal, but they are close to the danger zone of anarchy and Athe ism and they realize their own responsibility to the Lord and to their companions. Christ or Atheism—Which? The condition of many young people on our Polish-Russian Frontier gives us deep concern. A recent letter tells u s: “ The minds and hearts of our young people are hungry and re ceptive. They are ready to swallow anything they come across.“ . When Christ is in the heart, Atheism has no soil in which to grow. Here alone lies the way to victory over the powers of darkness. Scores of consecrated Young Men and Young Women have been trained and are available for full-time service among the youth of Po land. They invite the Christian people of America to sustain them in the Master’s serv ice. - Only $15 to $25 monthly will support a worker in this missionary field of more than 34,000,000 Polish and Russian people. Make yourself a Committee of One to do something about this and do it at once. Unite a group of Young People, and older ones, too, to stand back of one of these fine young Chris tian workers. Write at once for illustrated booklets about the children and youth over there and the hun ger for the Gospel, Send your contribution for this work to the address given below.. It will be devoted to a selected young man or woman with whom you may correspond. Dr. Kanstanty Jaroszewicz President Hugh R. Monro Treasurer Will You Help?
Born in a Stable as was our Lord Your Contribution W ill Join With the Others to do the Following:—$15 to $25 will Support a Spirit-filled Missionary One Dollar Will Supply Two Polish Bibles Every Contribution Helps! A few people are supporting one o f these Missionaries, and what blessing it is to know that they are really carrying the Gospel every day to those seeking it. But a large number o f smaller amounts — $5.00, $2.00, $1.00, or even 50 cents — would soon accomplish the great task o f setting up a wall o f Christianity along Atheistic Russia. Come and See This Great Work Poland Fellowship Pilgrimage Leaves July, 1936 A delightful trip to Poland next July to see the great work that is being done there and to lend encouragement to the missionaries will be open to all. Every one that goes will be inspired by the eagerness of the mass of Polish people for Christianity and will take part in one of the greatest examples o f international Christian brotherhood. N ot only is this a great adventure in the spiritual, but Poland is a fresh and neglected beauty spot for travel. Opportunity will be given to see other parts of Europe and to go on to the Holy Land. Dr. Jaroszewicz and several prominent members of his committee will lead the party. The cost of a 5 weeks’ trip will be only $437.50* Write for particu lars NOW .
Our Mission Field Secretary, R e v . Jerzy S acew icz, writes: “ W h a t shall we do with our O R P H A N AGE? W e cannot keep the children naked and unfed. It is better to let them go and beg!’ ’ But how can we preach the Gospel of Christ to the men and women while the orphans beg? Turning out the orphans will
harden the hearts of people toward Christian- ity. These children are a great opportunity and our first responsibility also, for Jesus said: “ Suffer the little children to come unto M e." Mark 10:14. Approved by Polish Government Churches can be established and religious WOrk carried on in Poland only by the ap proval of the Government. This must be secured by an application signed by a num ber o f Polish citizens. The U nion of Churches of Christ of Evangelical faith in Poland has the endorsement of the Governm ent--docu ments in the New York office verify this fact. This is assurance that your contribution will be honestly administered in Poland, just as the list of outstanding American Christian leaders insures the soundness of the work and its safe handling in this country.
Please Send Your Blessed Contribution to THE UNION OF CHURCHES OF CHRIST 156 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY D ear D r . J aroszewicz : Yes, I will answer the challenge to Youth in Poland in the following ways : □ Enclosed is $ ................for support of a Missionary for one month. ($15.00, $20.00 or $25.00 according to location). □ Enclosed is $ ................for Bibles. $ ................. for orphans. □ Enclosed is $ . . . . .fo r the Building Fund. □ I will send this amount every . . . . days—the Lord willing. □ Send me information about the Poland Fellowship Pilgrimage. "Name.. Address..
Tir r in Marartnev Chairman Mr J. C. Hill, Vice-Chairman
Dr. J. Alvin Orr, Secretary Mr. S.K. Cunningham, Treasurer
T, T TTM rs TTinanpial Secretary Mr W. E. Schuette Dr. A. G. MacLennan Mr. J. B. Eichenauer Mr N V DÌ.' W. M. Woodfln Mr. J. g Crutchfield Mr. M. S. Vandevort Dr.' J. W.‘ Claudy Dr! Geo. A. Long Dr. R. N. Montgomery Dr. S. N. Hutchinson New York Committee Mr. Hugh B. Monro, Treasurer Mr. C. E. Mason, Financial Secretary Mrs. Finley J. Shepard, Chairman of Gospel literature Committee Dr D. O. Shelton Col. E.N. Sanctuary Mr. F.S.MacIlvaine u r. a . a . Dr.' W. Chamberlain Bev. G. W Hunter Mr. H. E. A. Gibbs Eev C Bloom Dr. E. S. Idleman Dr. O. H. Dowkontt Bev. T. M. Chalmers Dr. M. J. MacLeod Bev J. E. Frazee Dr. James Parker Miss A. Macllvaine Dr. A. L. Lathem, Chairman of Christian Education Mr. Wm. Albert Harbison, Chairman Dr. M. C. Morgan, Vice-Chairman Mr. C. E. Gremmels, Vice-Chairman Dr. Harry M. Warren, Secretary Mr. H. D. Arents Dr. J. C. White Dr. H. E. Cobb Dr. H. H._Gregg
The Advisory Council
W. H. Sperry W. E. Sweeney D. J. Thornton J. E. Thrift O. A. Trinkle H. Wm. Vaile W. B. Walker A. F. Wells J. W. West A. P. Wilson C. H. Wilson E. Hunter Wray
H. C. Parson J. O. Patterson Ranson Perry M. B. Pringle R. L. Records G. L. Reeves Louis D. Ridell P. Roberts C. J. Sharp O. N. Shirley Ira R. Sidwell T. K. Smith R. E. Snodgrass
B. A. Honn A. M. Jackson A. M. Johnson T. H. Johnson S. P. Jones K. G. Keevil Ira A. Kirk Ira D. Matthews Herbert McKenzie M. B. Meeks J. DeF. Murch Leon L. Myers Douglas Ober
Pearl H. Welshimer, Chairman J. F. Arneal B. M. Bell F. Q. Blanchard Ira M. Boswell B. E. Elmore E. B. Errett
W. D. Daugherty Geo. Mark Elliott
L. L. Faris J. L. Fisher W. T. Fisher C. B. Franklin J. H. Goldner M. S. Hastings H. L. Hayes C. Holcomb
