King's Business - 1935-12

Poland Offers the World Consecrated Young Christians—Not Blatant Young Atheists! A n O pportun ity fo r Am e r ican Christians

Here is the start of a Sunday School. A cold stable, with rough log walls and straw for a floor and the lowing o f the cattle interrupting the teaching of the lesson is their meeting place. This one photograph tells the story of many other groups of children. When the missionary brings together the nucleus of a church in a town or village, the poverty of the whole group frequently prevents the erection of a place of wor­ ship. W ill you help us build modest little places fit to be used for guiding these little children to their Saviour? Polish Orphans Need Help Too

500 members of the Y oung People’ s Circles and Christian Endeavor Societies o f th e Churches of Christ in Poland, gathered in National Convention, have issued this chal­ lenge to the Christians of the world: — “ Without additional leadership, an enlarged supply of Scriptures and Christian literature, and the immediate support of our workers in the field, we are absolutely unable to face effectively the odds of God's enemies in Poland, who are breaking family ties, taking away our Youth and making of them an increasing world menace!” They are no different from the youth of other lands in mentality and zeal, but they are close to the danger zone of anarchy and Athe­ ism and they realize their own responsibility to the Lord and to their companions. Christ or Atheism—Which? The condition of many young people on our Polish-Russian Frontier gives us deep concern. A recent letter tells u s: “ The minds and hearts of our young people are hungry and re­ ceptive. They are ready to swallow anything they come across.“ . When Christ is in the heart, Atheism has no soil in which to grow. Here alone lies the way to victory over the powers of darkness. Scores of consecrated Young Men and Young Women have been trained and are available for full-time service among the youth of Po­ land. They invite the Christian people of America to sustain them in the Master’s serv­ ice. - Only $15 to $25 monthly will support a worker in this missionary field of more than 34,000,000 Polish and Russian people. Make yourself a Committee of One to do something about this and do it at once. Unite a group of Young People, and older ones, too, to stand back of one of these fine young Chris­ tian workers. Write at once for illustrated booklets about the children and youth over there and the hun­ ger for the Gospel, Send your contribution for this work to the address given below.. It will be devoted to a selected young man or woman with whom you may correspond. Dr. Kanstanty Jaroszewicz President Hugh R. Monro Treasurer Will You Help?

Born in a Stable as was our Lord Your Contribution W ill Join With the Others to do the Following:—$15 to $25 will Support a Spirit-filled Missionary One Dollar Will Supply Two Polish Bibles Every Contribution Helps! A few people are supporting one o f these Missionaries, and what blessing it is to know that they are really carrying the Gospel every day to those seeking it. But a large number o f smaller amounts — $5.00, $2.00, $1.00, or even 50 cents — would soon accomplish the great task o f setting up a wall o f Christianity along Atheistic Russia. Come and See This Great Work Poland Fellowship Pilgrimage Leaves July, 1936 A delightful trip to Poland next July to see the great work that is being done there and to lend encouragement to the missionaries will be open to all. Every one that goes will be inspired by the eagerness of the mass of Polish people for Christianity and will take part in one of the greatest examples o f international Christian brotherhood. N ot only is this a great adventure in the spiritual, but Poland is a fresh and neglected beauty spot for travel. Opportunity will be given to see other parts of Europe and to go on to the Holy Land. Dr. Jaroszewicz and several prominent members of his committee will lead the party. The cost of a 5 weeks’ trip will be only $437.50* Write for particu­ lars NOW .

Our Mission Field Secretary, R e v . Jerzy S acew icz, writes: “ W h a t shall we do with our O R P H A N ­ AGE? W e cannot keep the children naked and unfed. It is better to let them go and beg!’ ’ But how can we preach the Gospel of Christ to the men and women while the orphans beg? Turning out the orphans will

harden the hearts of people toward Christian- ity. These children are a great opportunity and our first responsibility also, for Jesus said: “ Suffer the little children to come unto M e." Mark 10:14. Approved by Polish Government Churches can be established and religious WOrk carried on in Poland only by the ap­ proval of the Government. This must be secured by an application signed by a num­ ber o f Polish citizens. The U nion of Churches of Christ of Evangelical faith in Poland has the endorsement of the Governm ent--docu­ ments in the New York office verify this fact. This is assurance that your contribution will be honestly administered in Poland, just as the list of outstanding American Christian leaders insures the soundness of the work and its safe handling in this country.


