King's Business - 1935-12

December, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Helps On the Pages Where Needed The Scofield Reference Bible Edited by Rev. C. I. SCOFIELD, D.D. Assisted by Eminent Scholars

in order that the weary, bruised feet of other people may find ease and comfort on the road. For some o f the ways of life are very rough and flinty, and the sharp jagged edges of circumstances cut the feet most sorely, and “ going” is for many people a matter o f ceaseless pain. It is the blessed privilege of Christians to lay a soft surface on the roads by spreading over them the graciousness of tender compassion so stooping that other pilgrims can “walk over us” and so forget the hardships of the way.— J. H . J owett . II. L ove ’ s G ift Turgenieff in one of his parables tells o f meeting a beggar who held out his greasy hands for alms. Turgenieff search­ ed all his po.kets, but had no money, no food, nothing whatever to give the man. He said to him, “I am sorry, brother, that I have nothing for thee.” The beggar’s face brightened, and he said, “That is enough. Thank you.” To be called “brother” was better than any alms would have been. | E - A quilla W ebb . III. T he B urden ’ s W eight A little Scotch girl was trudging along, carrying as best she could a boy who was younger, though he seemed almost as large as she. When some one remarked to her how heavy he must be for her to carry, she indignantly replied, “He’s nae heavy; he’s mi brither.” We have here a funda­ mental truth brought with potency. Love lightens labor.— S elected . IV. R eaching O ut to O thers A young lady who was always ill at ease and awkward in company asked a Christian woman what she should do to overcome it. “Always think o f others, dear, never o f yourself” was the reply. Such, I believe, would be Paul’s advice in answer to the question, “How can I reach men?” Such certainly was his ac­ tion, for who can detect the slightest sel­ fishness in all his biographical letters? He was always ready to “spend and be spent” for the furtherance of the gospel. It costs to live an unselfish life, but it pays. “ The noblest end of life is to live for the serv­ ice o f God. And everything is His service by which we can be or give a blessing to another .”—Record o f Christian Work. JANUARY 19, 1936 W H A T DOES THE BIBLE MEAN BY “ LOST” AND “ FOUND” ? L uke IS :l-6, 9-24 Meditation on the Lesson In these matchless stories given by our Lord Jesus Christ, we have the revelation o f the tender heart o f our loving heavenly Father. His mercy and compassion are so clearly shown that not even the dullest mind can fail to grasp the tenderness. The story of the Good Shepherd was not an entirely new message to Jewish ears, for the people were very familiar with Psalm 23, with its comforting teaching, “ The Lord is my shepherd.” But Jesus is painting the picture a little more vividly. He is emphasizing the love for the “lost” sheep. Psalm 23 stresses Jehovah’s daily care for the sheep in the fold. This story’s

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