P. W. Boyer B. E. Brown C. A. Burton G. H. Cachiaras Byron Cassell Mark Collis A. B. Crouch S. H. Cunningham
“Against his Ano in ted” “ The kings of the earth set themselves . . . against the Lord > and against his anointed, saying let us break their bands asunder Psa. 2:2-3 . ■. It will be the last great conspiracy! The Holy Child that was born in the humble manger 1900 years ago, was also given an astonishing promise:— “ The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne »of His father David.” Luke 1 :32. This involves a kingdom, and a kingdom in which through a restored Israel God will bring mil lennial glory upon this earth. But the Devil will oppose God’s program, and will persuade the nations to ;'“break their bands asunder,” and to undertake the destruction of the Jews in the final Armageddon explo sion. But in doing this they will be plotting “Against his anointed” ! Thus, a stab at the Jew is a stab at .the heart of God! Anti-Semitism is o f the Devil who is seeking desper ately to destroy the Jewish nation. That is why the child o f God has no part in Jew-hating propaganda. A Hitler in Germany, a Stalin in Russia,, massacres of Jews in Po land, bloodshed in Roumania, a Nazi Jew hate propaganda in America-— surely the Child o f God wants npne of these things! It is the Christmas season again. Shall we not share the Gospel mes sage of peace and good will with the Israel of the dispersion, the Israel that today is sending out a cry which must reach the very heart of God— Where Shall We Go? Our work merits your every con fidence. It is a program o f world wide Gospel testimony to Israel—a program which fulfills the command of Isaiah 40:1|9“ Comfort ye, my people.” - Your fellowship is truly needed in these sad days for Israel. Our paper THE CHOSEN PEOPLE is sent to contributors; and is proving a blessing to many of the Lord’s people. May we hear from you? American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Ave. • Brooklyn, N. Y .
PAU L W. ROOD. Editor M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R is l e y , Circulation Manager
Published Monthly by and Represent* ing the Bible Institute of Los Angeles
SheSifcle Tamil#3ha#^ine M otto : “ Unto him that loved us , and washed us from our sins in his own blood .” —R ev . 1 :5.
Volume X X V I
December, 1935
Number 12
The cover design this month is by Ransom D. Marvin.
Around the King’s Table— Paul W . Rood....................... ................. 443 Born of a Virgin—Albert Hughes........................................................ 445 Christmas Every Day of the Year— Herbert Lockyer...................... 446 Christmas at Changsha— Grace Pike Roberts............... ................. ....448 ^ God’s Plan for Our Age— Louis S. Bauman................................. :.....450 Junior King’s Business^-Martha S. Hooker........................................453 International Lesson Commentary.........................................................455 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner.............................464 Daily Devotional Readings........................................... 470 Bible Institute Family Circle.............................. ....478 Our Literature Table......................................... 479
T E R P S : Single Copies.............................................. 15c Annual Subscription......................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptions................................................ 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions...........................................10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. REM ITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Beceipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF A D D RESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of de sired change.
A D V ER T ISIN G : For Information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 325 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. M A N U SCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.
POLICY AS D EFIN E D BY TH E BOARD OF D IRECTO RS OF TH E B IB L E IN ST ITU TE OF LOS A N G ELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power ef the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize In strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.
SS8 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, California
SSibleITnstituteof%osHnqeles 558 Soutb Ibope St., %os Hnaeles
November 13, 1935
Dear Friend o f B iola: What would you do if you were President o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles ? What would you do if you came into this position and found that the salaries o f the teachers and employees were three months behind, because funds were lacking ? But why go on describing a situation that would abso lutely crush us if it were not for the confidence that God will intervene and undertake through His people. You would undoubtedly do what is being done here at the home base. Some of us are working night and day, allowing our selves about six hours a night for sleep. W e are giving our selves to prayer and urging every one we contact through interviews, radio broadcasts, meetings, and correspondence to pray. W e recently had a Day o f Prayer with every teacher and student on his knees. The Board o f Directors opened their last meeting with every director kneeling and pleading the promises o f God. The faculty meetings begin with prayer and every teacher partakes. The employees have a prayer meeting every Wednesday morning. There is a spirit o f prayer permeating this whole institution. You would emphasize spirituality and evangelism, and that’s exactly what we are doing. W e opened the school year with an evangelistic cam paign, and we are going to open the next term with a Con ference on Evangelism. Our students are being urged to give themselves to soul-winning. Last week every student received a Pocket Testament and enrolled in the Pocket Testament League and was shown how to use this Testa ment in personal work. What would be your next suggestion ? You would say with William Jennings Bryan: “ Let the people know.” Exactly, and that is what we are doing. This letter is going out to a carefully selected group of people who are in a position to do one of two things, or both; namely, to pray and to give.