Please Send Your Blessed Contribution to THE UNION OF CHURCHES OF CHRIST 156 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY D ear D r . J aroszewicz : Yes, I will answer the challenge to Youth in Poland in the following ways : □ Enclosed is $ ................for support of a Missionary for one month. ($15.00, $20.00 or $25.00 according to location). □ Enclosed is $ ................for Bibles. $ ................. for orphans. □ Enclosed is $ . . . . .fo r the Building Fund. □ I will send this amount every . . . . days—the Lord willing. □ Send me information about the Poland Fellowship Pilgrimage. "Name.. Address..

Tir r in Marartnev Chairman Mr J. C. Hill, Vice-Chairman

Dr. J. Alvin Orr, Secretary Mr. S.K. Cunningham, Treasurer

T, T TTM rs TTinanpial Secretary Mr W. E. Schuette Dr. A. G. MacLennan Mr. J. B. Eichenauer Mr N V DÌ.' W. M. Woodfln Mr. J. g Crutchfield Mr. M. S. Vandevort Dr.' J. W.‘ Claudy Dr! Geo. A. Long Dr. R. N. Montgomery Dr. S. N. Hutchinson New York Committee Mr. Hugh B. Monro, Treasurer Mr. C. E. Mason, Financial Secretary Mrs. Finley J. Shepard, Chairman of Gospel literature Committee Dr D. O. Shelton Col. E.N. Sanctuary Mr. F.S.MacIlvaine u r. a . a . Dr.' W. Chamberlain Bev. G. W Hunter Mr. H. E. A. Gibbs Eev C Bloom Dr. E. S. Idleman Dr. O. H. Dowkontt Bev. T. M. Chalmers Dr. M. J. MacLeod Bev J. E. Frazee Dr. James Parker Miss A. Macllvaine Dr. A. L. Lathem, Chairman of Christian Education Mr. Wm. Albert Harbison, Chairman Dr. M. C. Morgan, Vice-Chairman Mr. C. E. Gremmels, Vice-Chairman Dr. Harry M. Warren, Secretary Mr. H. D. Arents Dr. J. C. White Dr. H. E. Cobb Dr. H. H._Gregg

The Advisory Council

W. H. Sperry W. E. Sweeney D. J. Thornton J. E. Thrift O. A. Trinkle H. Wm. Vaile W. B. Walker A. F. Wells J. W. West A. P. Wilson C. H. Wilson E. Hunter Wray

H. C. Parson J. O. Patterson Ranson Perry M. B. Pringle R. L. Records G. L. Reeves Louis D. Ridell P. Roberts C. J. Sharp O. N. Shirley Ira R. Sidwell T. K. Smith R. E. Snodgrass

B. A. Honn A. M. Jackson A. M. Johnson T. H. Johnson S. P. Jones K. G. Keevil Ira A. Kirk Ira D. Matthews Herbert McKenzie M. B. Meeks J. DeF. Murch Leon L. Myers Douglas Ober

Pearl H. Welshimer, Chairman J. F. Arneal B. M. Bell F. Q. Blanchard Ira M. Boswell B. E. Elmore E. B. Errett

W. D. Daugherty Geo. Mark Elliott

L. L. Faris J. L. Fisher W. T. Fisher C. B. Franklin J. H. Goldner M. S. Hastings H. L. Hayes C. Holcomb

P. W. Boyer B. E. Brown C. A. Burton G. H. Cachiaras Byron Cassell Mark Collis A. B. Crouch S. H. Cunningham

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