King's Business - 1935-12

December, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


BEST PROPHETIC BOOKS ” Unveiling the Future** Twelve Prophetic Messages by Harry Rimmer Arno C. Gaebelein William B. Riley Charles G. Trumbull James M. Gray Keith L. Brooks L. Sale-Harrison Donald Gray Barnhouse Roy T. Brumbaugh Arthur I. Brown William L. Pettingill T. Richard Dunham You will be amazed and thrilled by reading one after another of these stirring, timely messages on FUTURE EVENTS. Compiled and edited by T. R ichard D unham . A beautiful cloth bound book with good paper and artistic covering. Only $1.00 Postpaid ??The Program of Peace” By Joseph Taylor Britan, D.D. Introduction by Charles G. Trumbull, Litt. D„ The author shows the cause of WAR, attempts at PEACE, the philosophy of Nationalism and Internationalism, the menace of Communism, the approach of Armageddon and God’s PROGRAM OF PEACE. Favorably reviewed by Dr. Trumbull, Dr. Bieber, Dr. Eggleston, and others. 160 Pages . . Cloth Binding . . Good Paper . . Artistic Cover Jacket . . Only $1.00 Postpaid FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH PUBLISHERS FINDLAY, OH IO S U N S E T M A G A Z I N E Deals with the preparation of tasty and economical meals, attractive home decorations, Western garden, travel, etc. Subscription price 50 cents a year; Canadian and foreign subscriptions ¿12.50 a year. L A N E P U B L I S H I N G C O M P A N Y 576 Sacramento Street * ” San Francisco, California ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES "called into existence" by the need Used for more Bible in the Bible School and Praised by a ) Thousand Schools With Ethiopia, Italy, Germany and ail the world agog, and at a time PEACE is the talk and desire of millions, the intelligent mind will welcome this most timely, scholarly, Scriptural work from the pen of a great student.

for His work, and a fte r Satan had tempted Him and had found that he could not get Jesus to sin, the Lord Jesus was ready to begin His teaching. Where do you think He would want to go to teach? Yes, to Naza­ reth, the place where He had been brought

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up.. And since the things which He was going to teach the people about were the things of God, where do you suppose He went first to tell them these things? Yes, He went to their church on their day of worship. Lesson Story: The Lord Jesus took the book which the prophet Isaiah had written for the people hundreds o f years before. In this book, which is part of our Bible, Isaiah had 'told the people of the coming o f their Saviour. Jesus found the place in the book and read to them. Then He sat down and said: “This day. is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears,” The people looked at each other in great surprise. Did this Man mean that He was God’s Son, promised by God ever since the first man had lived—God’s Son who was to save them from their sins and lead them back to God? Why, this was Jesus, whom they had known as the son o f Joseph the carpenter. Hadn’t they known Him ever since He was a little boy? Hadn’t they watched Him play around the shop and work there with Joseph? It was hard for them to believe that God’s great Gift should come to them in this simple way. And the people wouldn’t believe it. They "rose up, and thrust him out of the city.” Jesus “came unto his own, and his own received him not.”


Object Lesson A S hoe and a S inner

Objects: An old shoe and a paper bag. Lesson: You can’t guess what I have in this paper sack. Try as you may, I am sure that you never will be able to guess; I shall have to tell you. It is a likeness of the human family when Christ came into the world. Pictures were not taken in those days, but I am sure that you will agree that this is a good likeness. “Oh, it’s just an old shoe.” But wait until I call your attention to some of the ways in which this old shoe is like the human family at the time of Christ’s coming. What are the little holes called through which the shoe laces pass ? “Eyes.” Yes, this shoe has many eyes, but it can­ not see. This inability to see was one thing Christ found wrong with the human family. The people could see wordly things, but not spiritual things. They were spiritually blind. They needed to have their eyes opened. [Continued on page 468]

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