All o f you can stand in the gap and pray for us. We need your prayers. W e are dependent upon your prayers. Some of you can give substantial sums. God has given you means and you are a steward. It is o f vital importance that you invest the Lord’s money in an enterprise that will please the Lord and bring dividends for eternity. Here is a school that stands 100% for the Gld Book and the Old Faith, and that is training this year 380 young men and women to bring the gospel to the whole world; young people who are even now. func tioning effectively for Christ. Could any cause be more worthy ? Will you prayerfully consider the call o f God to give a substantial sum in this hour of need and extremity? Some of you will be able to give $1,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, or even $100,000. Others can give $100, $200, $300, $400, or $500. Some will find it impossible to give even a hundred dollars at this time, but you can give a smaller sum. Even the smallest donation will be wel come. Almost every one can give one dollar. Will you not prayerfully and conscientiously face this challenge? Will you write me a letter of encouragement, and tell me you are praying for me and for Biola? If you are able, will you also send a check ? May I hear from you by return mail ? The burden of Biola is on my heart, and only if God lays it on your heart to come to. my assistance will this burden be lifted. Thank ing you for your response to this urgent plea; I am Your brother with a heavy load,
President. P.S. In order to meet immediate and pressing needs, W E MUST H AVE $25,000 W ITH IN TH E N EX T FEW DAYS . Will you pray that this letter will bring in that sum immediately?
DR. ROOD ASKS SOME SEARCHING QUESTIONS Many KING’S BUSINESS readers have already received, through the mails, the above letter written by Dr. Rood. Others have not seen it. Whether or not the message is new to you, will you not read it, and join in prayer and giving for Biola? As we go to press, many donations are being received, and there is every evidence that God is honoring Dr. Rood’s appeal. Why should you not join in this response also?
December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
c_ A round the K ing’s T ables
B y P a u l W . R ood
Christ in Christmas Many celebrate Christmas without con- sidering its real meaning. They are occupied with presents and celebrations, and forgetful of Christ. Even in Sunday-schools and churches, there is often a tendency to get away from the real significance of the birth o f Christ. Let us put Christ right in the center of our Christmas celebration. Bibles, New Testaments, Scripture mottoes, and books with an evangelical message make splendid gifts which remind the recipient o f Christ: Christmas cards sent out by Christians should have a distinctively Christian message. Sunday-school programs should be Christ-centered. Friends who seldom come
to help her family, but also to be able to give to the Lord’s work. The members o f the family are faithful tithers— even the children who work after school. They are support ing a native missionary in the Congo as well as giving to the Lord’s work at home. When the mother heard o f the need of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, she said in her heart, “ What can I give ?” Her tithe money was all used for this month, but when she presented the need to her family, one o f the boys responded and gave five dollars. Considering the circumstances o f this family, this is indeed a real gift o f love and sacrifice; but the te s tim on y of. this grbup continues, day by day: “ My God
to church will listen to these programs What an opportunity to present the gospel! Churches usually distribute baskets to the needy during this
shall supply all your need.” The donation was presented as a gift “ from a boy f e . j who loves the Lord.” Another lady heard the same broadcast. She had ten dollars and fifty cents in her possession. She said she was ill, and needed medical attention and food. This 0 sister sent in the ten dollars to the Institute anonymously and told how the Lord had laid it on her heart to make this contribu- ’ tion. W e could not return the gift as it was in our hearts to do, because we did not know who she was or where to reach her. We could only pray that God would bless her and supply all her needs, as she, like the poor widow, had given “ all that she had.” It is such gifts of love and sacrifice as the ones that have been mentioned that are mak
season o f the year. Why not put a Testament and some well- chosen tracts in every basket ? Why not do some real personal work in connection with the dis tribution o f Christmas gifts to the poor ? What a privilege!
