King's Business - 1935-12


December, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

lighted up, and he interrupted me in the midst of my sentence, exclaiming: ‘Master, I see it n ow ! I understand. This is what you have been trying to tell us all these moons, that Jesus died to save us from the power o f sin.’ “Never did sweeter word fall from mor­ tal lips than when the word ‘Saviour’ for the first time fell from the lips of that black savage >in Central Africa.” — S elected .

baby Jesus in his arms and blessed God and sang His praise.

S t e r l i n g OloUpg?

A Genuine Christian Institution Doctrinally Sound Morally Clean Socially Wholesome Accredited Educationally Expenses Very Moderate • Investigation Solicited W rite President H . A . Kelsey Sterling, Kansas

When Simeon Saw Jesus L tjke 2:21-40

Object Lesson F unnels of F aith and U mbrellas ' of U nbelief

Memory Verse: “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Lk. 2:11). Approach: Some months after Mary had sung her song of praise to God to her cousin Elisabeth, it was time for the baby

Objects: A small umbrella (a toy one if possible), a large funnel, two cups, and a pitcher of water. Lesson: Boys and girls, why does your mother use a funnel, such as this one? “ So that she will not lose what she is pouring.” Did you ever hear of any one’s bringing a funnel to church in order not to lose any of the blessings God wants to give ? No, I suppose you never have, but there are those who are careful to catch all the blessings o f God. As I pour water into this funnel, the liquid is transferred to the cup beneath it. Do you remember the psalmist who wak so thankful for God’s blessings that he said: “My cup runneth over” ? Then there are others who come to the house of God with an umbrella. I am not talking about real umbrellas. I mean the imaginery ones, such as unbelief, preju­ dice, and doubt, which keep people frdm being refreshed by God’s showers of bless­ ings. The other cup under the umbrella does not get a drop of water as I pour from the pitcher. • _ This funnel reminds me of Simeon, when he went to the house o f God and. saw the baby Jesus. He went expecting to receive a blessing from God, and he received more than he expected. He caught every drop o f God’s blessings. He was so blessed that he said: “Mine eyes have seen thy salvation.” His cup of joy was full and running over. There were others in the temple that day who did not receive any blessing. They went home with empty cups, because they had brought their umbrellas of doubt and prejudice with them. When you go to the house of God, take your funnels of faith, leaving your um­ brellas of unbelief behind, and you will return with a full cup of God’s blessing.

Jesus to be born. You all know the story, I am sure,' - how Mary and Jo­ seph traveled to the far-away city of Bethlehem, and how Jesus was born in that crowded town. And, because there was no room in the inn to put the Lord Jesus, He was laid


Regardless of condition in flexible leather or leatherette. Satisfied customers all over U. S. Write postcard for illustrated circular, low prices. Dept. K.B. Goodwill Bindery, 425 W. First St., Flint, Michigan

A v , s l o *

Evangelist and Mrs. L. Brooks Laumann Estes Park, Colorado Faithful to the Word—Scriptural in its interpretation. Now booking campaigns Jan. to June 1, 1936. Write for engagements and references to Rev. Otto Engebretson , Nehawka, Nebraska (£onfc far GUjriatmaal Illustrated Booklet for 1935 “THE JOY OF GOD’S SALVA TIO N ” 25 cents. Prepaid. Orders filled Dec. 15 DR. HOWARD A . TALBOT 433 North Broadway :: :: DE PERE, WIS. ■ I A Famous Paraguay tea. Healthful, eco- m i l I I* nomical and sustaining. Good hot or iced. Use it and give it to friends. Agents wanted. Send $1. for 20-oz. tin, postpaid. P A N -A M E R IC A N TEA C O M P A N Y 1553 W . Jefferson, Los Angeles, California The Writer of “ TH E OLD RUGGED C R O S S ” Asks>—' Are you looking for a song booklet contain­ ing the ten most popular hymns, as deter­ mined from the Seth Parker contest con­ ducted by N. B. C., Rev. George Bennard’s newest numbers and many other outstand­ ing songs? Your search is over. We have it in REVIVAL CLASSICS just re­ cently off the press. 74 selected songs and hymns. 15c per copy, 25 or more copies at $10 per 100, not prepaid. Also remember our general purpose book FULL REDEMP­ TION SONGS, 25c in manila, $17.50 per 100; 35c in cloth, $2 7.50 per 100, not pre­ paid. Send all orders to • BENNARD MUSIC C O M P A N Y Main Office, Albion, Michigan Western Address: Hermosa Beach, Calif.

in a manger. You know how the angels came to the shepherds on the hills and told them of the birth of the Saviour, and how the shepherds went to the stable to worship Him. You know how, some time later, wise men from the East fol­ lowed a strange bright star in the sky which led them to the place where Jesus lay; and they, too, worshiped at His feet. Lesson Story: There was another place where the coming of the Saviour must be told, and that was in God’s house. And God arranged for that, too, so that Jesus, even when He was still a baby, was pro­ claimed in the temple as the Son of God. It came about in this way. In the city of Jerusalem there lived a very old man— so old that he was just waiting to die. This old man’s name was Simeon. God had told him that before he left this world, he should see this great promise fulfilled. One day, Simeon went to the temple. It was on this very day that Mary and Joseph had come to the temple with the baby Jesus to present Him to the Lord, as was the custom. At once Simeon knew that this Baby was the promised Saviour, and, in the presence of every one, Simeon took the

JANUARY 19, 1936 JESUS PREPARES FOR HIS WORK L uke 3 :1 to 4 :15

ment to come when He would formally identify Himself with His people, an iden­ tification which would never cease. Christ’s baptism evidenced the full and entire surrender of Himself unto God His Father, for whatever lay before the Son in fulfilling the purpose for which He came to earth. The Son of God had as­ sumed humanity; He had taken “the form of a servant.” His prayer on the occasion of His baptism, therefore, would be a prayer o f dedication, in which He would set Himself apart for the purposes and will of God.

Lesson T ext: Lk. 3:21, 22; 4:1-13. Golden T ext: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve” (Lk. 4:8). Outline and Exposition I. His D edication for H is W ork (3:21). O ur L ord ’ s baptism was His formal acceptance of and dedication to His office, and it lies at the entrance to His public ministry. Through the slow- moving years, He had waited for this mo­

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