Christmas offers an. especially fine opportunity for pastors to preach the gospel. Such themes as “ The Meaning of the Incar nation,” “ The Virgin Birth of Christ,” “ The First and Second Advent,” “ The Birth of Christ in Prophecy^ “ Why Christ Came,” and “ The Name o f Jesus,” are worthy o f the best efforts of those who stand behind the sacred desk. Let us preach Christ — with clarity, fervor, and power—to the edification o f believers and the salvation o f sinners. The Christmas celebration in the home gives occasion to read the second chapter o f Luke, and unitedly to thank God for sending His only begotten Son to be our Redeemer. Let us put Christ into Christmas! God Is Not This truth is our comfort as we read Unrighteous touching letters from our friends who send in sacrificial gifts. The Lord Jesus is still . sitting “ over against the treasury” beholding “ how the people cast money into the treasury.” ' Jesus knew that the poor widow “ cast in all that she had, even all her living.” It is good to know that Jesus sees and un derstands, and that He will reward in due season. Not many days ago, a mother heard over the radio the story of the need o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. She is the mother o f five children, and she augments the limited income o f her husband by keeping boarders and serving meals at all hours o f the day. In between times, she washes and irons nurses’ uniforms and an average of twenty-five men’s shirts a week. She does all of these tasks not only
Courtesy, Sunset
ing it possible for the work o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to continue. W e would remind our donors o f the words in Hebrews 6 :10 : “ For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor o f love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” Our Annual Bible Conference will be held January 26 to February 2, 1936. These Conference dates have been chosen because they include the birthday o f R. A . Torrey, and also mark the opening o f the second semester o f the school year at Biola. We are honoring the memory of Dr. Torrey by holding a memorial service on his birth day, January 28. There are multiplied thousands who have been converted or spiritually enriched through the ministry o f this man o f God, and it is our hope that many of these friends will find it possible to attend the con ference, and particularly the memorial service. Dr. Torrey was a great evangelist as well as a great Bible teacher; therefore it is appropriate that we make this a Conference on Evangelism. Furthermore, we recog- Annual Bible
December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
life and the highest form of animal life has never been bridged; second, human beings possess a religious instinct which is absolutely lacking in animals; third, life always comes from antecedent life. “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The President of the Federation o f Protestant Churches ‘ o f Los Angeles declares that modernists, infidels, Uni tarians, and atheists are in his heaven. Voltaire, Paine, and Ingersoll have swept through the pearly gates without having been washed in the blood of Christ and are enjoying bliss, according to this religious leader. God says that “ without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9 :2 2 ); that “ C h rist d ied for ou r sin s” (1 Cor. 1 5 :3 ); that those who are in heaven have “ washed their robes, and made them white in the blood o f the Lamb” (Rev. 7 :1 4 ) ; and that they are singing praises to Him, saying: “ Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood” (Rev. 5 :9 ). Modernists, infidels, Unitarians, and atheists would not feel at home in that heavenly choir, the declarations of this Los Angeles church leader to the contrary not withstanding. God says that “ the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorc erers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rev. 21 :8 ). Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people, and only those who have been made partakers o f the divine nature through the exper ience of the new birth will be there. It is only the one who beholds the Lamb of God and accepts Him as Saviour that will be able to sing redemption’s song in glory. W e urge every reader to see to it that he is not building on a foundation of philosophical or religious sand, but on the solid rock Christ Jesus. “ Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4 :12 ). in a state of conscious bliss. He is waiting for the redemp tion of the body which will take place when the Lord re turns. The crown of righteousness will be given Brother Blackstone at the Bema, the judgment seat o f Christ, for that crown is for all that “ love his appearing.” No one has done more to create interest in the truth o f the Lord’s return than has W . E. Blackstone, who went to be with the Lord on November 7. His book, Jesus is Coming, has been translated into thirty-nine different languages, and about a million copies have been printed and circulated. Who can estimate the influence of this book? I read Jesus is Coming, when I was fourteen years o f age, and ever since then, the Lord’s return has been the “blessed hope” that has brought courage in the midst of dis couragement and comfort in the midst of sorrow. Multi plied thousands thank God for Dr. Blackstone’s life and ministry. What a joy it must have been for him to see the face o f Jesus whom he so devotedly loved and so faith fully served, and to meet the many friends who had had on earth a like precious faith ! It may not be very long before we shall hear the shout, the voice and the trump, and then the dead in Christ shall rise first. “ Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” What a glorious prospect! A Crown of Righteousness W . E. Blackstone is “ absent from the body, and...present with the Lord.” He is still awaiting the return of the Lord to earth, even though he is now
nize the need o f a renewed emphasis on evangelism as the primary business o f the church and o f •the individual Christian. W e want our students to get a real vision of the need of this prodigal world, and an increased passion for the winning o f the lost. Therefore, we are dismissing all classes and are making attendance at the conference ses sions obligatory. W e hope that our alumni and friends everywhere will come to this conference to get their vision renewed and their spiritual batteries recharged, so that they can go back to their respective fields with new zeal and determination to carry on effectively for the Lord. Recognizing the stupendous importance of child evan gelism, we are devoting at least an hour a day to this subject. The need and opportunity as well as methods of work will be presented by those who have specialized in the evangelization o f boys and girls. It is hoped that this con ference will be the beginning o f a new day as far as reaching the childhood o f America and the .world is concerned. Among the well-known speakers who will appear on the program, we mention one who comes from abroad, ,J. Edwin Orr. He is the author o f three books that have been widely circulated, Can God?, Prove M e Now, and The Promise to You. Mr. Orr is an Ulsterman, twenty- three years old, converted at the age of nine. He started preaching “ revival” about two years ago, and since then he has traveled through England, Scotland, Wales, The Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Soviet Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lith uania, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Switz erland, Palestine, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Newfoundland, and Canada. This tour was begun with sixty-five cents, and the Lord provided for him as he went along. W e count it a privilege to have, as one o f our speakers, this young, flaming evangelist whom God has so signally blessed and used to kindle revival flames. Other successful preachers and evangelists will participate, and the program will be challenging. Plan to be with us during our Con ference on Evangelism. “ Who’s Who in Heaven,” aroused widespread comment, and because of the fact that the minister in question occupies a prominent place of leadership in Protestant circles, a pro test meeting was held at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, at which time a resolution was adopted calling on the gen tleman in question either to repudiate his statements or else to resign from his position. The statements in the interview reveal the apostasy of the church in these last days. “ The average modern reli gionist who has any brains,” says this Protestant leader, “believes in evolution.” He probably has not heard of such men as Howard A . Kelly, renowned scientist and surgeon of Johns Hopkins, who is not only an antievolutionist, but also an out-and-out evangelical. The fact that Dr. Kelly has several o f the highest degrees obtainable indicates that some institutions o f learning believe he has not only “ brains” but also recognized standing in the scientific world. W . B. Riley, who has defeated evolutionists, time and time again on the debate platform, is not lacking in “brains” ; at least, you couldn’t convince Dr. Riley’s opponents in debate that he shows any lack o f mental acumen. The philosophy o f evolution is discredited on three counts: first, the gulf between the lowest form o f human “Who’ s Who in Heaven” Recently the President of the Federa- tion o f Protestant Churches o f Los Angeles was interviewed by a local news paper. The resulting article, entitled
December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Born o f a VIRGIN
B y a l b e r t h u g h e s * Toronto. Ontario. Canada
1 \ U | W V
W e have before us, in the first two chapters o f Luke’s Gospel, a story o f great delicacy and delight, an jeer. This is indeed a holy place that we are entering, and with real heart reverence let us now draw near. The story is mysterious, matchless, magnificent, majestic; it is stu pendous, splendid, superlative, seraphic. Matthew sets before us the bare facts o f this holy occurrence, while Luke, the artist, paints for us a delicate and delightful scene, and for two thousand years men have been gazing upon it in wonder and worship. Thtj Messenger fronts on ._ j High Heaven has stupendous tidings to give to men on the earth. One o f the highest o f God’s holy messengers for this special service will be used—Gabriel is his name. The name means “ Man o f God.” Gabriel describes himself as the one who stands “ in the presence o f God” (Lk. 1:19). It is impossible at this distance to realize the full won der o f this holy visitation. We have to recall who Gabriel was, who Mary was, and what were the whole circum revelation this is of the great fact that, in the darkest days, God has His purpose, and that, to the poorest of His people He will present Himself and portray His plans. A H eavenly S ecret Gabriel has a great secret. Originating in heaven, it is to be brought to earth and to become the blessing for the whole human family. The great secret was first known only to heaven. It had its birth there, not on earth. Like everything else o f permanent value, it came from above. This great secret was announced by angels. God had some one ready to bring to earth His disclosure o f this mystery, and no ordinary angel would do. It must be Gabriel, who has been trusted and has been found faithful in other great service in the past. Other angels will tell the shepherds about the significant event, but only Gabriel can inform Mary. The divine secret is explained by the angel. A woman will bear a Son; that Son will have no human father; that Son will be the fulfillment of prophecy; that Son will be divine, God manifested in the flesh; that Son will be “ God with us.” The wonderful secret was passed on to Joseph. He was the husband-to-be o f the virgin. His fiancee told him the precious secret, and the man was afraid. Matthew tells us that Joseph was “ a righteous man,” and the secret which Mary disclosed to him affected greatly his righteous- * Pastor, High Park Baptist Church, and Home Director, Sudan Interior Mission. stances o f this won drous scene. Here is a heavenly being coming f r o m on high to the home of a Jewish peasan t girl to whisper to her soul a marvel ous secret. What a
ness. At this stage of the story, Joseph was put to sleep by God, and then the whole matter was explained to him.
account never to be approached in the attitude o f jest and
C onfiding the D ivine R evelation Later, this secret was retold to Elisabeth and Zacharias. They had a revelation of their own. The one who would be the fulfillment o f their secret would be the forerunner of this greater One. One can imagine these two expectant mothers in sacred conference together. Elisabeth had hid den herself in retirement, and with continuing gratitude she waited in glad anticipation. Hope which had long since perished for her had been revived. The mystic hour would soon come. Then arrived this younger woman with her sweet story. The two women, were face to face, and the striking thing happened. The unborn forerunner “leaped . . . f o r joy” in the presence o f his unborn Lord. To our materialistic minds, that spiritual consciousness seems strange. Yet when you gaze in any baby’s face, you know that the little one would like to tell you something if only you could understand. The eyes and mouth and hands and feet are leaping and attempting to speak eloquently was o f a natural order, but, like Isaac’s coming, it was possible only by divine intervention. The birth o f Jesus Christ transcended the natural and was supernatural. Thus we might look for almost any surprising incidents in con nection with the coming of these babes. Many years later, this secret was passed on to one other. The Scriptures do not tell us this point, but it is most natural to believe it was so. We know that Luke visited Jerusalem with Paul, according to Acts 2 1 :18, probably about a . d . 57. Mary was in all likelihood still alive, and to a doctor she would disclose the delicate details of that divine event. Luke was a careful collector o f all data, and it was most likely that he would endeavor to see Mary personally in order to obtain the fullest information. To him the story was told, and he has passed it on to us in beautiful detail, as only a doctor could possibly do. ‘Thtj 'JMother-to-'Btj Mary is her name; the Hebrew equivalent was Miriam. She appears at odd times in the Gospels, and yet o f her we know comparatively little. Luke in presenting the lineage reveals the fact that she is o f the royal house o f David. The characterization presented o f her is— “ the handmaid o f the Lord,” and she was “ endued with grace.” Without doubt she was the best woman that God could find, but even then she was only a woman, and needed a Saviour. The Roman Church has no warrant for its wrongful worship o f Mary. The apostles never in a single instance [Continued, on page 452] the story of the lit tle brain and heart. In our materialistic stupidity we do not understand . W e must remember also that these were no ordinary b a b i e s . The birth o f John
© n [H a r t h [ p ] e a c e [Gjo c iD ® il l H o w a r d [ m ] en
December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
C h r is tm a s .
“ There came wise men . . . to worship him” (Matt. 2:1, 2 ).
I t was a saying o f Spurgeon’s that “ every day should be the birthday of the Saviour to a renewed soul.” And what is the meaning o f such a suggestive phrase but that a larger and sweeter and dearer Christ should be born within our hearts as each new day dawns? For what is “ Christmas” but the remembrance of the sublime fact that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners ? And such a revelation ought never to be out of our minds. Dr. A . C. Dixon in his volume, The Bright Side o f L ife, tells a touching story of his own family circle. On the Christmas morning after the death of his first child, all sat at the breakfast table all too silent for Christmas Day. Silence, however, was broken by the child on the right, who said, “ This is Howard’s first Christmas in heaven, isn’t it?” Then the mother replied, “ I should like to know whether it is not Christmas every day in heitven.” Yes, there is a “ Christmas” every day in heaven, seeing that they ever remember in the glory land the Saviour’s condescension, love, sacrifice, and grace. Over there, the glorified never cease in singing praises to the Lamb. But why not have a Christmas every day on earth ? The story o f the wise men shows us how to celebrate Christmas every day below. Alas! The vast majority join in the festivities o f this Christmas season without giving a thought to its true spiritual significance. If, however, we follow the steps suggested by the coming o f the ^wise men to the feet of Jesus, then every day will be a Christmas o f peace, joy, and blessing. Regarding the visit of the Magi to Christ, there are five truths we can carry in our minds and muse upon this festive season. T hey W ere W ise M en Scripture is silent concerning the number who sought Jesus. Called “ Magi” they were, as Persian priests or astrologers, deeply taught men. They came from the East, the quarter of sunrise, and the seat o f learning. And all who are truly wise are found where the wise men gathered, namely, in adoring wonder in the presence o f Christ. It was fitting that the wise should recognize His worth, for was He not the personification of all wisdom? Was He not made unto us—Wisdom? And by their action, the wise men testified that Christ was wiser and nobler than they. Wise though they were, they yet bowed and worshiped. Such an act reveals the truth that Christ commands the allegiance o f the best. Yes, and by their worship, the wise men declared that the One worshiped was not a mere man but God manifest in the flesh.
The coming of the Magi indicates that Christ and His gospel are fitted for every grade of in telligence. Both the ignorant and the wise find in
Christ all their wisdom. He fits the need of the practical man of affairs and o f the philosopher alike. None are so clever as to af ford to despise or dispense with His gospel. None are so stupid but its simplicity appeals to them. The young may worship the Babe; the old must worship Him.
December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
The author of this article spent several months this year in conference work in America. Everywhere he went, the Lord used him in the quickening of believers and the awakening of the unsaved. During this period, several of Mr. Lockyer's books and booklets were published in this country, and they began at once to enjoy a large circulation. Having returned to England, at the present time Mr. Lockyer plans to visit America again in the early part of 1936, in order to accept as many as possible of the invitations that have been extended to him.
Every D a y o f the Y ear
B y HERBERT LOCKYER Liverpool, England Illustration by Ransom D. Marvin
And, further, we are destitute o f true wisdom until we seek the Lord. “ The fear o f the Lord ig the beginning of wisdom.” All other aspects o f wisdom are futile if this is missing. We must be prepared to part with our own fan cied wisdom and greatness, and, bending low before Christ, the Wisdom of God, declare that the wisdom o f this world is as foolishness in His sight. These wise men were pilgrims, and so are we. All o f us are traveling from the City o f Destruction to the Celestial City and Land o f Supernal Light, or to the Caverns of Eternal Darkness. Yes, and all of us meet at His feet. His cradle, like the cross, gathers adoring souls from every
the weight of their iniquity, crying out, “ Where, where is He who was born to save ?” T hey W ere G uided by a S tar God not only provides the remedy for man's .sin, but also offers the very means leading to it. He “ deviseth means” (2 Sam. 14:14, R .V .). The wise men are found saying, “ We have seen his star,” and this star went before them. And God still leads in a similar way. There are pre paratory forces at work, even in those who are at present unsaved. Whoever and whatever leads to Christ, is a spirit ual star. Carlyle enjoined us to “ hitch our wagon to a star” ; or, in other words, we must follow the divine leading
quarter. The wise men represent the educated; the lowly shepherds, the poor; the angelic host, the holiest; the oxen and asses, the material creation. The question is : Are you at His feet? If not, then join the wise in their pilgrimage to Jesus. T hey W ere A nxious I nquirers A p p r o a ch in g ou r S a v io u r ’ s birthplace, they asked: “ Where is he . . . ?” And if you are desirous like the Greeks toSsee Jesus” and are willing to receive Him as your personal Saviour, then you will ex perience a Christmas every day. Perhaps you have noticed the con nection between the opening ques tion of the Old Testament, and that o f the New Testament. The first leads to the second; the second com pletes the first. “ Where art thou?” (Gen. 3 :9 ). This is God’s question to man. Heaven is searching for the lost sinner. “ Where is he . , .?” (Matt. 2 :2 ). This is man’s question about God. Here we have the lost
and apply ourselves to higher spirit ual forces. Stars! Why, they are as numerous as those'to be found in “ The Milky Way” ! They include a mother’s love, prayers, influence; the counsel of Christian friends; the Bi ble ; conscience; your ideals, desires, ambitions; the Holy Spirit; Christ Himself as “ the bright and morning star.” Have you looked to Jesus and found in Him your Star and Sun? If saved, are you a star in some one’s sky ? And, let it be said, we can never travel far on our way to Christ if the only “ stars” we are following are cinema and music-hall stars. Many so-called “ stars” have no more heav enly brilliance about them than has a box of boot-black. May all our “ stars” be heavenly ones. Shine, O Star of Love Divine; May our soul’s affection twine Around Thee as Thou mov’st far, Star o:f the twilight, beautiful Star.
Shiloh, Prince o f Peace B y R obert C rum ly “ The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering o f the people be’\ Gen. 49:10), Come, shepherdsr look upon this Child; Come, sages from afar! Through Him we shall be reconciled To God, whose work we are: Through Him at last all strife shall cease, For this is Shiloh, Prince of Peace. No more in Judah shall arise Lawgiver, prince, or lord, For He who in this manger lies Will teach us by His Word— Bringing redemption and release, For this is Shiloh, Prince of Peace. To Him will be the gathering O f those whom God shall call; And every potentate and king— Yea, every power— must fall Before His kingdom's sure increase, For this is Shiloh, Prince of Peace!
Further, the narrative suggests that the wise men lost the star. The words, “‘When they saw the star, they rejoiced,” indicate that they had lost its brilliance and guidance for a little. They had been ill Herod’s presence and had listened to his deceit, hypocrisy, mock worship and love. Remember, Christian, that your life is a star and that you can lose its clear light through contact with some Herodian influence. Some poor seeker may lose his way and miss the road to Christ if your star is not shining. We live in the dark night of the world’s his tory, and the darkness is becoming more dense. There are not so many stars shining as there ought to be. Some used to shine, but they have lost their glow and power to guide. “ When they saw the star [again], they rejoiced with ex ceeding great joy.” Thus is it with the backslider, once light is restored. There is joy in the heart over the restoration the Holy Spirit effects. There is joy among others, for they have missed the light. The witness once cheering, blessing, and lightening the darkness is now recovered. There is joy in the heart o f the Lord, for He ever misses the glow and brightness o f our testimony. May we ever [Continued on page 469]
o f earth yearning for heaven. When we discover where we are in respect to sin, we want to know where He is— He, the One who can save. As pain drives us to a physician, sin drives us to the Saviour. These wise men were honest seekers, for they had left their home and had traveled over the desert to find Christ. No one ever seeks Him in vain. Job’s question, “ Oh that I knew where I might find him !” is answered here. And is it not blessed to know that we have no need to travel far to find Him ? He is at our side. There is no need for us to travel out o f our seat. If we seek Him right where we are, He can be found. We must, of course, travel out of the desert o f our sin, and He will help us to do this, even as He guided the Magi to Himself, for the Eternal Heart strives in every possible way to guide the anxious to His feet for pardon and peace. The tragedy o f our age, however, is the lack of con viction. Men have no sense o f sin— there is no fear of coming judgment. Oh, to see the multitude burdened with
December, I93S
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
B y GRACE PIKE ROBERTS A s told to Mildred M. Cook
T o spend Christmas in America, with one’s own people and among Christian friends, is one o f the outstanding joys o f a missionary’s furlough. But to me, there is no happiness to be compared with the privilege o f spending the Christmas and New Year season on the mission field. On many occasions, Christmas has found my husband and me in China at the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, the China Department o f the Bible Institute of Los An geles. And although we have returned only recently from China, I am finding myself going back there in thought as the end of the year approaches. I can see our lovely and spacious compound with its tall poplars on either side of the broad walks, its fine admin istration building— the Milton Stewart Hall— and other buildings, all of which were the gift o f those consecrated Christian laymen, Lyman and Milton Stewart. The Insti tute occupies a strategic location on the Military Road which connects Changsha with another large city thirty miles away. Over that well-built highway, the first to be constructed in Hunan with funds from the American Red Cross, automobiles, busses, sedan chairs, and rickshaws are continually passing. What activity! I am traveling that thoroughfare now, in memory; come with me, won’t you ? W e are stopping before the massive iron gates that give us entrance to the compound. It must be Christmas time!
Eager young hands have gathered the branches and have constructed the arch, for every year, when classes are dismissed two days before Christmas, the students prompt ly begin their work o f decorating. To them, the beautify ing of the grounds and buildings is not a question o f per sonal enjoyment only. It is a matter also o f testimony to hundreds o f passers-by; for in China, the sight o f an evergreen arch proclaims that honor is being accorded a great man— on the occasion of his arrival or departure, or in recognition o f some meritorious service that he has per formed. The Christmas arch that spans the entrance to the Hunan Bible Institute bears silent witness to the fact that the only Truly Great One whom the world has ever known has come to be the Saviour o f all who will trust in Him. Our friendly gateman is smiling at us as we pass. There is no time today to pause for a long conversation, nor to observe the quantities o f gospel literature that are stored in the two gatehouses on either side o f the entrance. This lit erature is kept for the use o f the Evangelistic Bands, when they go out on their regular missions o f evangelism. The work o f the bands is a department separate from the regular school activities, but the evangelistic ministry which reaches unevangelized districts through these bands is n inspiration to the students and the means o f winning many souls. We are hurrying toward the
THE STORY THAT THE PICTURES TELL The large group is the student body and faculty at the Hunan Bible Institute, pictured at the entrance to the Milton Stewart Hall. Dr. Frank A. Keller, superintendent of the Hunan Bible Institute, is shown, with Mrs. Keller, in the inset at the left. The children at the right are the sons and daugh ters of members of the faculty, standing with their kinder garten teacher; these are the children for whom a Christmas party is given each year in the Roberts' home in China. Janet Roberts, and her twin sisters, Joyce and Jean, may be seen in the center of the group of children. At the lower right are Charles A. Roberts, Treasurer of the Hunan Bible Institute, and Mrs. Roberts (Grace Pike— Biola 1921), the author.
central building, the Milton Stewart Hall. In this building there are to be found offices, classrooms, and an auditorium that seats comfortably five hun dred people. But it is not to any o f these rooms that we are being led, but rather to the social hall on the third floor, an attrac tive room thirty by sixty feet in
The entrance gates are lavishly decorated with fir and cedar. A banner, intricately formed, com pletes the arch, and four large Chinese characters proclaim that the coming to earth of Jesus the ^Saviour is being celebrated here.
December, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
size. During the winter season, the regular morning worship period for the staff and student body is held here, and on Sunday afternoons, English vesper services are also held for missionaries o f several missions working in Changsha, Western business people, and English-speaking Chinese. There is a hum of excitement everywhere. A stately young fir tree beside the fireplace is decked with paper flowers and illuminated with strings o f electric bulbs. Students—young men and young women o f new China— having purchased from the local shopkeepers quantities of colored paper, are working together in the fashioning of hundreds of flowers and other decorations. These young people have the true Christmas spirit, for every one of them professes an experience o f the new birth. Did you notice the four-character inscription, carved in wood, which rests on the mantelpiece ? It was presented to the Institute by Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek as a token o f his respect for the work the Institute is doing in training young men and women for Christian work. Students often look at the inscription, and an expression o f wonderment passes over their faces as they observe the signature o f the giver. There is something purposeful about the manner in which these young people do their work o f decoration. They speak o f it themselves. They tell us they are trim ming this room—as they did the entrance to the compound — as a testimony to be given to their non-Christian friends. The mottoes on the walls, which are Chinese characters written in the venerated literary style and variously colored, are expressive of the Christmas sentiment: “ Immanuel,” “ Christ is come,” “ Jesus is born in Beth lehem.” These large characters are studded with paper flowers and other kinds o f ornamentation. Long strings of festoons stretch from one end o f the room to the other. The students, as they work, are thinking of one great day to come, greater in their observance o f it than Christmas Day itself. Christmas is a truly blessed time for every student—a time o f sweet fellowship together “ in the Lord.” Early on Christmas morning, a service will be held in the Institute chapel, after which the opportunity will be given to attend regular church service in any one of the several churches in Changsha. Upon entering the Institute, each student has been urged to affiliate with the church o f his personal preference. Thus the Hunan Bible Institute maintains its interdenominational character, for there is no local church officially connected with the Institute. In Changsha, a city of half a million population, there are seven evangelical churches which the students are free to attend: Presby terian, American Episcopal, Evangelical Church, Swedish and Norwegian Lutheran, English Methodist, and the China Inland Mission. Christmas afternoon is usually a quiet time. There is, as a rule, a children’s party at our home at four o ’clock, where the children o f our Chinese colleagues join with our own little folk. For the evening meal, in the Mary W .
Stewart Dining Room, and also for the entertainment which follows in the social hall, all the members o f the Institute group, with their families, will gather in happy fellowship. The day following Christmas is, to the students, a day of greater importance than any other because its objective is the sharing o f the gospel message with their friends who do not know Christ as Saviour. Into this room that is now being adorned with elaborate trimmings, about three hundred Chinese will be crowded on December 26. Besides the students and faculty mem bers, there will be numbers o f young men and women with whom the students have talked during the year, Chinese young people who are interested in Christianity but are not yet Christians. The guests, in groups o f eight, will sit at tables laden with the customary refreshments— watermelon seeds, peanut candy, rice balls, and sponge cakes. On each table there will be eight handleless cups, the tea leaves already placed. Because almost every Chinese in Changsha would like to share in the hospitality, admission is by personal invitation only, and tickets are issued for entrance. Invited to come at two o ’clock, the guests will begin to arrive at one. They will sit around the tables during the whole program, which is conducted by the students. They will listen to a clear gospel message, given, perhaps, on invi tation o f the students, by the Dean, or by Rev. Marcus Cheng, or by some other member o f the faculty. (M r. Cheng, by the way, is a personal friend o f Dr. Paul Rood, and a member o f the same denomination as Dr. Rood.) It may be that some who have heard the gospel many times will accept it on this coming day o f witness. This is the hope that fills the hearts o f the students o f the Hunan Bible Institute as the Christmas season approaches. A fter the message, at about four-thirty, six of the men students will come in with large teakettles of boiling water. These boys will pass from table to table, pouring out the hot water, and their coming will be the signal for all to partake of the refreshments. Then what a buzz o f con versation will fo llow ! It will be a wonderful afternoon for both the students and their friends—all enjoying a new sort of fellowship in commemoration o f the coming o f Jesus the Saviour. We return in thought to that same social hall on the last day o f the year. With the Chinese, the last day o f the year is a time o f reckoning accounts, o f the payment o f outstanding bills, o f the dismissal and engagement o f employees. This national custom which really relates to the end of the lunar year, takes on a spiritual significance for those who have accepted Christ; and December 31 at the Hunan Bible Institute is set apart as a day o f fasting and prayer. Searching messages from the Word o f God, given in the morning, are followed by a quiet time o f devotion when each student in his or her room is alone with the Lord. The missionaries gather for prayer, often at Dr. Keller’s home, in the afternoon. Throughout the Institute, [Continued on page 477]
The Buildings of the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, Hunan, China.
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